Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2321: By the side

Now he has paid a tragic price, am I just dead like this? Lu Chen muttered to himself, his eyes were hollow and the eyes of the two became more and more proud. They are people of the hermit sect, in Shangguan. After the family begged in every way, and offered a huge profit, asking them to deal with Lu Chen, he reluctantly proceeded with this task. Although Lu Chen's talent potential was not bad, he was stared at by the two brothers, and there was basically no way to survive.

Shangguan's hand borrowed a knife to kill people, and they played with the fire of the fire. They waited for Lu Chen to fall, and then randomly dispatched a few talented leaders of average strength, and they were able to kill the Chenxing gate.

When the time comes, let the news come out casually, Lu Chen has been beheaded by the Shangguan family, maybe it was Lu Chen running around, not dare to face the Shangguan family, so they wouldn't be too embarrassed.

Shangguan's doing this, in fact, also had difficulties. They were not sure to deal with Lu Chen, and even Shangguan Feiyun was in a different place.

If you are sending an elder rashly to take action, you might have to repeat the same mistakes. It is impossible for the Shangguan family to let the ancestor himself go out because of Lu Chen. That would be too much for Lu Chen.

Even if they kill Lu Chen easily, they will not be praised or praised by the Shangguan family, but will be discriminated against and spurned by the hermit family.

When the time comes, his status will plummet, and there will be no benefit. Under such circumstances, he can only use the hands of others to kill Lu Chen.

Even if they are unsuccessful, there is nothing to worry about. The big deal is to die two elites who are alone. They don't have to pay any price to go to the official family!

Such a scheme is undoubtedly extremely successful. Shangguan's wishful thinking is playing loudly, but such a scheme is brewing.

Lu Chen's face was unbelievable, which confirmed the shock in his heart. The effect of the venom was beyond his imagination. Lu Chen's voice and smile appeared in Lu Chen's mind. He was a little sorry that he would never see her again. ? Is this all destiny?

No, why do you want to make such an arrangement? I can't help it. Lu Chen's heart was filled with unprecedented anger. God has nothing to do. As long as he angers him, God's will will be violated!

His eyes were red, like a wild beast with mad hair. The two brothers immediately noticed Lu Chen's anomaly, and just planned to make up for it, "Roar." Lu Chen even roared hysterically. I don't know why. Sound waves bring unparalleled explosive power.

The two brothers were shocked far away, their faces were full of horror, and the sudden changes made them a little unacceptable. They were like kites with broken wires flying upside down dozens of meters away.

Lu Chen squeezed his fist, and the sound of bones spread through his face. His face was angry. The fierce and evil aura spread over thousands of miles. The two brothers held their bodies and wanted to solve Lu Chen. It's too late.

"Boom boom boom." A series of loud and earth-shaking noises made the surrounding people think that the end of the world was coming, and their faces were panicked.

The majestic Five Elements Qi is no longer as pure as before, and has a tendency to be violent. It turns out that with the change of Lu Chen's mentality, the Five Elements Qi is also not honest.

The spirit of the five elements was originally competitive, but because of Lu Chen's low-key, the spirit of the five elements has been reduced. At this critical moment, without Lu Chen's control, a warm current from his dantian quickly spread all over his body. , The toxin was wiped away instantly.

It turned out to be the essence of his origin. With the ability to tolerate all things and tolerate all the rivers, the toxins were directly absorbed and turned into Lu Chen's own strength.

The muscles of his whole body continued to grow, and his clothes suddenly couldn't bear it, and he broke open. At this time, the old man and others had noticed the abnormality. When they saw the situation clearly, they were all dumbfounded.

Lu Chen looked like a hill, giving people an incomparable sense of oppression. This was a bit shocking, and the breath of the two brothers was not weak.

Their regret is unquestionable, but regret has no effect. If you seized the opportunity to let Lu Chen's head fall, there would be no need to consider this change.

This kid is very weird and cannot be judged by common sense at all. Even the elders of the hermit sect family do not have the ability to resist.

But Lu Chen seemed to be fine, and there was still a mutated five-element aura all over his body, and the space was torn apart by Lu Chen a little distorted, but he didn't have the heart to worry about this. The two brothers wanted to kill him, then He paid a tragic price, Lu Chen wanted to kill the chicken and the monkey, no matter who it is, as long as he offends him, there will be no good fruit!

This incomparable courage, I am afraid that the entire Garden of Eden space is only for him. The two brothers are unwilling to give up and give up their previous achievements. They both lie in ambush for a long time.

Just waiting to take Lu Chen's corpse, and then go to the location where Shangguan's house was located, and get rich revenge, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Lu Chen not only resolved the toxins, but also achieved a qualitative breakthrough in strength.

They smelled a hint of danger. Under normal circumstances, cultivators cannot be violent. Only high-level monsters can be possible, but this conclusion is not applicable to Lu Chen.

Unless it is a person with a very special physique, it is possible to accomplish all this in a certain situation!

Sure enough, Lu Chen's arm was gradually covered by scales. When everyone looked at it, they couldn't help taking a breath. This is a genuine dragon scale, but what is strange is that the dragon scale on Lu Chen's arm is Colorful, this should be inseparable from his Five Elements Qi.

In Lu Chen's extreme grief and indignation, he stimulated the potential of the Five Elements Qi, and that was transformed into a true dragon of the Five Elements!

These are five magical and noble species. Even if they are compared to the king of the dragon family-the five-clawed golden dragon, they will not do too much, but as time goes on, I don’t know why, the true dragon of the five elements has become extinct. That’s right. It disappeared under the eyes of the world for no reason.

No matter how you look for it, you can’t unearth it. There is a reliable saying that the true dragon of the five elements must be a high-level true dragon to absorb the true and pure essence of the five elements between heaven and earth before it has a certain possibility to transform into a true dragon of the five elements. It is the true dragons of the five elements that were captured by the strong man in the sky and imprisoned.

Furthermore, apart from the ability of cultivators to choose fighting and defense techniques, there are other side-by-side techniques that are not recognized. What Lu Chen displayed at this time should be the magical technique in their impressions. Getting up is as difficult as climbing to the sky. The prerequisite is that the cultivator's physique can meet the conditions, otherwise no matter how hard you work, even if you spend your entire life, there will be no way to get started!

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