Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2327: Universe Dafa

This is why, after the old man and Lu Chen announced the policies of the Chenxingmen, some cultivators came to sign up and tried it. With luck, they wanted to join the Chenxingmen. Although there were not many successful people, But they still talked with gusto.

These magic weapons are enough for Lu Chen to assemble a powerful existence beyond Zhuge Family and Qingtian Gate. He doesn't know how powerful the hermit family sect is, but Lu Chen believes that with his continuous efforts, there are still these treasure troves. Chenxingmen’s future is extremely bright and bright.

A breath of mystery and majestic spirit came from the front, Lu Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He took two steps, but he felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and he felt a drowsy feeling. Chen was a little unbelievable, he suddenly realized that this should be a mental disturbance. Fortunately, Lu Chen had a firm heart, otherwise he might be addicted to it.

This weird spiritual power, if replaced by other cultivators, will probably never be able to get out. It’s no wonder that except for a giant beast bone in the central treasure, there are no other powerful existences. Just this spiritual power can make Numerous cultivators were terrified, and the five-element qi surging in his body counteracted a lot of mental disturbance.

"Squeak." A peculiar sound rang from the surface of Lu Chen's body. Fortunately, the flash of light in his eyes had recovered in time. If he fell asleep, he would never be able to get out again.

The countless rare treasures here made him jealous and mad. It was precisely because of this that Lu Chen lost himself and almost fell into it. It seemed that his luck was better.

There is no doubt about the joy of the rest of his life. Lu Chen is a little wary. Although there are no dangerous hidden weapons in the treasure house, he has to admit that the **** of spiritual power is more terrifying than hidden weapons, and it is impossible to guard against. Lu Chen's ability to resist it was inseparable from his character.

After another cup of tea, Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Crunch." There was an abrupt sound, and Lu Chen was slightly surprised. According to his judgment, he should have touched something. Forbidden, the next moment, a light and shadow appeared in front of Lu Chen, he was taken aback, there was no sign in this scene, so Lu Chen took two steps back, and he fixed his eyes, that light and shadow was an old man with a national face, no The anger and majesty made Lu Chen feel more oppressed. He couldn't believe it. With his own strength, he was afraid of a vain light and shadow?

Isn't this laughable and generous? Lu Chen realized the seriousness of the situation in a flash, even though the light and shadow were not real, but a consciousness left behind by the predecessors. I don’t know how many years it has been preserved. It seems to be a monstrous power worthy of admiration. If you are unintentionally guessed wrong If so, he should be the owner of this treasure vault, is it a cemetery?

But according to Lu Chen's snooping, it is not like a cemetery. Not long ago, he went to the ancient strong man's crypt. The style construction here is incompatible with each other. What is the reason for the owner here, Willing to leave these rare treasures.

The old man stared at Lu Chen and gave him a great deterrent. Lu Chen has always been a deterrent to others, and he seldom realizes this disadvantaged situation.

He was a little uncomfortable, isn't it just that his strength is a little bit stronger than him, as long as Lu Chen is given enough time, it is not a problem that he wants to surpass the old light and shadow in front of him, but he does not know where the deity of the old light and shadow is.

Lu Chen wouldn't think he had fallen. After all, this old guy is unfathomable and his life span is much longer than that of ordinary people. "Boy, you actually inspired the old man's prohibition!" The light and shadow were as real as they were, and deep and wise eyes emerged. With a look of surprise, he seemed to sigh, "As expected of a rising star, blue is better than blue."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed to be so boasted. He knew that the old man in front of him might not have any bad intentions towards him, so he did not take the initiative to attack, but to test the old man's tone, so that he could be sure whether he was right or wrong. Oppose him.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment." Lu Chen hugged his fists in a serious manner, and he was quite polite. The old man was just a thought, so he could communicate with him without hindrance.

"Do you know why the old man came out?" The old man stroked his beard and looked amiable. Lu Chen did not restrain his vigilance, but was still cautious.

This made the old man dumbfounded. If he really wanted to deal with Lu Chen, it would not be easy. Even if this kid tried every means to prevent him, it would not have any effect. He had such courage and confidence.

"Uh, I don't know." Lu Chen said without hesitation. Seeing the old man's face full of playfulness, he asked suspiciously, "Is it because of me?!" The more he thought about it, the more it was possible. After all, the old man appeared with a lot of emotion. Isn't it because of his coming?

"Yes, haha, you can teach you a child." The old man nodded and said, "It is not easy to let the old man appear. There must be more than four kinds of heaven and earth powers. For thousands of years, No one can succeed, but you are an exception." The old man looked at Lu Chen with great interest. Under this sharp gaze, the latter wanted to love you and everything was exposed to the old man. This feeling made Lu Chen was quite upset.

The energy of the five elements in his body swept out directly, resisting the oppression of the old man, and the surprised expression of the old man's eyes flashed past, which was a bit shocking, and Lu Chen, a hairy boy, could still resist his exploration.

Sure enough, the old man looked at Lu Chen before, and had some unfathomable feelings. It seemed that Lu Chen's acquisition of the Five Elements Qi was not a coincidence or accident. He possessed tyrannical talent potential.

"The accident is purely an accident." Lu Chen said solemnly. He could understand the excitement of the old man, but he didn't intentionally touch the restriction. He was looking for treasures, and there was no need to alarm the old man.

I won't be able to get any benefit if I wasted time, but Lu Chen could vaguely smell a hint of conspiracy.

"Boy, seeing that you are somewhat similar to the old man, the old man is not stingy, you are the power of the five elements, and it is just right to learn the old man's great laws, God's will!" The old man smiled heartily, with a smug look on his face.

When Lu Chen heard the Universe Dafa, his eyes lit up involuntarily. Just by listening to the name, he could imagine the tyrannical horror of Universe Dafa. He didn't expect that it would be beneficial to trigger the prohibition!

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