As the saying goes, he didn’t want to fall in the desert of death. It was shameful. Lu Chen took a deep breath and looked around. After walking only two steps, he saw a big red mountain, this mountain. Here, it is unusually conspicuous, even strange.

There was a doubt in Lu Chen's heart, he involuntarily walked over and patted the fiery red mountain. He could feel that the energy contained in this mountain was terrifying.

There was a flash of light in Lu Chen's mind, and the energy of the five elements in his body was about to move. Maybe he had hope, absorbing the energy of this mountain would have a rare benefit for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, who dared to think and dare to do, swept out of the five-element aura. As soon as it enveloped the entire mountain, Lu Chen felt the majestic aura of the world, colliding with his five-element aura.

"Boom." The fiery red mountain exploded with infinite deterrence. Lu Chen's face changed drastically, and he realized the peculiarities of the mountain. In the next instant, the mountain changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the original potholes became thick. Lu Chen suddenly realized that this was not a fiery red mountain, but a genuine spirit beast. After Lu Chen saw it clearly, a huge wave went up in his heart.

However, this seems to be a little different from the fire scorpion he encountered before. His skin is dark red. Although the appearance is roughly the same, it is much larger. This should be the fire scorpion that the great elder said. king.

Lu Chen quickly calmed down. He passed through a lot of strong winds and waves. This unexpected change was still able to withstand this unexpected change. The Five Elements Qi in his body emerged. He wanted to restrain the Fire Scorpion, but found himself proud. The spirit of the five elements is a bit unbelievable.

Lu Chen could only accept this. His figure flickered and backed back again and again. If he was attacked by the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King, then he would not have any chance of escape.

The fierce flames of the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King attacked Lu Chen overwhelmingly. Although the latter was prepared, he was still burnt. Lu Chen felt that the oncoming fire group was a little familiar. If nothing unexpected happened, It should be the true fire of Nine Suns, but this fire and poisonous scorpion king displayed it, not the most pure.

Lu Chen's eyes flashed with surprise, and his hope was greatly increased. The incomparable true fire of Nine Suns emerged, and Lu Chen transformed the other four powers into true fire of Nine Suns. The huge body of the Fire-Poisonous Scorpion King was stunned. It was clear that Lu Chen had the true fire of the Nine Suns. The true fire of the Nine-Suns was like a bright sun, attacking the Fire-Poisonous Scorpion King. The big guy looked like It is cumbersome, but the reaction is not slow at all.

"Boom." The Jiuyang True Fire enveloped the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King in a short time. Although it tried to avoid it, it didn't work anymore. The crackling sound passed through. Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged. He believed in the fire. The Scorpion King will not fall so easily.

This is his instinct. Lu Chen has absolute self-confidence in the fight against the enemy. This is why Lu Chen can win many battles, although the true fire of Nine Suns is extremely powerful, and it can burn the world to the purest. Things, Lu Chen used the Nine Suns True Fire to refine the treasures of heaven and earth last time, you can see that the Nine Suns True Fire is a rare kind of fire.

It's just that the Burning Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King has a trace of Nine Suns True Fire, which surprised Lu Chen. Even if it is mixed with some impurities, it should not be underestimated. No wonder the Burning and Poisonous Scorpion King can be called a high-level spirit beast.

Lu Chen didn’t think it was right before, but at this time, he had no choice but to go all out. With a move of his mind, the Hongmeng Sword appeared in Lu Chen’s hands. Although he had not discovered the life and death of the Fire and Poison Scorpion King, Lu Chen was able to guess. , The Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King is absorbing the true fire of Nine Suns.

Since he was so greedy, Lu Chen couldn't hide the stern look in his eyes. He wanted to make the Burning Fire Reading Poisonous Scorpion King pay a heavy price, waved twice, and two radiant sword auras swept away, mixed with earth-shaking destructive power. Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction with the violent stormy wind. After he mastered the power of the law of heaven and earth, the deterrence of Hongmeng Sword Qi rose to a new stage.

Seeing that the Hongmeng Sword Qi was about to hit the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King, the fire flashed and successfully escaped Lu Chen's attack. This made Lu Chen a little frustrated, but he didn't say a word, and his body surged again. The five elements of Qi, combined with the Hongmeng Sword, is not difficult to deal with the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King.

"Bang bang." The earth-shaking loud noise was transmitted. It turned out that Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword energy sank into the desert, so that two huge pits with a diameter of more than ten meters exploded, and more than a dozen ordinary ones appeared. The corpse of the burning fire poisonous scorpion, under the eyes of the burning fire poisonous scorpion king, Lu Chen actually mutilated its descendants, "boy, you are looking for death." A jerky voice came, endless anger appeared, and Lu Chen frowned. , This Fire Poisonous Scorpion King actually has the ability to speak, which surprised him.

It is indeed a high-level spirit beast. With this ability, it is not a novelty. Lu Chen smiled heartily, "How can you stand me." This unscrupulous provocation, the Fire and Poison Scorpion King understands it.

A terrifying aura of heaven and earth fluttered away. It seemed that the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King was completely angry. Lu Chen curled his lips. It seemed that he could find a suitable sandbag.

"Boom boom." Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword pierced the fire and poisonous scorpion king's leather armor, and there was a sound of intertwined gold and iron, which seemed to be unable to harm it. Lu Chen frowned slightly, his stormy offensive, could it be for Does the Fire Scorpion King tickle?

Lu Chen was depressed, he had to think of a way, otherwise he would not be able to win, let alone cut off the fire and poisonous scorpion king's tail.

Suddenly, Lu Chen glanced at it and found two white objects the size of a lantern. Those were the eyes of the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King. Lu Chen accelerated his speed, and his whole body shot out like a sugar-coated cannonball, just a breathing room. , It reached the position within one meter of the head of the Burning Poisonous Scorpion King.

He smelled a hint of danger, but Lu Chen didn't have time to take care of it. At this critical moment, Lu Chen must seize the opportunity. As the saying goes, there is no opportunity to lose, and the loss will never come. This Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King cannot be without weakness. Otherwise, it is not just a high-level spirit beast. Lu Chen pierced the fire and poisonous scorpion king's eyes with the swift thunder, and the dark red blood flowed out of it, as if it were magma. Lu Chen couldn't help it. His eyebrows were overjoyed, it seemed that he was right.

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