Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2398: Experience

Originally, the second elder Yu Yingying devoted his efforts, he deliberately ignored it, because Yu Yingying’s father was the elder of the previous generation, but because of the honor of Tianleimen, another large-scale battle led to Yu Yingying’s father. Falling down, and his father had a little holiday with him, so the Great Elder never waited to see Yu Yingying.

But the appearance of Lu Chen made him change this concept. After all, he had to please Lu Chen and give Yu Yingying a chance. There was nothing wrong with Yu Yingying. Yu Yingying ignored the predecessors and did not take it seriously.

"Thank you, Grand Elder." Yu Yingying couldn't help but glanced at Lu Chen. A large part of it was due to Lu Chen. She never dreamed that Lu Chen had mastered the law of heaven and earth and couldn't see it at all.

Perhaps it was because of Lu Chen's extremely low-key that she didn't know enough about Lu Chen.

"En, it should be." The elder nodded, Lu Chen was lukewarm, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so that he didn't dare to jump to a conclusion.

Afterwards, Lu Chen and Yu Yingying left, "Yingying, you want to learn the laws of heaven and earth, why don't you ask me."

"Uh, I don't know you know the laws of heaven and earth." Yu Yingying glared at Lu Chen. The unique fragrance on her body passed into Lu Chen's nose. The charm of this little girl is undeniable. Lu Chen is not. A love-loving person, but when he saw Yu Yingying, he had a feeling of shock.

"It's okay, it's not too late." Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he grabbed Yu Yingying's small, soft hand. The latter was startled and wanted to break free, but it was a pity that Lu Chen was very powerful. There will be no effect.

She blushed and lowered her head, but they had already walked to the place where people came and went, and someone soon discovered this scene.

"Brother, look quickly, that's not the second elder and youngest member. Why is it that a man is holding hands? Maybe I'm wrong." A disciple patted the cultivator next to him quickly.

With a shocked expression on his face, the cultivator glanced at it. He originally thought it was a joke, but when he saw it clearly, an unbelievable expression spread all over his face.

After all, Yu Yingying has always been the title of Bingshan Beauty. How could he hold hands with a man? He even felt that he was joking about this person and found the wrong target. If it reaches Elder Yu Yingying, then he is probably more wicked Up.

It's a pity that what was in front of us was an undistorted fact, and many disciples were immediately attracted. They watched this scene one after another. When they saw the man's appearance clearly, everyone couldn't help taking a breath, "hiss."

Their ability to accept is not bad, but they are still shocked. What kind of ability Lu Chen can hold the second elder Yu Yingying's hand with confidence. More importantly, Yu Yingying has no tendency to struggle. It can illustrate a problem, Yu Yingying is willing to be led by Lu Chen.

This was even more remarkable. Everyone was shocked, and they only felt that they had witnessed a miracle. Not only was Lu Chen shocking the world by his strength, he was also first-rate in hooking up with beauties.

How could they not admire it, after all, the disciples of Tianleimen had not known Lu Chen for a long time, and they had not yet understood Lu Chen's methods. This was also excusable.

Yu Yingying is the dream lover of many Tianleimen disciples. This is not a secret in private. The female disciples of Tianleimen are scarce, so Yu Yingying is particularly prominent, but no one dares to pursue Yu Yingying. Except for a few unparalleled talented leaders, in their opinion, Yu Yingying is not incapable of profanity.

After all, Yu Yingying's position is there. Now an outside cultivator is occupying Yu Yingying's heart and holding Yu Yingying's small hand, which makes many disciples unacceptable for a while.

Feeling the scorching eyes cast from all directions, Yu Yingying became more and more shy, her face is not too thin at ordinary times, but she is all from the Thunder Clan, so she can't see her when she looks up.

How could Lu Chen's domineering behavior make her see people in the future? Yu Yingying was so shy, she drilled her small head into Lu Chen's arms, but the latter was swaying. If it hadn't been for the public, Lu Chen would have used her hands long ago. .

"Susu." Lu Chen burst into a fierce and condensed atmosphere of heaven and earth, everyone involuntarily stepped back two steps, their faces were full of jealousy, and Lu Chen took the initiative to go wild.

Those people's hatred of Lu Chen couldn't be ignored, but they didn't have this ability.

"Fuck away." Lu Chen curled his lips, and the five elements in his body swept out. Yu Yingying sighed with relief. These people dispersed, and finally they were not so ashamed.

"Domineering guy." Yu Yingying murmured. The next moment, Lu Chen roughly blocked her small cherry mouth. Yu Yingying's beautiful eyes were round and she didn't know what she was thinking. She struggled hard and pushed. Lu Chen not only failed, but made Lu Chen's evil fire even higher.

Lu Chen waved his hand, the energy of the five elements diffused out, forming a barrier around, and people outside could not observe what was inside.

Lu Chen was able to act unscrupulously, but Yu Yingying was more resistant, and Lu Chen did not force it. At the most critical moment, she let go of Yu Yingying. Even the beautiful woman found it incredible. As long as she is a normal man, she can’t resist it. This temptation.

But Lu Chen is different. Why did he do this? It seems that Lu Chen still cares about Yu Yingying. Not long ago, Yu Yingying was just an elder's attitude and vision to treat Lu Chen, but at this time, she There is no domineering arrogance.

In front of Lu Chen, there was a girl from Xiaojiabiyu, not a second elder.

"Bad guy, you know to take advantage." Yu Yingying's expression was complicated, and she beat Lu Chen's chest annoyingly, but at this time, she didn't use the breath of heaven and earth, so she was completely scratching it.

Lu Chen smiled and patted Yu Yingying lightly on the shoulder, very gentle, Yu Yingying gradually stabilized her emotions, and the anger she had previously dissipated a little.

This is the effect of Lu Chen's aura of heaven and earth. He has realized one thing from the heaven and earth array of the Tianlei Gate. After all, Lu Chen's understanding is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Yu Yingying closed her eyes slightly, Lu Chen couldn't help but pleased her eyebrows, and a little light appeared in her hand, and suddenly hit the center of Yu Yingying's eyebrows. The beautiful lady's uncontrollable tender body trembled, and she reacted and quickly opened her eyes. , I thought that Lu Chen would be disadvantageous to her, but found out that she was too mindful, and Lu Chen had no such thoughts at all.

"Yingying, digest it. I have just taught you the practice experience of the Law of Heaven and Earth." Lu Chen said lightly. Yu Yingying was overjoyed and she wondered if Lu Chen did something to him. Hands and feet, who knew that Lu Chen was helping her practice the illusory laws of heaven and earth.

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