Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2364: Tianlei Gate

However, Wang Xinya's suitors are countless, and there are many top talents among them. Lu Chen wants to compete with them? Isn't that overweight?

"Haha, it's like a toad wants to eat swan meat." Wang Haoran burst into laughter, as if he had seen the funniest school girl. His naked cynicism was exchanged for overwhelming murderous aura. There is no doubt that that murderous aura came from Lu Chen. Sweeping out, he was a little jealous, and his face gradually became gloomy.

"Unexpectedly, he has some ability." From this murderous aura, it can be judged that Lu Chen's methods should not be worse than him. Wang Haoran looked at Zhang Lei for the first time, clearly asking for his help, Zhang Lei hesitated, if he and Lu Chen Chen's confrontation should not do him any good.

"Brother, if you have something to say." Zhang Lei gritted his teeth and repeated his tolerance, which made him feel like he was utterly frustrated, but Lu Chen showed his intention. If he told Lu Chen, it would prove their softness.

If Lu Chen’s attitude is better, maybe Zhang Lei would be happy to tell him, but Lu Chen’s domineering attitude is more aggressive than him. In this position, it is very likely that he is a cultivator in other dimensions. His face suddenly realized his expression, and the look in Wuxin's eyes changed.

There is no fear and fear before, instead of scornful contempt. This kid pretends to be a strong person, obviously from a low-level space, even if he stands at the pinnacle of the low-level space, he has to pick it up obediently when he reaches the Pantheon. With the tail as a human being, Lu Chen failed to do just that.

"Brother Zhang, don't write with him. I'll just teach him. It's really impossible. You are doing it." Wang Haoran is in a bad mood. If he is stimulated by Lu Chen, he will not be merciful at all. He is not a murderous thing. Zhang Lei would look down upon Zhang Lei if he was bullied to the top of his head by others.

"En." Unexpectedly, this time Zhang Lei didn't stop Wang Haoran. This made Wang Haoran overjoyed. He felt that Brother Zhang finally didn't cringe. Isn't he just a hairy boy. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. , Although this truth does not hold true for the real strong, he does not think that Lu Chen is a master.

He seems to be younger than himself, and he refuses to report his family, let him taste the pain first, Wang Haoran's figure flashed, fast as lightning, he suddenly realized that Lu Chen had no plans to dodge, so Wang Haoran He snorted coldly, this guy is really big, and if he wants to die, he just said, why come to trouble him.

Wang Haoran blasted out a stern and domineering punch and smashed it at Lu Chen. He was confident that he would solve Lu Chen with a punch. Zhang Lei was nervous at this time. He wanted to see if Lu Chen was an expert pretending to be a pig or a tiger, or pretending to be a ghost. Liar.

Seeing that Wang Haoran was about to hit Lu Chen, he smiled triumphantly, as if he had seen Lu Chen looking for teeth all over the place. Since this kid is arrogant and domineering, let him pay a heavy price. Shan, increased his strength again, his fist was only one foot away from Lu Chen, Zhang Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Chen was indeed an incompetent cultivator. Even Wang Haoran couldn't keep up with this speed, and wanted to pretend. Does the expert scare him?

This is obviously unrealistic. Even if Lu Chen makes a move now, it will probably be too late. After all, the distance is too close. After all, a person's reaction power is limited. The more powerful a cultivator, the faster the shot speed. Quick, but weirdly, Lu Chen didn't look panicking, instead he had a calm and calm expression on his face. He punched out at will. It didn't seem to be any threatening, but the next two punches came together.

"Boom." The loud noise that shook the world and the earth, accompanied by screams, Wang Haoran flew straight out like a kite with a broken line, and hit the hard rock directly, feeling like blood and blood in his body. , He couldn't help but vomit blood, his face was full of incredible expression, is this guy still human?

He seemed to have seen Lu Chen make a move just now, but he still didn't have the explosive power to turn things around, but when he hit his fist, he could deeply feel the incomparable destructive power, which he could not deal with at all.

Besides, Lu Chen still intends to stop, otherwise he might have no bones and fall here. When he thought of this place, he coldly poured into his heart, and cast a look at Zhang Lei asking for help. The latter hadn't recovered for a long time. After coming, he took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart forcibly, and he couldn't see why.

"Brother, who on earth are you?" In fact, defeating Wang Haoran is not a big deal, but the lightning strike can only prove that Lu Chen is sure. He is fair, in that situation, even if it is. He didn't have the ability to fight Wang Haoran.

This time I met a strong man. Although Zhang Lei didn't want to admit it, the facts before him made him realize the seriousness of the matter. Lu Chen smiled, but it gave people a cold feeling, "I said the problem. If you don’t want to die, answer truthfully, which is so much nonsense."

There was a numb scalp in his eyes, Zhang Lei was slightly stunned, and could not help but nodded. Lu Chen's arrogance and arrogance were something to rely on. He was not a fool, so he could not offend Lu Chen for this news.

And Zhang Lei can already be sure that Lu Chen is not a member of the Pantheon. Otherwise, how could he not even know about Wang Xinya. Wang Xinya’s name is so popular that many top elite evildoers are crazy for him. He also thought Lu Chen's pursuit of Wang Xinya was unrealistic and whimsical.

But now, having to face this point, Lu Chen's ability is beyond doubt. If Lu Chen is a trash, then the two of them are not as good as trash, because they also thought about pursuing Wang Xinya, but they didn't have the courage.

"Okay, let me tell you that Wang Xinya is the daughter of the Wang family. The head of the Wang family loves her very much and will not let her be wronged. Even the elites of large sect families will suffer from the pursuit of Wang Xinya. You are so rash. Go to Wang's house, I'm afraid I won't see Wang Xinya." Zhang Lei stared at Lu Chen and said calmly.

It was not because of Lu Chen's strength that he was panicked. Lu Chen couldn't help but glanced at him high. This guy has a bit of weight, at least his mood is worthy of recognition. Although the talent potential is a little bit worse, the strength is not good, but strengthen training If so, there is still hope to take on the big responsibility.

If Zhang Lei knew what Lu Chen thought, he would not know what he would think. He was a rare genius at Tianleimen, second only to his elder brother Zhang You, but he was evaluated like this by Lu Chen.

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