Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2388: Jiuyang Desert

It seems that ordinary fire scorpions are still very common, but what Lu Chen wants to collect this time is that the king among them, doesn't it mean that there will be one out of thousands of ordinary ones.

Why is there a difference between the current situation and Lu Chen's judgment? Lu Chen kept an eye on it, but did not show it. He wanted to find a way to deal with these ordinary fire and poisonous scorpions.

"Squeak." A small voice sounded from every corner, Lu Chen frowned slightly. He didn't expect that thousands of ordinary fire and poisonous scorpions could form sonic attacks. This was a kind of mental damage, and Lu Chen's heart was stirred The huge waves.

Hurry up to protect his hearing with the energy of the five elements. If it is affected, he will be more ill-fortuned. Lu Chen is convinced of this.

"Boom." Unexpectedly, at the moment when Lu Chen displayed the Five Elements Qi, it would collide with sound waves, red sound waves visible to the naked eye, constantly attacking Lu Chen.

He gritted his teeth and used the Hongmeng Sword to form a small formation. Although there was no harm, it was not a problem to resist the sonic attack.

Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the fire and poisonous scorpions quickly pierced his formation and quickly crawled towards Lu Chen. A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was impossible to hurt him.

Lu Chen attacked casually a few times, and he was immediately killed and injured, but strangely, the rest of the fire and poisonous scorpions were not affected, and they still rushed forward.

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. If this continued, I was afraid that it would not do him any good. A majestic aura of heaven and earth suddenly broke out. He immediately killed thousands of fire and poisonous scorpions, and Lu Chen swallowed it again. A panacea.

He quickly recovered the five elements' aura, he was a little strange. When would such an offensive last until Lu Chen was puzzled.

When he "tipped", he quickly ascended. Lu Chen glanced at the changing scene below. It turned out that he was stepping on the head of a Fire-Poisonous Scorpion King. Not long ago, he had solved the Fire-Poisonous Scorpion King. He had some experience.

Lu Chen was not too nervous, his eyes rushed out sharply, and his cold face was like ice that never melted forever. This fire and poisonous scorpion king completely angered Lu Chen.

He could guess that most of these fire and poisonous scorpions were driven by it, otherwise how could they be so desperate, a big knife appeared in his hand.

Although it was not a handy Hongmeng sword, it was a rare weapon of the gods. It seemed to have been obtained from the treasure house located in the center of Xuanyin Land. He could feel the sharpness of this sword, and Lu Chen waved it fiercely. It slashed towards the head of the Fire Scorpion King.

"Boom." There was a thunderbolt on the clear sky, which made Lu Chen numb in his scalp. This was unbelievable. Lu Chen felt that he had encountered an incomparable hard object, which was indestructible.

He transported enough energy of the five elements to the treasure knife, and a crack appeared in that huge head, which looked shocking. Lu Chen took a deep breath and realized that it couldn't go down anymore. The fire and poisonous scorpion king slammed frantically. With his head, he wanted to throw Lu Chen far, but found that Lu Chen couldn't get away at all.

Instead, he increased his strength. The next moment, Lu Chen drew out the broad sword, with five different colors of light lingering around the broad sword, he directly stabbed in, and a hot breath came along the broad sword, and Lu Chen hurriedly let go.

If this rushed into his body, it would fall sooner or later. He did not dare to take the risk. Lu Chen Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hand, and a condensed five-element energy attached to the Hongmeng Sword. Lu Chen swung out a few swords. More than a dozen sword flowers appeared, and each sword flower contained terrifying and fierce explosive power.

Immediately under Lu Chen's control, Jian Hua struck towards the location of several flaws in the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King, "Boom." One after another loud noise monks passed, Lu Chen's expression tightened, staring at the behemoth's body. .

It was just that the leather armor exploded a little, and it didn't have the effect that he had imagined. Lu Chen was a little frustrated, he couldn't help but sighed, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.

It seemed that this fire and poisonous scorpion king was more powerful than the one he personally killed. It seemed that Lu Chen had to treat it with caution.

He showed the six-pointed sword formation. After Lu Chen mastered the power of the laws of heaven and earth, the whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes. If not unexpected, the deterrent power of the six-pointed sword formation could be raised to a new height. , Lu Chen faintly looked forward to it. He stared at the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King, and attacked the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King like a broken bamboo. The big guy seemed to realize something and wanted to dodge, but found five fronts, and he couldn't allow it to escape. .

"Boom." After a shocking sound, the majestic aftermath diffused and rolled up a piece of yellow sand. Those ordinary fire and poisonous scorpions were also more or less affected.

This Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King obviously did not withstand the attack of the Six-Pointed Sword Formation, and the ground that was directly exploded was torn apart, but its tail was still intact.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately his tail didn't blow to pieces, otherwise his efforts were wasted. With these two experiences, Lu Chen's heart was completely calm.

Even if it is a high-level spirit beast, if he is eyeing it, then it is destined to have no good results.

In just three days, Lu Chen solved the ten Fire Scorpion Kings. To be precise, only ten appeared. Later, when Lu Chen wanted to kill the Scorpion King, he couldn't find the target. They don't seem to appear on their own initiative.

This made Lu Chen a little bit embarrassed, so he could only search around without his head. Lu Chen also found a different place. The more he went inside, the more the atmosphere of heaven and earth became stronger. This place is called Jiuyang Desert. Will it? It has an inseparable relationship with Jiuyang True Fire.

When Lu Chen thought of this, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he continued to go deeper without hesitation. Although there was an unpredictable danger, Lu Chen would also go there.

He understands that danger and opportunity coexist, and he needs to pay more to get more. He secretly observes the surrounding situation. The terrain has changed. Before, it was full of yellow sand, and there was no edge, but now it has become red. The land, the color like fire.

Lu Chen was a little curious, why is it called Jiuyang Desert? A stone stele appeared in Lu Chen's line of sight. He strode over and saw clearly what was written on it.

Lu Chen's face was stiff, he shouldn't be so lucky, "Jiuyang Palace was created by the real person of Jiuyang, who has spent his entire life. It must be obtained by someone who is predestined." Although the short line of words made Lu Chen couldn't help himself. of.

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