"Old guy, you don't think about the consequences of doing things. Do you have to lose both? Don't forget, we are fighting with snipes and clams. The real fisherman has not yet come out." Zhuge Batian was a little embarrassed, despite his strength Avoiding this ancient prohibition is not too much trouble, but Qin Feng has not taken any action. Once Qin Feng has given him the blow of the storm, he will not be so much better.

So in desperation, Zhuge Batian hurriedly lifted Lu Chen up. Although the words were vague, he believed that Qin Feng was not a fool, and he could hear what he meant.

Sure enough, Qin Feng was stunned, and then smiled heartily, "I can't stop that, and I don't want to resist." He said the truth, if Lu Chen intends to target him Qingyunmen, Qingyunmen will not secretly hoard power to this day. .

The consequences were the same as those of Zhuge’s family. Besides, he didn’t believe it. Lu Chen would not know that such a big disturbance would come out. With Lu Chen’s material strategy, he would definitely arrange a certain eyeliner. If he wanted to make trouble, take advantage of it. In danger, the Zhuge Family and Qingyun Gate were all in Lu Chen's bag.

Hearing that, Zhuge Batian had a solemn expression on his face. He didn't expect Qin Feng to have thought of the consequences. What he said was reasonable. Lu Chen didn't make a move, mostly because he didn't bother to care about them.

During this period of time, the Zhuge family had a little restrained, and Lu Chen did not take the initiative to invade, but the Shangguan family was sadly reminded. Not only was one general lost, another elder was also captured by Lu Chen.

"That's not necessarily true. If you join hands with me, if you seize the opportunity, there is still a chance to reverse. While the Chenxing Gate is not yet strong, old friends, what are you thinking about, are you willing to make wedding clothes for others? The sect you worked so hard to create, handing over people, I’m afraid that this kind of feeling won’t be too pleasant, even if you seize my Zhuge family, what will happen to you, won’t it be owned by Lu Chen in the end?” Zhugeba The sky is eloquent. After all, he has experienced strong winds and waves, and his words are ups and downs. As long as he is a normal person, he will be confused.

But Qin Feng seemed to be different. He had thought before that Zhuge Batian would react like this, so he didn't make any sense at all. His gestures changed again and again, and immediately a force from ancient times spread, and Zhuge Batian's face gradually became serious. , What does this old guy think.

It is also difficult for him to figure it out, anyway, with Qin Feng's mentality, he is afraid that it is far more than that, is it really going to die? Zhuge Batian has been forced to a desperate situation.

The despair and heartache that he had never experienced before, and his family was ruined, wasn't it all caused by Lu Chen? But the culprit was still happy and happy in the land of Xuan Yin. He was jealous and mad. It is said that there are mountains of treasures in the land of Xuan Yin, and he doesn't know if it is true.

I originally thought that Qin Feng would compromise, but I knew that Qin Feng was so decisive and didn't give him a chance to think at all, and the majestic and majestic aura of heaven and earth attacked him.

Zhuge Batian gritted his teeth, and a big knife appeared in his hand, with primitive patterns all over it. At first glance, it was a magic weapon of good quality. At this critical moment, Zhuge Batian did not hide it.

In case of a big intention, after losing the Zhuge family's family business, he has no chance to regret it, and the success or failure will depend on this.

Both forces did not act rashly, but waited for the two supreme figures to confront each other for a long time. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Zhuge Batian and Qin Feng are old rivals for many years. One broke.

This confrontation is destined to be thrilling. Qingfeng has a calm smile on his face. He has no plan to use a magic weapon, but is surging with taboo-like power. The atmosphere of the sky and the earth is condensed to a certain degree. This magic weapon is actually Not much.

"Boom boom." Zhuge Batian wielded the quaint broad knife without hesitation, and the sound was transmitted like a tiger roar. The deafening noise seemed to be real. Everyone couldn't help but look at each other. It is worthy of an expert confrontation. This is not something they can master. After all, the essence of the magic weapon displayed, it seems that this broad sword has accompanied Zhuge Batian for many years.

"Bang Bang." It turned out that a black tiger appeared, and the markings on the behemoth's body made people shudder and felt extremely dangerous.

Qin Feng still didn't move, the tiger leaped towards him with his teeth and claws. He poured out his taboo-like power and hit the tiger's deep body.

"Roar." The tiger wailed in pain, his eyes bleed continuously. This taboo-like power was terrifying, and there was no real harm. On the surface, the tiger's body was already full of holes.

Everyone was amazed, but Zhuge Batian set off a huge wave in his heart. This was a sonic attack. He did not expect that Qin Feng's decades of work involved spiritual power. Zhuge Batian couldn’t help swallowing, he couldn’t shrink back. .

He was constantly surging with the aura of heaven and earth in his body. In order to support the black tiger, the tiger hesitated for a while, and then rushed over, but it seemed to be a bit of a force.

"Hmph, the moths extinguish the fire-they will kill themselves." Qin Feng said lightly. He had a feeling of high spirits, which he hadn't experienced in a long time.

As the head of the Qingyunmen, he has real power, and he has a lot of things to consider. This is also because he is cautious, for fear that a careless step may cause the Qingyunmen to fall into a dead end.

But now he is reluctant to give up the opportunity in front of him. Even if Zhuge Batian keeps on suggesting, he is indifferent, "Roar." As soon as the black tiger approached Qin Feng, he was affected by mental power, and his entire fur was changed. The color is scary, and this shocking scene was seen by everyone.

There were still a lot of speculations about whether Zhuge was domineering or Qin Feng was better, now it seemed that there was no doubt.

Lin Feng can have an absolute advantage right after the confrontation, not to mention that there are many people in Qingyunmen, and it can be said that the victory is in hand.

The majestic aftermath spread out, making everyone frightened. They are worthy of being an extremely strong person. Just this hand is not what they can compare. The atmosphere has undergone subtle changes. The Zhuge family are all leaving secretly. In order not to add trouble to themselves, they knew that Zhuge Batian could not hold on for long, so they had to escape from this dangerous place before Zhuge Batian completely fell.

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