He scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Since you want to teach me the exercises, senior, then I am disrespectful." Lu Chen was not polite at all, but he was already determined to pay attention. After all, the strength of the old man has changed. In testing, he must seize the opportunity to improve his strength.

"Do you think you are at a disadvantage?" The old man was a little angry. This Lu Chen clearly showed that he was a good seller. He wanted to worship his tens of thousands of disciples, but none of them got the true story, so the old man was very good. Regret, is it because God wants to destroy him?

There is no hope in the Garden of Eden, so the old man can only cross the space and find a mantle in other higher spaces. Otherwise, his strength will exceed the limit of the higher space, and he will go to a special place. It may be difficult to come back.

The old man left this treasure house in the Garden of Eden just to find his heir to his mantle, and these countless treasures and panacea are left to his heirs.

When Lu Chen listened to the old man's explanation, he had a frantic look on his face. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the fire and blackmail. Otherwise, the old man had a deep background, and Lu Chen would feel sorry for himself if he didn't get some benefits.

"Boy, are you satisfied?" The old man was a little smug, looking at Lu Chen with a shocked look. It took him a long time to calm down. Anyway, it took him hundreds of years. Every place in the Garden of Eden has been explored and basically closed. The valuable treasures were scraped, so that the Garden of Eden could not be restored to normal operation for hundreds of years. This is why, the Garden of Eden is just a low-level space. Lu Chen, an outsider who is not aware of the specific situation, is excusable, because The old man was still worried about it, and Lu Chen's magnanimity when he heard Qiankun Dafa made him slightly unhappy.

Even though he was indifferent to his emotions and anger, he still had to admit that Lu Chen was ignorant and ignorant.

Lu Chen said lightly, "It's okay." His sluggish appearance made the old man begin to wonder if there was a problem with his vision.

"Well, your roots are not bad. As for the understanding, I don't know what to do. Let's do it once. How much I can learn depends on your good fortune. The first time is the most important!" The old man said solemnly, no With a little bit of joking, Lu Chen was stunned and nodded in agreement.

He was eager to try, and the old man took a deep look at Lu Chen. He has other family backgrounds and plans to give Lu Chen, but it depends on whether Lu Chen can master the Universe Dafa and how much it is. This is all about Lu Chen's future. Growth and potential.

He was also looking forward to it, seeing that light curtain, suddenly speeding up, ordinary cultivators could not see the specific situation, but Lu Chen was different, his vision was sharp and vicious.

Every move and every move fell into his eyes without reservation. Lu Chen clasped his fists in his hands and looked at all of this. There was a warm current drifting through his mind. At this moment, he was extremely clear. Although the old man was just a curtain of light, he showed destruction. Strength is not to be underestimated.

Lu Chen's expression continued to grow heavy. This old guy's light curtain had such strength. He couldn't imagine how terrifying that deity should be. He thought he was good at first, and he was about to reach the edge of the Garden of Eden, but compared to the old man in front of him. , It pales in comparison.

But Lu Chen was not discouraged. The old man in front of him didn't know how many years he had lived. It was not something he could compare. As long as Lu Chencheng was given the time and space, one day he would control the old man. Lu Chen has such confidence and Sure, he also believes that his day will not be too far away.

The vast aura of heaven and earth, like the sea, was convincing. Lu Chen's eyes shone brightly. He coveted the strength of the old man. At this time, the old man fell into a mysterious state. Regardless of Lu Chen's complexion, Universe Dafa was really powerful. People with all kinds of assassins in Lu Chen sighed.

But he didn't bow his head, a sense of stubbornness surged into his heart. With the violent Five Elements Qi of Lu Chen, the old man noticed Lu Chen's strangeness. After half an hour, the old man slowly gained strength, and Lu Chen's expression remained unfinished. The color showed his thoughts, and the old man asked curiously, "How much do you master?"

"Uh." Lu Chen's face was reddened, and the old man nodded and groaned. The loss of his eyes flashed by, but how could he miss Lu Chen's sharp observation.

"Probably 80%, hehe." Lu Chen scratched his head and smirked. He felt ashamed of the old man. He didn't know why. With his perverted understanding, he couldn't see through all of the techniques. This was still being practiced by the old man. Under the circumstances, no matter whether the old man is satisfied or not, Lu Chen is not very well.

"Hey, it's only eight..." The old man muttered to himself, his words stopped abruptly, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. Is it because he is getting older and his ears are not working well? He heard it right, that's 80%!

After Lu Chen passed an observation, he has mastered 80% of the universe? Isn’t this a joke? Originally, the old man thought that Lu Chen could master four or five achievements as an ingenious generation. If he reached 60 to 70%, he would be a rare genius leader in a thousand years. If Lu Chen learned 80%, he had never thought. Although Lu Chen is the body of the five elements, it is impossible to digest Dafa in a short period of time, so he wonders if Lu Chen is telling lies.

Those who deliberately wanted to cover up in front of him, if that were the case, naturally his treasures would not be passed on to Lu Chen. Isn't that a waste of opportunity?

Lu Chen would not be qualified to obtain his inheritance if his mind was not right. Therefore, Lu Chen's future and destiny were actually his choice in a moment.

"What are you talking about? Eighty percent!" The old man's voice increased by a few decibels, his eyes were full of hot colors, an invincible atmosphere of the world, locked on Lu Chen, the latter was stunned, and subconsciously clicked, "Yes, senior , Why did I lie to you? You are considered half of my master." Lu Chen frowned, and he suddenly realized that it was the old guy who didn't believe him. Isn't it a blow to him?

With Lu Chen's potential talent, can't he master 80% of the universe? This is a bit unreasonable. He didn't take the breath of heaven and earth pouring in. Lu Chen didn't say anything. He was already in his chest. As the saying goes, practice can test true knowledge.

Let Lu Chen make a high-profile look. There are no outsiders here. Lu Chen's figure suddenly becomes ghostly. He also uses the five elements of energy to perform the great law of the universe. The two characters of the universe are to embrace all phenomena and embrace all rivers. If not There is basically no hope of mastering more than four kinds of heaven and earth auras.

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