Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2326: Treasure house

On the way, they were suppressed by Shangguan's parents. Although this was something that many Chenxingmen disciples had expected, Lu Chen's methods of turning the tide still made them enjoy themselves. As long as they learned one-tenth of Lu Chen's skills, They all have the capital to show off.

The old man smiled. He didn't expect this storm to be so stable. Whoever asked the Shangguan family to send an elder instead of aggressively attacking. It seems that the Star Gate is destined to rise, as long as it occupies the land of Xuan Yin. , Without using multiple levels, Chenxing Gate will stand proudly on the west side of Eden City.

The old man was very excited when he thought of this. He had such a plan before, but he had never been able to implement it.

After another half of the day, all the talents entered the land of Xuanyin, and most of them looked around curiously. After all, it was the first time they came to the land of Xuanyin, and there were rumors of the dangers of the land of Xuanyin. I heard that at this time, there was a super power like Lu Chen present, and they were absorbing the rich atmosphere of heaven and earth without fear.

Everyone was involuntarily pleased. The speed of cultivation here is at least three times that of the old man's residence. There seems to be a natural way between heaven and earth. It seemed that Lu Chen chose a good position. Their fighting spirit was high, and they were cultivating in such a wonderful place, and their strength was not growing by leaps and bounds. There was no suspense about the rapid growth.

Lu Chen swept around, wondering why he didn't find Xuan Yin. The Taoist, with his current cultivation base, probed out Xuan Yin. Taoist should be easy, but what is strange is that Lian Xuanyin. The Taoist breath is gone.

Could it be Xuanyin. Taoists knew that Lu Chen would make a comeback and escaped early? This possibility is not impossible, but too small, with Xuan Yin. The Taoist’s tricky character of holding grudges, I am afraid that there will be revenge, instead of hiding. He left an eye on him, and then waved his hand, "You are the foundation of my Chenxing Gate. Choose a place to live." Except Xuan Yin here. Taoist, there is nothing too scary.

They are all monsters of ordinary strength, and the disciples of Chenxingmen are capable of dealing with them, so they don’t need to worry about Lu Chen. What he most looks forward to is that the treasures piled up in the center of Xuanyin Land are still not there. If they can all According to his own, wouldn't Lu Chen go crazy.

Even though it is more than enough to serve as the treasure house of the Chenxing Gate, after all, the countless treasures of heaven and earth, and the elixir, every time they are taken out, the cultivator can break the battle for the first time, let alone tens of thousands. Lu Chen hasn't gotten into it yet, because the situation is urgent.

When Lu Chen thought about it, there was a giant animal bone guarding him, and there should be no one who could fill his pockets, that Xuan Yin. The Taoist spent thousands of years in the land of Xuanyin, and only obtained a few samples of good quality. He believed that there were even better treasures of rare traitors, but Xuanyin. Taoists do not have such confidence.

The strength of that giant beast bone is domineering, and even a long-famous veteran, it is rare to completely solve it, because the giant beast bone has a certain degree of intelligence, although it is taken from the treasure in the center of the mysterious land. , It will cause the detection of giant animal bones. If the quality is a little inferior, it will only be symbolically chased for a while, if it fails, it will return to its own lair. Unless it is a rare treasure in the world, it will endlessly chase and kill.

Regardless of the huge bones of the giant beasts, their speed is no less than Xuan Yin. Taoist, this is why, the accumulation of thousands of years, Xuan Yin. Taoists didn't have much to gain. Compared with the background of the central treasure, it was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

There is no way to deal with that giant beast bone, unless the giant beast bone leaves the center and kills it in one move without giving the giant beast bone a chance to recover.

Otherwise, after he returned to the central treasure, he was intact again, and Xuanyin would suffer. Taoist, but in Xuanyin. Before Taoist seizures and fusion, there is no such horrible means.

His dream was shattered by Lu Chen. Although he hated Lu Chen deeply, there was no way. After all, this kid was very strange and created unparalleled miracles one after another, originally Xuan Yin. The Taoist didn't pay attention to Lu Chen.

But after suffering a lot of hardship, this concept has changed. If it wasn't for Lu Chen to worry about the Chenxing Gate, he left at the right time, or Xuan Yin. The Taoist could not eat, and greeted the old man.

Lu Chen rushed to the center of Xuanyin Land in a hurry. Fortunately, the treasure had not been looted. It seemed that it was no different from Lu Chen's last time.

He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, looking like Xuan Yin. The Taoist was quite savvy, knew that Lu Chen would trouble him, and left decisively, which also made Lu Chen less trouble.

An overbearing aura of heaven and earth permeated, Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, then looked up, the giant beast bones and two hollow beast pupils stared at him, making his back chill. Lu Chen took a deep breath. He was an old acquaintance. I don't know why, but he vaguely feels that the strength of the giant beast bones has become much stronger. This should not be his illusion.

It seems that Lu Chen wants to rob the central treasure house in the land of Xuan Yin, and he is still a little bit troublesome, but he is not discouraged, and a wave of majestic five elements swept away, but he was slightly surprised. The giant animal bones were not hostile either. Lu Chen smiled and touched his nose, which seemed to make him too alert.

It is strange that the giant animal bone did not fall into a deep sleep. This seems to be a little different from what he had previously understood. Lu Chen is no stranger to it. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps the giant animal bone has been cultivated. So he can move around within this range, but there is no doubt that he will not actively attack people.

Lu Chen smiled as if he was relieved, and went deep into the treasure house. There are many treasures in the treasure house. Lu Chen can't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as he encounters a treasure that he especially needs, he will definitely take it without hesitation. of.

Even if he was chased by giant animal bones, Lu Chen didn’t care. As long as he got out of this place, the giant animal bones were not invincible. What's more, Lu Chen had a magical feeling. There seemed to be something calling in the depths of this treasure house. Looking at him, this may be a bit weird, but based on Lu Chen's experience, there should be something special.

After walking for a while, Lu Chen realized that his vision was still short and shallow. The mountains of magic weapons here, like broken copper and iron for no money, were placed on both sides of the road. They were completely violent.

Lu Chen was a little regretful, saying that the cultivation resources available to cultivators are not many, which proves that the space resources of the Garden of Eden are scarce. Unless it is a genius leader with a strong background, it is unrealistic to have enough cultivation resources. Things.

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