"Quickly, get him back quickly." Zhuge Batian wanted to save him. If Zhuge Cong found Lu Chen, it would be a mortal situation. He had heard about Shangguan Qingtian, so he didn't allow the Zhuge family. The two core trainers have an accident.

"Okay." The guy didn't dare to go against Zhuge Batian's wishes and hurriedly summoned people.

"If you don't find Cong'er, you can bring your head back." Zhuge Batian's voice filled the entire Zhuge family, and everyone shuddered. Zhuge family was destined to be unbalanced.

Thousands of miles away, Qingyunmen said, "Haha, what happened to Zhuge's family again?" A kind-looking old man flashed his eyes with surprise.

"Yes, the junior of the Zhuge family went looking for Lu Chen ignorantly and challenged him. Isn't this something to be laughable and generous?" The middle-aged man next to him was also full of pride.

"I think the old man Zhuge Batian is unwilling to tell their family what happened recently. That's fine, you should prepare, three days later, defend Zhuge's family!" The old man said in a deep voice, suddenly agitation. After the earth-shaking changes, the condensed atmosphere of heaven and earth permeated.

The middle-aged man was slightly startled, and immediately became ecstatic. He proposed it a long time ago, but the old man insisted on refusing it, but this was a golden opportunity. Because of Lu Chen, the Zhuge family became internal and external troubles, and they did not catch it. If you live, it's a bit unreasonable.

Although they had cooperated before to deal with Lu Chen, they also realized that Lu Chen was an invincible evildoer, so they had to sit back and watch the tiger fight. As expected, the Zhuge family suffered this loss. Fell into such a field.

They are hoarding their strength in the dark. Now most of the Zhuge family's manpower is sent out to find Zhuge Cong. As long as they are decisive enough, they may take down the Zhuge family in one fell swoop. By then, Qingyunmen will be the first martial art. Can't help but get excited.

This may be due to Lu Chen's credit. He had already made plans. Even if he captured Zhuge's family, he couldn't fight against Lu Chen, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Their Qingyunmen wouldn't want to become the second Zhuge's family.

Zhuge Batian didn't know that Qingyun Gate was brewing such a terrifying conspiracy, and the upper and lower Qingyun Gate was also urgently assembled, and the city of Eden was destined to be turbulent and dark.

Lu Chen is constantly integrating the Chenxing Gate and staying in the treasure house all day. He is mysterious, trying to figure out a powerful formation. In the future, when he is away, the Chenxing Gate will not lose its combat effectiveness. It's hard for Lu Chen. He used to have unique research on the formation method, but with his own strength, it was still a bit troublesome to build an indestructible big formation.

Although this land of Xuan Yin originally had a large formation that could confuse ordinary cultivators, it would not have any effect on the truly super strong. He had to make a formation that was both offensive and defensive.

This is undoubtedly a test against the mage. Some rare treasures of heaven and earth can be found in the treasure house. This also saves Lu Chen a lot of things. He had considered this before, otherwise he would have to look for materials everywhere. , It will be the year of the monkey and the horse month, and his time in the Garden of Eden is running out.

So he has to speed up. Recently, he is not in the mood to take care of outside affairs. Unexpectedly, no power dared to provoke them to the Chenxingmen, occupying the land of Xuanyin, which can be said to be a perfect place for cultivation. The disciples of Chenxingmen are also strong Rapid growth,) They were all happily, they hadn't taken it seriously before, and now it is clear how wise and far-sighted Lu Chen is.

The benefits for them are self-evident. The comprehensive strength of the Chenxingmen has grown rapidly. Two days later, the city of Eden has set off a huge wave, which can be said to have exploded, and they are still talking about the Zhuge family. With Qingyunmen.

It turned out that the Qingyunmen suddenly declared war on the Zhuge family, which caught the Zhuge family by surprise. Zhuge Batian knew that the news of Zhuge Cong’s disappearance had reached Qingyunmen. Otherwise, how the time was chosen so well, originally Zhuge family still had the power to fight, but most of them were Go out to find Zhuge Cong.

I don't know if there will be any results. Because of Zhuge Batian's angry words, he didn't find Zhuge Cong, so he raised his head to see him, so that the Zhuge family did not dare to come back.

The result of this is that the Zhuge family does not have enough personnel to resist the tens of thousands of troops in Qingyunmen, and all of them are elites. It is not a problem to have one enemy and ten. Although the Zhuge family has tried to seek help from the upper officials, it is fundamental It's just sinking into the sea, and there is no news.

After two blows, the Shangguan’s family realized that the city of Eden was not peaceful and didn’t want to take this muddy water anymore. If Shangguan’s family got hurt, the other coveted hermit families would rush out. The situation will not be any better than Zhuge's family, it will only be worse. After all, the background of the hermit family is not what ordinary people can imagine.

At this time, the Zhuge family was in chaos, and many people were planning to take advantage of the chaos to escape. The Zhuge family seemed to have no need to wait. Since they offended Lu Chen, they have been in a slump and have no tendency to rise.

Who knows that the Qingyunmen of the first sect can’t stand it after being hit one after another. Their proactive attack made the Keqing of the Zhuge family lose the will to resist. Perhaps the truly loyal, that is, the children of the direct line, This situation made Zhuge Batian, the ancestor of the Zhuge family, very upset, but he had no choice.

After all, the Zhuge family has gone, and this is what he knows. If it is in various ways, it will be even more panic. He doesn't want the people to betray their relatives. The shamelessness of this Qingyunmen makes him angry.

Those old and immortal fellows in Qingyunmen had never targeted him in this way before. Now it is different. As the so-called tiger falls in the plains, Qingyunmen is not a dangerous dog, but it is not as good as Zhuge. Family.

But after seeing the strength of Qingyunmen, this idea was dispelled. Qingyunmen had been secretive and prepared a lot of strength, so that Zhuge's family had no ability to resist in front of him, which made Zhuge Batian frightened.

With the help of Zhuge's geographical advantage, he has no chance of turning defeat into victory. A sense of despair that he has rarely experienced has flooded into his heart. Last time it was Lu Chen who killed their Zhuge's family, and the power of Xuan Lei was overbearing.

He still has lingering fears, but this time he attacked the door, not Lu Chen he imagined, but the people of Qingyunmen, each well-trained, compared to their Chenxingmen actually a lot stronger, this is unexpected The matter made Zhuge Batian a little unacceptable.

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