But in this situation, Lu Chen also killed Shangguan Feiyun. It turned out that Shangguan Feiyun burned his life essence, so that he now looks like an old man, embarrassed and miserable. The man in the green robe hurt Shangguan Feiyun. At this time, the Shangguan family lost his wife and broke down, and the spread will definitely seriously affect the Shangguan family's momentum.

Originally, Shangguan family was in the middle and upper reaches of the hermit family, but one after another lost face and its influence was bound to decline day by day. Everyone knew this well, so they sighed, seemingly powerful and profound. The hermit family of hermit can't stand the tossing again and again, just because they offended Lu Chen.

With his own strength, he constantly provokes the bottom line of the Shangguan family. For thousands of years, I am afraid that only Lu Chen has been a special case. A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. The big elder of Jubao Pavilion looked complicated and took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, the anger in his heart was calmed down.

"Hehe, Lu Chen, go to my treasure-gathering pavilion more when you have time." The elder thought that Lu Chen would fall, but the facts before him made him have to bow his head. Such a genius leader, as long as he does not fall halfway, he will sooner or later. Grown up.

Maybe it’s too late to squeeze in. The great elder recognized Huang Zhongzheng’s vision at this time. He was able to distinguish the potential of Lu Chen as an alien. It was indeed extraordinary, even when he heard that Lu Chen created one after another. The miracle, seizing the title of Zhuge Yu's first genius, and provoking the majesty of Zhuge's family were all scornful.

Only then did the great elder realize his mistake. He was a little jealous and frantic. If Lu Chen was a disciple of Jubaoge, then the great elder would definitely do his best to train him. Jubaoge didn’t lack anything, just lacking a genius like Lu Chen. The leader, he heard that Lu Chen doesn't seem to have any deep background, but under such circumstances, Lu Chen has also grown up. It is conceivable that Lu Chen's enchanting talent has made him jealous.

Lu Chen's temperament all over his body made his eyes shine. Since Lu Chen didn't wait to see him, the elders didn't think there was any need to please him, and he was not the kind of person who was good at putting others' farts and stocks on a hot face.

"Nothing happened to you Chenxingmen, then we can't help, Yan Dong, let's go back." The elder couldn't bear the eager gaze cast from all directions, he was a little depressed. Not to mention, it has no effect.

Although Lu Chen did not sarcasm them, his eyes and demeanor had already revealed how shrewd the Great Elder was. He walked away with Severe Winter, even though Severe Winter was a little unhappy and wanted to talk with Lu Chen. But found that he did not give a chance.

Lu Chen smiled tacitly and made a gesture to indicate that he would go to Yan Dong again. The latter sighed in relief, which made Chen Xingmen's disciples a little bit dumbfounded. None of the great geniuses in the city of Eden had the opportunity to come into contact with them before, but now as the master of the Star Gate Lu Chen emerges, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Even the hermit family is involved. They feel proud and proud. As long as they mix with Lu Chen, sooner or later they will get ahead. The system of Chenxingmen is still quite fair. What I have to admit is that the old man, after discussing with Lu Chen, The complete plan that comes out is very practical.

After the storm that Shangguan Feiyun came to the door this time, the cohesion of the Chenxing Gate has reached a level that has never been seen before. After all, the Chenxing Gate was established not long ago. If you don't experience a bit of wind and rain, how can you spot who is plotting wrong?

After that, Lu Chen scanned the ordinary cultivators who were onlookers, a little bit dumbfounded. These people seemed to be afraid of him. Maybe some people knew him before, but now, unlike the past, Lu Chen’s identity is completely different. They don’t. Dare to climb high.

This is the deterrent effect of strength. Lu Chen took the old man and walked straight into the house, "Lu Chen, how about it, what is the matter about the land of Xuan Yin?" The old man looked at Lu Chen and asked curiously. , He seemed to be able to hear his nervous heartbeat.

If Lu Chen creates a miracle again and solves that Xuan Yin. Taoists, perhaps occupying the land of Xuan Yin, are really not daydreaming. After all, Lu Chen killed Shangguan Feiyun not long ago. That is the elder of the Shangguan family of the Hidden Clan, which basically means Chenxingmen and Shangguan family. It's a complete war.

Of course Lu Chen had noticed. Before the Great Elder of Jubao Pavilion left, the playful smile in his eyes was clearly worrying about the future of Chenxingmen. Even a three-year-old boy knew that Shangguan would not let it go. After all, Although Lu Chen's talent potential is extraordinary.

However, the Shangguan family lost an elder and messenger, and their faces were ashamed. How could they raise their hands high? Originally dispatched an elder, but they could respect Lu Chen's behavior, but no one would have thought that Lu Chen would be able to kill Shangguan. Feiyun.

I am afraid that it will not take long before Chenxingmen will face the revenge of Shangguan's violent storms. Will Chenxingmen still be proud and arrogant and continue to shine? This is still an unknown result, but there is no doubt that they are not very optimistic about Chenxingmen.

There are some passionate young people who want to join Chenxingmen. After this incident, they think joining Chenxingmen is a kind of glory, but after being persuaded by the elders, after thinking about it, it seems very reasonable. Chenxingmen was overshadowed for a while. All sects seem to have a tendency to rise out of control, but it is undeniable that Chenxingmen is too high-profile, and it will receive fierce retribution.

Lu Chen is just a person after all, can he resist unpredictable revenge? They can only wait and see. After the storm spread to many powerful sects, it caused a commotion, especially the enemies of Chenxingmen-Qingyunmen and Zhuge's family. They were a little overwhelmed. Qingyunmen was okay, after all. Since the last time, Lu Chen seems to have nothing to do with them.

Although a young talented leader proposed to find a suitable opportunity to kill Lu Chen, even the ancestors of Qingyunmen were not sure to deal with Lu Chen. Imagine that even Shangguan Feiyun's existence is so terrifying that Lu Chen can be used. There is no way to make myself feel different.

The ancestors of Qingyunmen asked themselves that they didn't have the surging means like Shangguan Feiyun, so they could only swallow this breath. They didn't want to be the second Zhuge family.

The choice of Qingyunmen is undoubtedly correct, because at this time the Zhuge family has already set off a huge wave that cannot be calmed. The ancestor of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Batian, summoned all the direct descendants, and repeatedly ordered to see Lu Chen in the future. , If you want to make a detour, you can't say even a contradiction.

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