Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2385: More than enough

They have been monitoring Lu Chen since yesterday. Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't take the opportunity to escape, but instead went into the desert of death, so they didn't have to take action. Lu Chen was bound to die.

They had never thought that Lu Chen would kill 20 fire and poisonous scorpion kings within half a month. This was absolutely difficult for a strong man.

That's why these two elders would give up. Lu Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth, which was clearly aimed at the two elders.

Although Lu Chen didn't say anything, his eyes were enough to express everything, which made the two elders a little unacceptable, and they couldn't get angry.

But the great elder was aside, they were embarrassed to be angry, and they each snorted coldly. Presumably Lu Chen didn't have long time to do so.

Although Lu Chen had a little strength, they didn't think that Lu Chen could survive the vicious nine-sun thousand thousand years.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help themselves with sympathetic eyes and looked at Lu Chen.

The latter didn't pay attention at all. He seemed to have some countermeasures. Although Zhang Lei was worried, he could only sigh because of the trust in Lu Chen.

Resignation, even he had to believe in the miracles that Lu Chen created one after another, so when Lu Chen was confident, he could not pour cold water.

Otherwise, it would just be aspirational and destroy one's own power. A few people quickly arrived at a teleportation formation. The elder took a deep look at Lu Chen. The former second elder Yu Yingying should discuss with him about the representative of Lu Chen. Tianleimen, participate in the training conference a month later.

Originally the Great Elder was not optimistic about Lu Chen, but as Lu Chen rose at an uncontrollable speed, he admitted that Lu Chen still had some abilities, but there was no reason to give him this very precious spot.

With the status of Tianleimen's large school, there are only three places that can be allocated. If Lu Chen grabs one, the disciples of Tianleimen will not be satisfied.

He happened to think of an idea to test Lu Chen, that is to enter the forbidden area of ​​the Tianlei Gate Jiuyang Desert to be tested, so he only proposed such harsh conditions yesterday, not only let Lu Chen stay inside for half of the time. Yue, also asked Lu Chen to kill twenty blazing fire and poisonous scorpion kings.

As long as Lu Chen can complete the task, there is nothing wrong with giving him this place.

He also has the ability to make a name for himself in the training conference, maybe they can compete with the super sect family.

It was such a glorious thing. The Great Elder sent Lu Chen in. If Lu Chen could not come out alive, it might have been destined by God. After all, Lu Chen had offended the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder.

Before he had absolute strength, it was impossible for Lu Chen to regret with the two elders.

As long as Lu Chen holds twenty scorpion tails of the Fiery Scorpion King as proof, no one will doubt Lu Chen's ability.

"Zhang Lei, you have been cultivating with me during this period of time." The elder said in a deep voice, neither cold nor hot, expressionless, unable to see the feelings of the elder, the two elders next to him were slightly surprised. How could they be unclear, the elder said this to them.

Originally, the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder had a plan, how to deal with Zhang Lei, because of Lu Chen's departure, it meant that their opportunity had come.

Lu Chen may be terrible, but they are not afraid of this Lei, as long as they play a little trick, isn't Zhang Lei in a different place sooner or later?

Even if his brother Zhang Hao was angry and couldn't find evidence, the great elder said something, as long as they were desperate, if Zhang Lei went to the great elder, they would not have a chance to plot wrongdoing.

Is God's will so? The two elders looked at each other, and they seemed to be able to understand the meaning of each other's eyes. They sighed secretly, and could only hope that Lu Chen would fall in the Nine Sun Desert, otherwise their plan would be completely ruined.

Lu Chen walked out of the teleportation formation, and the scene in front of him changed drastically. There was boundless yellow sand in front of him. Besides, the air was anxious. It turned out that the temperature here was totally different from that outside.

Lu Chen had no doubt that ordinary people would not survive a day when they arrived here. Even a cultivator would not be able to resist for a few days with the breath of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's physique was special, comparable to low-level spirit beasts, but he was a little overwhelmed. Lu Chen waved his hand and the energy of the five elements filled him. The heat immediately had no effect on him. Lu Chen estimated that these five elements The gas can last for a month, which is more than enough.

If people from outside knew that Lu Chen had such a defying method, I didn't know how he would feel.

"Presumably this is the Nine Suns Desert." Lu Chen said to himself. Although others said it was a forbidden area in Tianlei Gate, Lu Chen suddenly realized that this place is an independent space, but it is relatively small. .

The teleportation array was the channel, and Lu Chen nodded, suddenly an unprecedented sense of threat came to his heart.

Lu Chen's figure flashed and disappeared from where she was. In the next instant, at the location where Lu Chen was originally, a red tail suddenly appeared behind her, obviously the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King.

Without hitting Lu Chen, the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King suddenly emerged from the desert. He was not big. Lu Chen was a little curious. Is this the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King who made many cultivators frightened? He was a little depressed. This little thing didn't pose any threat to him. Lu Chen shot out with a punch and didn't get close to the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King, but his five-element energy was condensed like substance, so the multicolored light ball rushed toward him as fast as lightning. After the Fire Scorpion King, the little thing wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

"Boom." There was a loud thunderbolt on the clear sky. The Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King disappeared. A scorching atmosphere of heaven and earth spread. Lu Chen frowned. This should not be the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King. He After all, I heard that the Fire and Poison Scorpion King is comparable to the elders of the Heavenly Thunder Gate.

Although Lu Chen's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, he has not reached the point where he is invincible. If he fights against an elder-level figure, he will only need a dozen moves to gain the upper hand.

But the situation in front of him was not like that, so Lu Chen realized that it was just an ordinary fire and poisonous scorpion, and it was not yet a king. He swept around unintentionally and vigilantly. No wonder what he saw was deserted. It was because of this. The spirit beasts were all underground, which was a threat to Lu Chen.

It is not to be underestimated. Lu Chen didn't take it to heart. He thought for a while. The ordinary blazing poisonous scorpion is just a low-level spirit beast, but the poisonous scorpion king is a genuine high-level spirit beast, so Lu Chen still needs to be careful.

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