Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2348: Stable as Mount Tai

It’s not all like Lu Chen, who absorbs all kinds of auras from heaven and earth. What others dare not try is that, but Lu Chen is different. For him, the more types he absorbs, the faster his strength develops. This kind of heaven and earth breath can be strengthened together, maintaining the trend of advancing together.

"Hey, Uncle Huang, can you say that this pill can guarantee that your roots will be transformed?" Lu Chen glanced at Huang Zhongzheng, and found that the latter was enraged, clearly seeing hope.

"Yes, but..." Huang Zhongzheng immediately realized that there was something in Lu Chen's words that the quality of this spirit washing pill was not low, reaching the eighth rank, even if his bad roots were out of control, it would not be impossible to reverse it. So the key is whether Lu Chen can give it to him.

This thing is absolutely invaluable. Huang Zhongzheng didn’t know where Lu Chen got it. He set off a huge wave in his heart. There has not been this pill in Jubao Pavilion for hundreds of years. A good-quality washing spirit pill, but he hadn't been born yet, let alone getting a washing spirit pill.

So Huang Zhongzheng was also looking forward to it. He didn't expect Lu Chen to bring him hope. It can be said that Lu Chen is his nobleman. Huang Zhongzheng was very excited. What he didn't know was that Lu Chen had observed this not long ago. ,

It happened that Lu Chen found a sheepskin scroll in the treasure vault in the center of Xuanyin Land. It recorded various rare and rare pill refining methods. Using Lu Chen's perfect alchemy skills, as long as the materials were sufficient , It is not that difficult to successfully refine the Ling Ling Pill.

Lu Chen also had a unique interest in alchemy. It was the first time he made a pill for washing. Therefore, when he succeeded, Lu Chen was full of emotion and pride.

Taking this opportunity, it happened to be given to Huang Zhongzheng, "Uncle Huang, you are welcome, take it." Lu Chen waved his hand, his calm and calm manner, as if he didn't care about this superb quality washing pill, Huang Zhongzheng did not hesitate. Decided, even though he wanted this pill very much, but as the saying goes, nothing merits no gain.

His friendship with Lu Chen hadn't reached that point yet, but Lu Chen gave it to Huang Zhongzheng, "Uncle Huang, without you, I would not have grown to where I am today."

Lu Chen was sincere and extremely frank. In an instant, Huang Zhongzheng was moved. He shook Lu Chen's hands and nodded vigorously, "Well, Lu Chen, don't worry, this pill is worth it, and I will compensate it. Yours." Huang Zhongzheng also has a lot of family background. He has the courage to say this, and has made up his mind. As long as he gets this spirit washing pill, he will definitely be able to cultivate, and his life will increase a lot.

Are you still worried that you won't be able to condense all kinds of natural treasures and magic weapons? He had no worries anymore, and since Lu Chen had expressed his attitude, he could only accept it.

"That's not necessary, Uncle Huang, I really have something to ask for when I came this time." Lu Chen said bluntly without hiding it.

"Oh? Just say it. As long as Uncle Huang can do it, it's absolutely unambiguous." Huang Zhongzheng said solemnly.

"I need a batch of low-level training resources. These things, Uncle Huang, look at the value." A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and there were no people around. He directly took out those rare treasures. It was obtained from the central treasure vault of the land of Xuanyin.

"Okay." Huang Zhongzheng took a look, his face twitched slightly. He could not help but look at Lu Chen at this time when he saw people who were used to treasures. Originally, they thought that Chenxing Gate had just been established, and there should be nothing majestic. Foundation.

Only then did Huang Zhongzheng understand that he underestimated Lu Chen. This sect master was not in vain. Lu Chen had an understated look. It seemed that he had more than these things.

Huang Zhongzheng can naturally understand Lu Chen's intentions. He smiled heartily, "This is easy to handle, wait for me." Huang Zhongzheng has no way to judge the specific value of things. He can only find an appraiser, but Lu Chen helped him. Very busy, even if you give more low-level training resources and materials, that's natural.

After a while, Huang Zhongzheng threw a bag to Lu Chen. The latter glanced at it, and it became clear to his heart that he had replaced tens of thousands of his eight treasures, and the reserve resources were sufficient.

"Thank you, Uncle Huang." Lu Chen clasped his fists, Huang Zhongzheng was a little embarrassed, "I should thank you. By the way, Lu Chen will go to the Pantheon the day after tomorrow. I have to remind you that you are currently in a difficult situation in Chenxing Gate. Optimistic, you must know this too."

Lu Chen nodded, "Don't worry, I'm already prepared." Lu Chen looked like a bamboo in his chest, and his strategizing manner was so impressive that even Huang Zhongzheng couldn't help but sigh.

"That's good." Huang Zhongzheng didn't feel surprised either. With Lu Chen's young age, this is justified.

"Uncle Huang, do you have anything else you want to say?" Lu Chen looked at Huang Zhongzheng. He seemed to have something unspeakable, and he caught it without reservation through Lu Chen's careful and small observation.

"Hey, you can see it all." Huang Zhongzheng was slightly embarrassed and paused, "I'll tell you that after the expansion of the Qingyunmen, the Qingyunmen began to move around and thought about my Jubao Pavilion, but I'm worried that stealing chickens won't lead to loss of rice. Even though the people in my treasure pavilion have explored, they are still at a loss. The old guy is very insidious. Since the annihilation of Zhuge's family, his ambition has continued to expand, hey." Huang Zhongzheng sighed. Showed his helplessness and emotion.

There is no doubt about his treasure-gathering pavilion's original background. There are branches of the treasure-gathering pavilion in every big space, but it is not easy to find a helper.

"Oh? Qingyunmen? It's been a long time since I taught Qingyunmen, I started to lose my mind, hum." Lu Chen snorted, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot, and his Five Elements Qi had already reached its peak. , This involuntarily exudes.

With the howling wind, Huang Zhongzheng couldn't help but brighten up in front of him. He knew that Lu Chen was able to retract and unwind freely, only to express his anger at the Qingyunmen.

"I just mentioned it to you." Huang Zhongzheng waved his hand, but the triumph in his eyes could not be concealed. Since Lu Chen said this, he would not remain indifferent.

Maybe Lu Chen took the initiative to find the trouble of Qingyunmen. Lu Chen had a feast with Qingyunmen. This is also known to all. Qingyunmen swallowed this bad breath, even if he had obtained the various backgrounds of the Zhuge family, he did not dare to act rashly. Confronting the Chenxing Gate, the others in the Chenxing Gate are not terrible, but with the existence of Lu Chen, like a needle of the sea god, it can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

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