He finally understood why the weather here was like this. It turned out that this was the location where Jiuyang Master had stayed, or that this space was enjoyed by Jiuyang Master.

He just didn't know the reason, he had fallen into the Heavenly Thunder Gate, Lu Chen's face was full of enthusiasm, how could he not know the name of the real person of Nine Suns.

His true fire of the nine suns is inextricably related to the true fire of the nine suns. According to the records in ancient books, the true fire of the nine suns should be the first person to discover the true fire of the nine suns. Carrying forward, thus establishing and inheriting a school, I have to admit that Lu Chen admires the methods of Jiuyang Zhenren.

Lu Chen continued to advance inside. He seemed to be able to hear his nervous heartbeat. The last time he hid the treasure house in the center of Xuanyin Land, he gained a kind of inheritance. According to the old man, the Garden of Eden seemed to endure something. Lu Chen couldn't manage that kind of disaster.

The old man said for a period of time, how long the specific time is unknown, maybe for the powerhouse of that kind of realm, hundreds of years of time are just a flash, so Lu Chen doesn't need to stay in the Garden of Eden.

That will affect his improvement, because the Garden of Eden has a limitation and bottleneck, unless it touches the edge and reaches the point of free shuttle space.

Wouldn't it be possible to get the inheritance of the Nine Suns this time? Thinking of this possibility, Lu Chen couldn't help but be moved. He really had this opportunity, but Lu Chen immediately thought of the Nine Suns. It seemed that the Nine Suns had not fallen.

When it came to the inheritance, Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh, touched his nose, and didn't care so much. Since the stone tablet says that people with destiny can come in, then Lu Chen will not be polite. He believes in himself. It is the destined person.

After deepening, Lu Chen did find a magnificent palace. Both the construction style and the handwriting fully proved the courage of the palace owner Jiuyang.

Lu Chen couldn't help but be surprised. If he had the opportunity in the future, he would also build the Chenxing Gate like this. You can learn from it. Lu Chen walked into the palace and found antiques everywhere, but these things were of no use to him.

With his keen senses, he found that there was no danger around, so Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was right after thinking about it. The four or five blazing fire and poisonous scorpion kings outside were solved by him. If there is a strong person, come Here, it can only show that he is also destined.

"Damn human beings, get out, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Suddenly, a thunderous shout came from the blue sky, which made Lu Chen startled. Hasn't he observed everything? It was completely different from what he thought.

Lu Chen looked up and saw that the sun in the sky was also obscured. This was unbelievable. Those green and quiet eyes looked at Lu Chen. It turned out that it was a fiery male dog, with a smile on Lu Chen's mouth.

"Why are you leaving?" He could see that this fire dog was unwilling to destroy the palace's buildings, otherwise it would have made a big fight. It was not sure to kill Lu Chen without damaging the palace, so it only threatened. It was not sure what exactly Lu Chen was going to do in the palace.

"So, you are looking for death, and no one doubts the deterrence of my Fire Dog. Don't think that by killing a few small scorpions outside, you will be able to provoke unscrupulously in front of me." The Fire Dog arrogantly roared. Dao, Lu Chen was a little surprised that this Fire Dog could know the situation outside.

"Hey, since you know that I'm great, just get out, don't delay my little master's treasure hunt." Lu Chen frowned, not afraid of the fire dog, that's how he eats soft or hard.

"Look at me burning you to death." The Fire Dog shouted angrily. It spit out a ball of flame and hit Lu Chen. How familiar it was. Compared with the Fire Poison King, this Nine Suns Real Fire is much more pure and pure. , Although it was not as good as Lu Chen's Nine Suns Real Fire, it was not much worse.

Unexpectedly, the flame enveloped Lu Chen, but there was no harm. This made the Fire Dog puzzled. After its owner, could anyone be afraid of its flame? Lu Chen did not use the aura of heaven and earth to resist. Instead, let the true fire of Nine Suns burn. This is the key point. The Fire Dog is not stupid. It was shocked. There is a possibility that Lu Chen also mastered the true fire of Nine Suns.

Only this explanation can explain the problem. The Fire Dog still clearly remembers what the owner said to it, only those who master the pure Nine Suns Real Fire are the real destined.

As for what kind of pure nine-sun real fire is, it is to be measured. If a cultivator has mastered the nine-sun real fire and contains impurities, it is absolutely impossible to be immune to its burning.

Reminiscent of it, the Fire Dog was overjoyed and hurriedly collected his own flames. This was disrespectful to Lu Chen, otherwise the owner would punish him if he found out.

"Master, how offended, please forgive me." The Fire Dog bluntly apologized to Lu Chen, and said hurriedly, which flattered Lu Chen.

How could he change his face faster than flipping a book, but it seemed like it was a good thing for him. Lu Chen couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. The respectfulness of this fire dog clearly found something. With Lu Chen's caution and subtlety Observation, there is definitely another hidden story.

"Oh, what's going on, you can tell me." Since this fire dog calls Master Lu Chen, he must not hide anything from this matter.

"The master wants to know. Naturally, he knows everything and speaks endlessly." The Fire Dog thought for a while, and the face of the beast showed a look of remembrance. After seeing it, Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded.

Lu Chen wasn't sure whether the Fire Dog had any evil intentions, so he didn't go out immediately and thought for a while. This Fire Dog shouldn't be a joke. After all, a hunting dog possesses Nine Suns Real Fire. It's incredible to say it. Things.

However, the fierce face of the fire dog, the sharp teeth of the mouth, and a ring on his neck made Lu Chen a little dumbfounded.

However, the fire dog's strength is beyond doubt, and there is a certain amount of intelligence. At least there is no problem communicating with Lu Chen. If it can be a subordinate, it will be a rare good thing.

"The master once said that the person who possesses the true and pure Nine Suns Real Fire is his inheritor." The Fire Dog didn't hide anything. He spoke solemnly, with no expression on the huge animal face.

"Oh, then this huge palace complex is mine?" Lu Chen could understand that the owner of the fire dog was not him, but the previous owner. If not surprisingly, it would be the real person of Jiuyang.

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