Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2399: Dao Shan Huo Hai

Yu Yingying originally thought that it would take her several years to get to the edge, but after Lu Chen's hard work, she instantly had a clue, which was incredible.

But Yu Yingying instantly accepted, "Yingying, I am also very hardworking. Only when you are in a state of confusion, can you relax the most, and then transmit some of your cultivation experience to you." Lu Chen said solemnly. , It's just that his face is a little pale, and he looks very weak.

Yu Yingying was taken aback. She hurriedly supported Lu Chen. This guy was not joking. There was indeed a lot more in Yu Yingying's mind about the cultivation method of the law of heaven and earth.

It gave her a feeling of sudden realization. Yu Yingying tried it before, but she didn't have any clues. Finally, the great elder gave her the opportunity to enter the realm of heaven and earth. She was ready to go all out to try to understand some laws of heaven and earth.

But she didn't know that people are not as good as the sky. Lu Chen's unexpected ability made her cheer. As long as she digested the cultivation experience in her head, she would be much easier to enter the world.

This was also much better than she had no clue and practiced like a horned horn. Yu Yingying was so touched that she didn't know how to express it in words. Seeing Lu Chen like this, she was afraid that she would need to rest for a long time.

A sense of guilt emerged in Yu Yingying's heart. It is not difficult to imagine that in a short period of time, her opinion of Lu Chen has undergone earth-shaking changes. Before Yu Yingying, Lu Chen was just a naive young man. Taller than the sky and defiant.

But she only realized now that she was wrong. The wrong was very outrageous. Lu Chen was young and mature. He planned everything and decided to win thousands of miles away. Such a temperament made her obsessed. Isn't this the person she has been looking for?

It’s just that Lu Chen was so low-key that she didn’t realize his excellence, but it’s not too late. Yu Yingying hurriedly picked up Lu Chen and returned to her palace. Fortunately, she was fast enough, and Not many people saw it.

Otherwise, Tian Lei Sect will cause an uproar again. She has found a good-quality recovery pill. She only hopes that Lu Chen can ease over quickly. After all, they will go to the Ten Thousand Gods Gate to participate in the training conference in a few days.

Yu Yingying is not stupid. Lu Chen can use this method to help her with the practice experience of the law of heaven and earth, which proves a problem. Lu Chen has a means that can not be underestimated, but this time consumption is definitely not to be ignored. .

Yu Yingying was a little guilty, because she had wronged Lu Chen, and thought that this guy deliberately did dirty things and tried every means to take advantage of her.

After a day, Lu Chen slowly opened her eyes. Yu Yingying’s pretty face was a little haggard. She didn’t close her eyes all day and night, but she didn’t feel sleepy at all, because Lu Chen hadn’t woke up yet. For the cultivator, it was only a blink of an eye, but this day, Yu Yingying was tormented. Even though the elder asked about it, why didn’t she see Lu Chen, and Yu Yingying didn’t have the intention to answer, she just Tell the elder that Lu Chen is with her.

Yu Yingying did not dare to tell the elder that Lu Chen fell into a coma for her, and that Yu Yingying became a sinner through the ages. Lu Chen is now a seed player in Tianleimen. In any case, he should not be hurt at all. A genius leader who had hatred with Lu Chen also put the hatred aside. They knew that the overall situation was the most important thing. If the elder detected it, they must be in a situation of nine deaths.

When Lu Chen opened her eyes, Yu Yingying was a little unbelievable. According to her judgment, it would take at least three days and three nights to barely wake up from such extreme consumption of Lu Chen, but it is obvious that Lu Chen's recovery ability, It is not comparable to ordinary practitioners.

Others may need three days, but Lu Chen only needs one day. He couldn't help holding Yu Yingying with his arms. The beautiful woman trembled slightly, and he hesitated for a while, but Lu Chen blocked her little cherry mouth again, and Lu Chen desperately The Yunxi, that Qiongye Yulu made him feel happy.

I can't wait to make Yu Yingying rectify the Fa on the spot. This little Nizi is clearly tempting him, so it's fine if she keeps moaning softly. Her little hands are like aphrodisiac, walking around Lu Chen.

"Oh, don't." At this moment, Yu Yingying was no longer a arrogant second elder, her face was so charming that she had picked Lu Chen's evil hope.

"Why?" Lu Chen didn't stop and take advantage of his hands, making him more and more passionate.

"No, wait a while, okay? When you come back from the training conference, I promise to give myself to you." Yu Yingying said solemnly, Lu Chen couldn't help but be moved. He is not the kind of person who is difficult for others, so When Yu Yingying said so, Lu Chen had already agreed.

Among them, Yu Yingying also has an unspeakable concealment. The reason she did this was to increase the chance of Da Chen's survival, or to give him a sustenance and spiritual motivation!

Only in this way can Lu Chen be able to perform supernormally, and make his mark in the place that was just like a cloud that day!

"Bad guy, you are awake." Yu Yingying breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Seeing Lu Chen wake up, her guilt disappeared.

"Well, I know you miss me, so I woke up." Lu Chen said solemnly. At this time, he was still in the mood to make jokes. Yu Yingying couldn't help but sighed that the bad guy didn't take it seriously.

"That's good, if you don't wake up in time, I'm afraid they will take you to the Pantheon Gate." Yu Yingying was a little bit dumbfounded, her heart warmed.

"Well, who told me to hear your call." Lu Chen stretched out his big evil hand and struck towards Yu Yingying's twin peaks. Yu Yingying hurriedly ran away.

She was slightly angry. Lu Chen was a pervert. When she woke up, she was thinking of such bad things. She didn't know what to say about him.

"Ignore you, huh." Yu Yingying was embarrassed to talk about this matter, she turned off the topic, took a look in the mirror, and found her haggard face, she involuntarily sighed, not all for it. This guy, as soon as he woke up, he was thinking about that kind of thing. Could it be that she saw the wrong person?

Yu Yingying kept thinking wildly, but Lu Chen quietly left Yu Yingying's palace. Lu Chen understood a truth, feelings, it is impossible to force it, so he did not pursue it. , According to Yu Yingying's meaning, wait until Lu Chen returns triumphantly.

He was also absolutely confident. Even if the cultivation conference was fierce and fierce, Lu Chen did not hesitate to do so. He promised the Great Elder and Yu Yingying to win a good ranking.

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