Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2340: Ominous premonition

Zhuge Batian gritted his teeth, and his figure flickered out. During this time, he didn't have much time to practice, but his strength did not regress. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with the old fellow from Qingyunmen.

"Susu." A gust of strong wind roared, and the people of Zhuge's family saw a glimmer of hope, whether their ancestor Zhuge Batian could come to disarm him.

In fact, the most important thing is the strength of the leaders. As long as Zhuge Batian does not back down, they will have the power to fight. The previous glory of the Zhuge family is beyond doubt, and it depends on them whether it can be defended.

"Qin Feng, the old immortal fellow, come out and meet me!" Zhuge Batian roared, and the voice spread from every corner. The people at Qingyunmen were a little afraid. The so-called skinny camel was bigger than a horse, this Zhuge Batian His strength can still be ranked in the top three of Eden City.

So they can't act rashly. After a while, a figure appeared from the dark crowd of Qingyunmen. It was the kind old man with a lazy smile on his face. The boundless atmosphere of heaven and earth swept out, even though Zhuge dominated the sky. Staring at her, but Qin Feng, the head of Qingyun Sect, didn't take it to heart. He shrugged indifferently. The arrogance and dominance were undoubtedly revealed. The people of Qingyun Sect were involuntarily triumphant. They knew that the head was so tough.

That shows the purpose of this trip. They wipe it all off and prepare to show their skills. If they can do their jobs later, the future is boundless!

"Haha, don't be unharmed." Qin Feng didn't get angry either, even though the sentence was immortal and some offended, he had to swallow this breath.

In his opinion, Zhuge's family is just something in the bag. It will not take long before he becomes a generation hegemon. Of course, with Lu Chen, he can't be called a unique hegemon. Qin Feng doesn't care about it. a little.

At least the Zhuge family was resolved, and their Qingyunmen could expand further. When he thought of this, his blood boiled over, but in front of so many people, it was not easy to show it.

"I'm asking you, what do you mean?" Zhuge Batian was so angry that he almost fought hard. He was surprised to find that he could not see Qin Feng's strength, which was a bit unexpected.

This old guy also fought with him last time. It was only a few decades ago. They had a chance to learn from each other. Zhuge Batian still had the upper hand. For a strong man of their level, decades were just a flash of fingers. No matter, it can be said that it is as difficult as the sky to go further.

Unless you have coveted it, not every cultivator has the potential talents against the sky, and not most cultivators can meet by chance, so more often, cultivators die in helplessness. All of his efforts have turned into a smear of loess, which is extremely sad.

This is also why, cultivators try every means to find the heavenly materials and the elixir for cultivation, in order to continuously improve their strength.

Zhuge Batian's aggressive aura was undoubtedly evident. Everyone couldn't help but held their breath, for fear of offending this supreme powerhouse. After all, Zhuge Batian's strength was extremely tyrannical, and only Qin Feng could talk with him on an equal footing.

Lu Chen knew what had happened to Zhuge's family for the first time. He didn't pay attention to it, waved his hand, and just said lightly, let them fight, and it has nothing to do with him.

Although the old man was a little unwilling, but there was no way. Lu Chen said so, but it is also true to think about it. When the Zhuge family and Qingyunmen joined forces, Lu Chen was unscathed.

Now Lu Chen's strength is no longer Wu Xia Amen, and he doesn't need to care about these two strengths. Perhaps Lu Chen is a drunkard who doesn't care about wine, but cares about the sect of the hidden family. That's where he spied.

It's just not long after the Chenxingmen started, and they were not used to doing such horrifying things. The disciples of the Chenxingmen agreed.

Their strengths have been improved to a level to ensure that they can compete with the hermit family. Lu Chen is still studying the formation with great concentration. It is a bit scary for him to concentrate, and it is even difficult for Ru Pingdie to see him.

This made Ru Pingdie a little angry, but she was reasonable, and Lu Chen was thinking about Chen Xingmen. Even if she sacrificed a little herself, it was understandable.

Besides, Grandpa kept explaining the importance of things to her, so that Ru Pingdie was a little depressed, she didn't know, besides, she was no longer a little girl who hadn't been involved in the world.

After all, many miraculous things had happened to Lu Chen, and she gradually accepted it.

"Haha, what do I mean, don't you see it? Are you scared?" Qin Feng said in a hurry, everyone could hear the cynicism.

The corners of Zhuge Batian’s mouth twitched slightly. Anyone could imagine his depression and anger. When did Qin Feng become so difficult, he was also the backbone of Zhuge’s family anyway. He was so teased that he couldn’t hold back his face. The ghosts flickered out, just in front of Qin Feng in the blink of an eye.

But Zhuge Batian had an ominous premonition, which is a bit weird.) When he saw Qin Feng’s mouth with a smile that seemed to be absent, he suddenly realized that the secret path was not good, and back again and again, but it was too late. Suddenly, A ban was activated, locking Zhuge Batian, even though he was a little disdainful, he had to stop him.

"Bang Bang." The invisible coercion of the heavens and the earth, like the essence, made Zhuge Batian's heart shake, and his face was full of incredible expression. This prohibition may have been prepared two days ago.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a tyrannical explosive force. He regretted how he was so careless. Someone was guarding him from outside, but unfortunately, he went to find Zhuge Cong. This time he was hit by the sound, and he didn't know if it was Qingyunmen. Zhuge Cong was arrested.

At this critical moment, he didn’t have time to think about it. He could only deal with the ancient prohibitions. Qin Feng had a calm smile on his face. The people of Zhuge's family were all worried. On the other hand, they were all from Qingyunmen. Excited.

The Zhuge family's comprehensive strength not long ago was indeed stronger than his Qingyunmen, but when most of the Zhuge family were looking for Zhuge Cong, there was no doubt that the reserve force was insufficient, and the cohesive strength was the most impressive.

Zhuge Batian had no way to contact those who went out. Otherwise, he would directly let those people spear straight in and get close to the Qingyunmen site. When the time comes, the Qingyunmen will be killed. This is a big deal. Just fight each other hard.

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