Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2319: The rise of madness

Not only that, people who see the Chenxing Gate must be polite, which makes many Zhuge family genius leaders dissatisfied. Among them, Zhuge Feng’s son, Zhuge Cong, is the most unhappy. He thinks that Lu Chen doesn’t. What's terrible, it's just being described as supernatural by others.

But after Zhuge Cong heard that Lu Chen had killed Shangguan’s elder, Shangguan Feiyun, his whole body was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang. He said nothing. Although he didn’t say anything, he still sneered at him. Before seeing Lu Chen's true strength, everything was hearsay.

Maybe it was Lu Chen's luck that suppressed Shangguan Feiyun and killed Shangguan Feiyun with some powerful forbidden power. Isn't this a speculation?

He found a chance and must test Lu Chen's methods. After all, after Lu Chen took away the title of Zhuge Yu's first genius, he was dissatisfied. He had always felt that this title should belong to him.

However, after Zhuge Yu became the core disciple of the Zhuge family, he did not have any advantage. Even though his father Zhugefeng kept secreting various cultivation treasures and miraculous medicines for him to take, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, but he still couldn't exceed Zhuge Yu, but when he officially recognized that he was the core of Zhuge's family to train disciples, his strength could be said to be rapid.

His confidence swelled sharply, and it was normal if he didn't put Lu Chen in his eyes. He doubted that Shangguan Feiyun was a rubbish. How could someone from the Hidden Family still be unable to deal with Lu Chen?

He knew well that Zhuge's family was an affiliated family of Shangguan's family, but they didn't have many contacts, so while following the teachings of Zhuge Tyrant, he was thinking about **** Lu Chen.

In that way, all the halo that praised Lu Chen would reach his head, and Zhuge Cong was crazy about it when he thought of that feeling.

Zhuge Batian was impatient, but he didn't notice Zhuge Cong's changes. Who knew this detail caused the Zhuge family to lose another dazzling talented leader.

Zhuge Batian was panting heavily. He was not worried about anything else, but because of the fall of Shangguan Feiyun, perhaps the Shangguan family would move to Zhuge’s family, even though Zhuge’s family was the largest family in Eden City, but When it came to Shangguan's house, then it was nothing.

The anger of the Shangguan family is definitely not something he can bear. Therefore, he is considering how to shirk responsibility. In fact, he does not have much responsibility for this matter, but no one dares to speculate about the actions of the Shangguan family in a state of rage. .

"Have you heard that?" Zhuge Batian roared and roared. He couldn't find Lu Chen to vent his anger, so he would be angry with his own people. More than one hundred direct descendants of Zhuge's family kept nodding their heads, repeatedly saying yes. , For fear that Zhuge Batian slapped them to death.

They have no doubt that Zhuge Batian's character is quite difficult and irritable. A careless, high-level blood relationship may be killed by Zhuge Batian.

If it hadn't been for Zhuge Batian's youth, his cruel deeds had some influence, and he would have established his position. It would be unrealistic to establish Zhuge's family.

Able to become the largest family, Zhuge Batian himself is a visionary hero, and his whole body has revealed extremely terrifying deterrence.

Zhuge Lei and Zhuge Feng were also silent. They were shivering like cicadas. The shock in their hearts could not be calm for a long time. Lu Chen actually killed Shangguan Feiyun. When they heard the news, their first reaction was to joking. , Didn't believe it, but after getting Zhuge Batian's personal confession, they didn't have any doubts, the only thing left was an infinite shock.

In fact, they can't be blamed for this. After all, Lu Chen came to Zhuge's house not long ago to make a fuss, and their two brothers had no effect on Lu Chen.

But that can only show that Lu Chen's strength is extraordinary. The two brothers think that they have no chance of winning together against Shangguan Feiyun, but if they were to solve Lu Chen together at that time, it shouldn't be a big deal. Lu Chen can only say that it is the end of the battle.

After a long time, Lu Chen possessed such unfathomable strength, even if they were knowledgeable and knowledgeable, they would not be able to accept it for a while.

Even though Lu Chen's strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, he could still cultivate at a rapid pace, he wouldn't be able to compete with the elders of the Hidden Family. They were puzzled about the little-known secrets this kid had.

It seems that the days when their Zhuge family was in the city of Eden to cover the sky with one hand are about to pass, and another new school, Chenxingmen, is going to step on the crazy rise of Zhuge family!

Whether it can stop it depends on whether the illusory Shangguan's family has been resolved. Zhuge Lei and Zhuge are relatively older, so when they were young, under the leadership of Zhuge Batian, they went to Shangguan's family. The scene at that time was so magnificent that they couldn't forget in their lives, and it affected Zhuge Lei and Zhuge Feng subtly.

Just as the so-called good men are in all directions, although their Zhuge family can hardly surpass the Shangguan family, they have the opportunity to rise proudly. Sure enough, after decades of development, the Zhuge family's position in the city of Eden has consolidated, which makes Shangguan family comparison Pride, at least in the gathering of the hermit family, can boast that it is the merit of their Shangguan family. Although there are some shameless elements, it has to be admitted that the Zhuge family did this.

Who knows that the good times will not last long, with the emergence of Lu Chen, the situation has quietly changed, and Lu Chen has damaged the reputation of Zhuge's family one after another.

It brought irreparable losses to the Zhuge family. Zhuge Batian hated Lu Chen deeply and gritted his teeth, but he could only wait and see the changes. In the end, he would pay more and pay more tribute to the Shangguan family.

As long as the foundation of their Zhuge family is stabilized, everything can be slowly scraped.

After a few days, the city of Eden was unexpectedly calm, but everyone seemed to realize that this was the calm before the storm, suppressing people's breath. Ordinary cultivators know how to protect themselves, so they are so obedient. Hid.

Although in the past few days, the old man has found Lu Chen time and time again, and explained to him the serious consequences of beheading Shangguan Feiyun, but Lu Chen's breezy and calm performance seemed to be careless.

The old man had no choice but to prepare some things quickly, because he learned from Lu Chen that the land of Xuan Yin had been taken down, even though Xuan Yin. The Taoist hasn't fallen yet, but it's almost there, as long as Lu Chen is willing, he can take his life at any time.

This news undoubtedly gave the old man a strong shock. He admitted that Lu Chen's methods were the most unique in his life.

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