This is a bit shocking. After all, Hongmeng Sword Qi is only one of Lu Chen's own strengths, not a real thing, but the terrifying deterrence that bursts out is no worse than those magic weapons. I don’t know how Lu Chen cultivated it. of.

Even Shangguan Qingyun is a little bit envious and jealous. His eyes are full of fanaticism. Such a genius can't let him survive, otherwise he will grow up. It is also a fatal threat to his Shangguan family. unbelievable.

It is a miracle in itself that a stinky hairy boy can grow to such a level. It is strange that Lu Chen has not fallen. At this time, he involuntarily becomes cautious, his gestures are constantly changing, and a breath that seems to come from ancient times bursts out. Then, everyone's expressions changed slightly. I don't know if Lu Chen can persist in this way. It turned out that Shangguan Qingtian's palm prints were printed, and he turned into a tiger, "Roar." The tiger roared, and an unprecedented ferocious aura filled the surroundings. Tight, a huge wave was set off in my heart.

This Shangguan Qingtian is by no means a waiting person. The mimicry ability has reached such a weird and perverted level. I am afraid that only the five-element true dragon summoned by Lu Chen not long ago can far exceed him.

I don’t know if Lu Chen can make more brilliant achievements. The people in Chenxingmen can’t help but look forward to it. They are not optimistic about this six-pointed sword formation. After all, it is a move that has never been heard before, but the old man doesn’t think so. His eyes are full of energy, with Lu Chen Can such a powerful means of breaking a bamboo withstand the attack of the tiger?

"Sisi." The tiger's teeth and claws wanted to tear the dark purple Hongmeng sword aura. It hated the feeling of being restrained. Although the Hongmeng sword aura was extremely domineering, the tiger also wanted to break through.

The swift means of the tiger caused the air to make bursts of abnormal noises, accompanied by unparalleled explosive power, it immediately collided with Hongmeng Jianqi.

"Bang." The earth-shaking loud noise was passed, and the dark purple Hongmeng sword aura hit the behemoth body of the tiger, and directly broke the rough leather armor of the tiger. The tiger made a terrible cry, making everyone a little creepy. It feels like this Hongmeng Jianqi is too terrifying.

The many disciples of the Chenxing Gate were full of awe, and their sect master was indeed very tyrannical, compared to Shangguan Qingtian, and perhaps the members of the hermit sect family were not as terrible as in the legend.

The eyes of the disciples of the Chenxing Gate unknowingly improved a lot. This was all caused by Lu Chen, a tyrannical sect master. There is no doubt that the strange and aggressive methods Lu Chen showed had opened up Shangguan Qingtian. In his vision, he did not hesitate, surging the condensed weather aura in his body, contending with the Hongmeng sword aura. He did not believe that after the tiger's block, the Hongmeng sword aura could still maintain its surging momentum, which was a bit shocking.

"Boom." The two overbearing auras collided, causing a series of space cracks. Those disciples with low strength quickly stepped back two steps intriguingly, for fear of being implicated. This space crack is not a joke.

Once the space cracks formed, even if they wanted to escape, they would have no chance. It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the aftermath of Lu Chen and Shangguan Qingtian's fight.

Then Shangguan Qingtian took a look at his own aura of heaven and earth. As a result of years of cultivation, he was naturally majestic and majestic. It didn't seem weak to resist Hongmeng sword aura.

Just as Shangguan Qingtian breathed a sigh of relief, the surrounding Five Elements Qi had undergone earth-shaking changes. It was originally calm. At this time, the Five Elements Qi violently attacked Shangguan Qingtian without giving him any reaction. .

"Ah." At this moment, Shangguan Qingtian's face finally couldn't keep calm. After all, he knew well that Lu Chen could control several completely different powers half-heartedly, which showed Lu Chen's talent potential.

Shangguan Qingtian's heart moved, and he hurriedly called out his personal defense treasure. A golden armor appeared, undoubtedly of superior quality. Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised. His expression of playfulness immediately followed his five elements. Hit the magnified golden armor.

"Huh." Shangguan Qingyun couldn't help but snorted, with an unbelievable expression. It turned out that Lu Chen's five-element energy penetrated the defense of the golden armor. This strange thing made him a little difficult for a while. Accepted, he had predicted that Lu Chen might have some ulterior assassin and hole cards.

These five elements are not a trump card. I heard that Lu Chen showed such a hand when he dealt with Shangguan Feiyun. If the old trick is repeated, he can be caught off guard. What does this prove? And the confidence of the five elements.

The corners of Shangguan Qingyun's mouth twitched slightly, and his figure flickered before disappearing in front of everyone. Lu Chen appeared on the scene, and no one could see his escape track.

"It's easy to go, don't give it away!" Lu Chen said lightly, Shangguan Qingyun's heart could not be calmed down, but in order to survive, he has to make mistakes and seek completeness if he doesn't account for his life. It is said that a man can bend and stretch.

Furthermore, it is not too difficult to keep the green hills without worrying about firewood. With the background of their Shangguan family, it should be not too difficult to find a way to deal with Lu Chen.

Even though Shangguan’s family has been hit by a dusty nose one after another, the loss can be regarded as heavy. Even if Shangguan Qingyun went out in person, it did not achieve the desired effect, but could not retreat completely. The power of the five elements gave him some internal injuries. I am afraid it will take a while. Time can completely recover.

"Boy, wait, sooner or later, I will take you out of your soul!" Shangguan Qin Yun is not that kind of shameless villain, but has been hit by an unprecedented blow. He has a tendency to speak unscrupulously. Up.

Lu Chen shrugged disapprovingly, and said with a smile, "Feng Peng anytime, don't worry, if you go to the official door, I will come here."

When Shangguan Qingtian heard this, he almost had the urge to turn back to teach Lu Chen. This kid was so unassuming that it was obviously due to the brief spring breeze that made Lu Chen forget about it.

This seems reasonable, but he is as calm as possible. This is what Lu Chen said when he was full of spirits, and he would definitely execute it. Maybe he didn’t need him to provoke Lu Chen. It won’t take long before Lu Chen will surrender himself. The premise is Shangguanjia's precautions are a little heavier, otherwise something will happen.

Then you have to try. The Shangguan family can't afford to be ashamed. In Lu Chen's case, it was purely accidental. The useless messenger brought a series of bad things, and Shangguan family regretted training him.

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