If Chenxingmen moved to the land of Xuanyin, there might still be a glimmer of hope. After all, Chenxingmen's background is not strong yet, but it occupies a good territory, even if the official invades it, there are opportunities and methods to guard against.

The old man confessed some matters to the disciples of the Chen Xing Sect. It was about the transfer of positions. Originally, the disciples of the Chen Xing Sect didn't believe it, but I heard that Lu Chen had solved Xuan Yin. After the Taoist, they were ecstatic.

I had long heard that the land of Xuanyin was a place for cultivation, but they didn't have the courage to go in. The land of Xuanyin was extremely vicious and was well known.

Of course, apart from this, the old man did not forget to calm the hearts of the people. Although Lu Chen killed Shangguan Flywheel and solved the urgent need, the follow-up disaster is also conceivable. The old man's work can be described as dripping. Not only that, but he also comforted. The family members of the fallen six talented leaders.

Only in this way can the name of the Chenxing Gate be proved. After all, the Chenxing Gate is not long. All measures must be taken into consideration. Those six talented geniuses joining the Chenxing Gate are worthy of his Chenxing Gate. Because of Shangguan Feiyun’s sudden attack, they If they fell, they had to make heavy compensation to their relatives and friends, or else anyone would dare to risk their lives and join the Star Gate.

Lu Chen knew the passive position of Mingchen Star Gate. He had to seize another opportunity to turn things around. The Shangguan family would definitely make a comeback. Lu Chen didn't doubt that.

He continued to improve his strength. In that battle, he fought incisively and vividly, so in terms of this understanding, he was quite full of understanding. With Lu Chen's potential talent, he spied the Hongmeng Jue.

Taking advantage of this critical point, it is necessary for Lu Chen to try to unlock the seal. He possesses an earth-sage-level realm, and suffers from being constrained in the Garden of Eden space, unable to exert all his strength. He can realize that at this time he has control. , It's just a drop in the Divine Realm.

The more he thought about it, the more enthusiastic he became. Perhaps the level of Eden was too low. According to his understanding, the Garden of Eden was only a low-level space, and the Pantheon was a medium-sized space, and the restraint force should be much smaller.

In the Garden of Eden, if he tried his best, he would tear the space apart. One can imagine how fragile the space in the Garden of Eden is. After Lu Chen figured out this truth, he didn't want to dig in.

He is not the kind of obsessive person, he also knows how to adapt. Just as Lu Chen was meditating and practicing, he frowned, his figure flickered, and disappeared from the room. It was midnight and he couldn't see his fingers in the dark, but he didn't. Influencing Lu Chen's exploration, his eyes were filled with breathtaking cold light.

"Your Excellency, come out." Lu Chen said lightly, but there was nothing left except the sound of the wind. It was a bit shocking, Lu Chen was very clever, and after a while, he swept in one direction. The moment he raised his hand.

"Susu." There were two abrupt sounds. Lu Chen stamped his feet into the sky, and then took out the Hongmeng Sword and waved it twice. The Hongmeng sword's aura came out, and Lu Chen's mouth was a little proud. color.

"Boom boom." Those two hidden weapons were directly smashed by Hongmeng Sword Qi. His understanding of Hongmeng Sword Qi had reached a level of superb understanding. Lu Chen's freely retractable methods were afraid that he could not deal with a killer?

But that assassin was not an ordinary person, he seemed to have melted into the night, even though Lu Chen had just judged the position of the man in black, that was only a rough idea.

He has some admiration for the concealment skills of the man in black. This guy doesn't know how strong it is, but with this culmination of concealment skills, it is absolutely unfavorable. He wants to kill anyone with ease.

It just happened that Lu Chen was a stranger. His keen sense of smell was not inferior to the name of the diamond-level killing method, so Lu Chen found something wrong for the first time.

The man in black still did not appear, Lu Chen felt a chill in his heart, and an unprecedented sense of crisis permeated, and he quickly flashed away, it was too late!

"Hiss." A sharp sword pierced into Lu Chen's arm, and the man drew it fiercely. The pain in his heart rushed into his heart. Lu Chen didn't have a chance to worry. It turned out that the killer was not the master, the real strong. The person is still hidden!

It's a pity that Lu Chen found out late, "Haha, boy, you are very good, but I found Lao Tzu very much, but since you have been hit by the sword, don't think about surviving." A short stature, seemingly weak man, revealed himself. Lu Chen took a deep breath in Lu Chen's sight. He had already felt that a strange toxin was spreading rapidly in his body.

Lu Chen was surging with the energy of the five elements, but he was surprised to find that not only did the toxin spread not stop, it also accelerated a lot. What kind of situation is this, Lu Chen's mouth twitches slightly.

His head was a little dizzy. The ordinary-looking man didn't make any further moves, but stared at Lu Chen with a pitiful look, "Big brother, don't stop, hurry up and get rid of this kid, lest there be extravagances, hey, let's say he killed Shangguan Feiyun, I also believe that the old guy died innocently." From the direction Lu Chen had judged before, a joking male voice came with a little emotion and sigh.

They didn't know what their mood was, they mentioned Shangguan's family, Lu Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up. In his opinion, this should not be from Shangguan's family, otherwise how could he call Shangguan Feiyun like that.

Isn't Shangguan Feiyun the elder of Shangguan family? At any rate, they also have a certain status, and the origins of these two men have become confusing.

"Second, don't talk nonsense, what Shangguan Feiyun is, be careful that there are ears on the wall!" The unsightly man seemed to be a little worried, showing an overwhelming aura, and after investigating, there was no suspicious target before he sighed with relief. .

"Hey, boss, I said how careful you are, this kid is already a mortal person, even if someone is there, can we not catch the target?" It turned out to be a fat man with a big belly. It is difficult to imagine his such a huge body. Such a fast speed.

His carefree tone can be considered excusable. After all, Lu Chen is poisoned by toxins, not ordinary venom, even if he has a special physique, he will definitely not survive a stick of incense!

Sure enough, Lu Chen's face was pale with green blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. His face was full of unwillingness. He was still careless. After beheading Shangguan Feiyun, Lu Chen's self-confidence swelled wildly, as if he didn't tell the legend. The hidden world sect family in the eyes.

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