Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2390: Fusion of everything

The desert palace that had not changed for thousands of years turned out to be someone waiting to accept the inheritance. Lu Chen was a little flattered.

It seems that this is God's nostalgia for him.

Lu Chen naturally wouldn't refuse, but he believed that things were not as simple as he thought, and Jiuyang didn't know where he was going. From his instinct, it seemed that something was delayed, and his uncontrollable words couldn't hide his excitement.

"Yes, but not for the time being, your Nine Suns Real Fire is still a bit worse, not strong enough, and needs some cultivation." The Fire Dog buzzed, with some contempt on the animal's face.

Lu Chen received an unprecedented blow. With his Nine Suns True Fire, he was not strong enough. Compared with those who use ordinary fire, Lu Chen didn't know how superior it was, so Lu Chen showed a frustrated appearance. They had already turned the other four powers into the true fire of Nine Suns without reservation, but they still received such evaluation.

"To what extent can I become the master of this palace community?" Lu Chen refused to give up and asked aggressively. He still didn't believe it. With his talent and potential, there was no way to quickly develop the Nine Suns Real Fire. Its gorgeous transformation.

The Fire Dog was a little triumphant, Lu Chen was not so strong anymore, even though Lu Chen's dominance was a good thing for him, it meant that Lu Chen's future growth potential should not be underestimated.

"Come with me." The Fire Dog said lightly. Lu Chen nodded and didn't say anything. Following the Fire Dog, although the behemoth's body would give Lu Chen a lot of pressure, he did not let go. In the heart, it was just Lu Chen looking around, making the Fire Dog a little dissatisfied, but because of Lu Chen's special identity, it was not angry.

The deeper he went, the more shocked Lu Chen was, and he had to admit that this palace community was quite a handicraft, and I don’t know how the Jiuyang real person was forged at that time. Perhaps for the monstrous powerhouse of that realm, this is nothing What's on.

Lu Chen had a superficial vision and had been sitting in a well watching the sky. He thought back then that when his strength was average, he was extremely weak, except that the other enemies were a thousand miles away from him.

At this time, he had some achievements, and Lu Chen didn't have the heart to be higher than the sky. He understood that the strong middle has a strong middle hand. After a while, the fire dog stopped, "see this and the iron chain?" The huge head moved, Lu Chen glanced, and as expected, there was a thick iron chain with a strange luster.

Lu Chen nodded without thinking, wondering what the fire dog meant.

"As long as you can burn it with Nine Suns True Fire, this palace is completely yours." The Fire Dog said solemnly. Hearing this, Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, but this task is too easy. Right.

Lu Chen didn't take it to heart at all, and he promised with full mouth, the terrifying nine-sun real fire swept out of his body, as if it melted the world and everything.

To outsiders, it would be no problem for Lu Chen to burn the iron chain, but what he didn't expect was that the iron chain remained exactly the same as before, which was really shocking.

The Fire Dog was not surprised by this scene. On the contrary, as it should be, Lu Chen had unprecedented stubbornness in his heart. He didn't believe it. With his own efforts, he couldn't break the iron chain. I have to admit that the iron chain is made of special materials, and even Lu Chen can't tell which material it is.

With his current nine-sun true fire, it is difficult to destroy the structure, unless he understands the profound and profound nature of the nine-sun true fire.

As a result, Lu Chen was able to give it a go without reservation. The temptation of this palace community was too big for him, and Lu Chen couldn't resist it.

The Fire Dog glanced at Lu Chen with some sympathy. This kid is mostly gone. Except for the true fire of Nine Suns, other fires cannot be burned. Lu Chen still has a certain amount of pressure, but under his accumulation, it is not so. Difficult, Lu Chen took a deep breath, and asked in confusion, "How do you cultivate Nine Suns True Fire?"

Although Lu Chen is powerful and might be able to deal with this fire dog, Lu Chen understands that he should try not to conflict with this fire dog. It has its unique characteristics, and it may become Lu Chen's subordinate in the future.

The Fire Dog was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Lu Chen, and he didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking. It said in a deep voice, "There is no shortcut. Cultivation in this place is already more effective."

Lu Chen frowned and his eyes closed slightly. As expected, the true fire of Nine Suns seemed to fluctuate, which made Lu Chen's eyebrows uncontrollably pleased. It is indeed much better to practice here for a few days than Lu Chen's inability to accumulate. For this, Lu Chen was convinced.

After all, it was absolutely shocking that Lu Chen was able to turn out the peak flame of fire attribute with the energy of the five elements. Lu Chen nodded and smiled gratefully.

The Fire Dog didn't respond to Lu Chen, and immediately disappeared before Lu Chen's eyes. Lu Chen felt the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the air. The entire palace was enveloped by a huge array of heaven and earth, and every corner was filled with Jiuyangzhen. Fire power.

The pure Nine Suns True Fire in Lu Chen echoed these distances. He tried to absorb the breath of the Nine Suns True Fire, but found that it had no effect.

"Bang Bang." And a slight noise erupted from the surrounding area, Lu Chen caught it without reservation. It seemed that the breath of the true fire of the Nine Suns resisted Lu Chen's absorption.

Now it was a little difficult for him to handle it. According to Lu Chen's judgment, the Nine Suns True Fire here, without the tyranny he controlled, would not have much effect in absorbing it.

If nothing happens, only when Lu Chen improves his mood, can his nine suns' true flames undergo earth-shaking changes.

Lu Chen never doubted this. As a result, Lu Chen's experience and skills in alchemy, Lu Chen could guess that this true man of Nine Suns also had extremely high attainments in alchemy, which required him to ponder and brew.

A few days have passed in a hurry, plus Lu Chen's previous killing of the Fire and Poisonous Scorpion King. Ten days later, when the forbidden ground was about to close, Lu Chen did not move, nor did the disciples of Tian Lei Sect. What kind of disputes are all working hard, but they can feel the oppression.

The sixth elder and the seventh elder are also relatively honest. Although they have a grudge against Zhang Lei, they have to forbear it. Zhang Lei is very safe to practice with the great elder.

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