Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2347: As difficult as the sky

Lu Chen is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Chenxing Gate. He is not in the Chenxing Gate. Those who have enemies at the Chenxing Gate will come back sooner or later. Then the Chenxing Gate will fail, and the sunset will be possible.

Therefore, the old man has to test Lu Chen's tone, otherwise he can't feel relieved. Lu Chen smiled heartily, "Yes, but it's okay. With this formation, even if it's a Shangguan Qingtian, you can't break it." His voice was not. Big, but like a bolt from the blue sky hit the old man's heart.

This tone is too arrogant, but he did not doubt what Lu Chen said. Lu Chen and Shangguan Qingtian played against Changman, but he saw part of it. Besides, Lu Chen devoted himself to studying for a few days. If there is no result at all, he is not. Is it a waste of time?

He faintly looked forward to it, and it seemed that Lu Chen was sure. If two powerful men came to harass him, Chen Xingmen would be a good experiment.

If Lu Chen knew the old man's thoughts, he didn't know how he would feel. The formation he worked so hard to make would not be practiced. A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, "Grandpa, I'll go to Jubao Pavilion."

"Okay." The old man also understood that Lu Chen had serious things to do, and didn't ask him anything.

Lu Chen nodded. He wanted to go to the Jubao Pavilion to exchange for some low-level heavenly materials and magic weapons. Recently, he has rewarded those talented leaders with extraordinary talents and potential, and those with mediocre aptitudes will be more or less jealous. In order to take care of them, Lu Chen considered more comprehensively. He took some rare treasures from the center of Xuanyin Land. Anyway, he didn’t use them. Lu Chen planned to take them to Jubao Pavilion and change some. Cultivate ordinary training resources.

When the time comes, the people in the Jubao Pavilion should be very happy. As expected, when Lu Chen resisted the Jubao Pavilion, Huang Zhongzheng came out to greet him in advance. This made Lu Chen a little flattered, but he thought of his current Chenxing Gate. There is nothing strange about the identity of the Lord.

"Uncle Huang, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, don’t come here unharmed?" Lu Chen smiled, his previous kindness has not diminished. He is not the kind of person who tends to be inflamed. Although his status has changed drastically, Lu Chen is still the same A cautious and humble attitude.

Huang Zhongzheng said with satisfaction, "Hey, I'm afraid you are young. The kid is not going to the Three Treasures Hall." He was a little twisted, and he was relieved to see that Lu Chen's expression had not changed in particular.

He was also worried that Lu Chen would be unhappy. Now it seems that he thinks too much. Huang Zhongzheng is straightforward, and Lu Chen doesn't appear embarrassed or cautious. "Haha, Uncle Huang is really insightful and can't hide anything from you. "

"If anything, it's just that Uncle Huang understands you." Huang Zhongzheng was slightly proud. Who doesn't like to listen to good words? He is no exception. Moreover, Lu Chen's current status can be said to be the forefront of Eden City. Chen's strength is inseparable.

In this world of the weak and the strong, he speaks with his strength. From the very beginning he knew Lu Chen. At that time, Lu Chen had nothing to do with others. Huang Zhongzheng had a unique vision. He strengthened Lu Chen at that time and wooed him.

Now it seems that this choice is so correct. Even the Great Elder of Jubao Pavilion recognized him. This undoubtedly gave Huang Zhongzheng a high evaluation. Huang Zhongzheng's own roots are not good, and it is very difficult to cultivate, so he There is no strength, but more intelligent in business.

Lu Chen glanced at Huang Zhongzheng, and a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Uncle Huang, it is not good for you to take longevity pills like this. Now it has a certain effect, but the effect will increase with the number of times you take the pills. Significantly reduced," Lu Chen said solemnly.

Huang Zhongzheng was taken aback for a moment, his face was full of horror, Lu Chen could even see this? The shock in his heart is indescribable. Indeed, Huang Zhongzheng has been busy with the business of Jubaoge, and he is unable to practice, which made him a lot older. Therefore, as a last resort, he had to take the Life Extension Pill. Normally, he practiced. Those who can't use this kind of pill, unless they reach a certain bottleneck, there is no way to break through.

It may take a different approach, but there is a downside to taking Yanshou Dan, that is, it destroys the function of the human body and develops the potential of the user. Huang Zhongzheng's physique can only be regarded as ordinary. He does not have much potential to develop, even if the treasure Pavilion has a deep foundation and can give His good-quality Yanshou Pill still cannot change Huang Zhongzheng's destiny.

Judging by Lu Chen's eyesight, Huang Zhongzheng would not live for ten years. For cultivators, ten years was just a flash of fingers. Therefore, Lu Chen's words shocked Huang Zhongzheng's heart.

"You, how do you know?" Huang Zhongzheng's expression of surprise was lingering. He looked at Lu Chen, who was not far away, with a breezy look. It was clear to his chest. This result was not. What he wanted.

Huang Zhongzheng was slightly suspicious. Is there any way Lu Chen can save him? This seems a bit unrealistic, after all, he knows his physique well.

Even the Great Elder had already determined that he had no way to cultivate, could Lu Chen still be able to help? But Huang Zhongzheng did not directly deny Lu Chen, after all, there is no doubt that Lu Chen has created miracles one after another.

Huang Zhongzheng had also suspected Lu Chen before, and then Lu Chen showed him with a proof of strength.

"Uncle Huang, do you want to practice?" Lu Chen asked calmly. Huang Zhongzheng's eyes were wide open. Lu Chen generally wouldn't let it go for no reason. So, does he have a way to cultivate?

"Yes, of course." Huang Zhongzheng gave Lu Chen angrily. The latter nodded, and when he flipped his palm, there was a crystal clear pill that exuded a strong spiritual energy. Huang Zhongzheng couldn't help but nod. His eyes lit up, he was a person who knew goods. As the person in charge of Jubaoge's business, he had seen countless natural treasures and miraculous medicines, but the pill that Lu Chen took out this time surprised him. , Because this pill is a long-lost pill.

It is called Lingling Pill. As the name suggests, Ling Ling Pill can help ordinary people to wash away the original roots and make them full of spiritual energy. It seems to have much effect, but some people are naturally not suitable for cultivation, and the Five Elements Qi Is out of place.

It is even more difficult to find the attributes that they are good at. In this case, there will be a pill for washing the soul, which can not only purify the bone marrow, but also help the user find the most suitable attribute. There are countless auras of heaven and earth, and most practitioners choose one of the five elements of aura.

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