Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2410: Green Leopard

"Lu Chen, what should I do?" Zhang Lei asked subconsciously. His brother Zhang Lei was a little depressed, why Zhang Lei, this guy, relied on Lu Chen so much, even though he faced fifty green leopards, he didn't have any strength to fight back.

That's not a testament to Lu Chen. He was thinking, finding a chance to escape, that would be the safest.

"Is there any way to kill them all?" Lu Chen said lightly, not loud, but like a thunderbolt in the sky. It hit Zhang Lei's heart. Lu Chen said it was too simple.

"Huh, can you really think of yourself as a character?" Zhang Lei looked at Lu Chen disdainfully. He was overconfident that caused him to fall into today's field. He has to see if Lu Chen can rely on himself. Power, resist the offensive of thousands of green leopards.

"Brother, can you say a few words less?" Zhang Lei frowned and was a little unhappy. He didn't dare to say brother before, but now the situation is different.

"Oh, your wings are hard, so you started to yell at me?" Zhang Han didn't fight, and it didn't matter if Lu Chen was lukewarm towards him, even his brother Zhang Lei was aggressive.

He also criticized him, Zhang Han was a face-saving person, and naturally couldn't bear this kind of blow, so he poured out of the pressure of the storm in his body.

They all attacked his younger brother Zhang Lei. The latter was taken aback for a moment, and he didn’t understand what Zhang Han thought. Is there only personal grievances in his head? After all, he knew that with his brother’s strength, he could surpass most The talented genius is just a bit reckless in his personal affairs.

This is what restricted Zhang Han’s development. The reason why the old ancestors were so cold to him and pointed at him was inextricably linked to this. Zhang Lei was unwilling to give, and a stubborn mood surged in his heart. The breath of heaven and earth suddenly burst out.

Resisting Zhang Han’s oppression, the two brothers had differences of opinion when faced with the threats of many spirit beasts. Lu Chen didn’t pay attention to it. He waved his hand, and the five elements inside his body spread out and locked in. The two of them shook their bodies and were a little puzzled. The two brothers opened fire and it had nothing to do with Lu Chen. Why did he stop it.

"Before reaching the Gate of the Ten Thousand Gods, you can't die, so for your own safety, you must stop." Lu Chen said lightly, although the voice is not very loud, but with an irresistible magic power, the two of them I was stunned, and nodded solemnly. These thousands of green leopards are definitely not easy to provoke. If they don't make a perfect preparation and countermeasures, I am afraid it will be more unfortunate.

Even if Lu Chen's strength is extraordinary, it is impossible to deal with thousands of green leopards. Therefore, in the final analysis, they must contribute, otherwise the three of them are at risk.

The energy of the five elements is extremely domineering, just a few breaths, spread all over every corner within a hundred miles, the green leopards roared in a deep and uneasy manner. It is not difficult to imagine that under the stimulation of the energy of the five elements, they can't help themselves. Anger.

Just three human beings also want to compete against their thousands of green leopards. Isn't this unrealistic?

They froze involuntarily, and then they dared not speak.

Looking at the approaching Green Leopard, they were a little frightened, but when they looked at Lu Chen, (recommended friend masterpiece, super perspective, author Yaodao), they were relieved to find that the latter had a calm look on his face. Lu Chen should be sure, otherwise there would be such a performance.

"Roar." Thousands of leopards roared one after another, giving Zhang Han an unparalleled deterrent.

They just smelled a dangerous aura, they didn't take the initiative to attack.

There are thousands of green leopards, there are a full fifty high-level spirit beasts, and the remaining more than 900 are intermediate-level spirit beasts and low-level spirit beasts.

Under the dispatch of high-level spirit beasts, those low-level spirit beasts and intermediate spirit beasts rushed to Lu Chen one after another.

They wanted to test whether Lu Chen had a special skill.

Seeing that the green leopard with its teeth and claws was about to attack Lu Chen, he waved his big hand, and the breath of heaven and earth suddenly exploded, and the green leopards were abruptly torn apart.

Various green leopard organs were scattered all over the place, making the scene extremely bloody.

Zhang Lei was a little unexpected. Lu Chen's vigorous means made him amazed. At this time, they couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

Although the green leopard kings of those high-level spirit beasts had no way to deal with them, their efforts were not a problem.

So Zhang Lei went all out to help Lu Chen, but Zhang Han dismissed it. He was still thinking about how to escape.

"Boom." The earth-shattering explosion sounded suddenly. It turned out to be Lu Chen's Five Elements Qi, converging into an air mass, which exploded in an instant.

Although there were a large number of green leopards, they did not pose a threat. In a short while, hundreds of green leopards died seven or eighty-eight, and none of them was safe and sound.

Even the middle-level spirit beasts are no exception. Lu Chen's expression remains unchanged. His goal is far from this. Only the high-level spirit beasts are not affected. Approaching Lu Chen, after these weak green leopards shot.

They also became vigilant, an incomparably domineering atmosphere of heaven and earth flooded towards Lu Chen, who was still there, with a calm smile on his face.

Although he has not encountered such a big show, he has to admit that in the desert of death, facing more than a dozen fire and poisonous scorpion kings at the same time, he did not take it seriously, so now his face has not changed. .

"Aha, I want to see how great you are. Don't fall for your own arrogance." Zhang Han smiled contemptuously, and Lu Chen really thought he was a three-headed six-armed monster. With a little strength, can he face fifty high-level spirit beasts, the Green Leopard King?

Isn't that seeking a dead end? He wished that Lu Chen would fall under the claws of these Green Leopard Kings. It had nothing to do with him. He could leave it alone. Then he became the leader of the Tianleimen. Even though there were only two people to participate, Wanshenmen also There will be no surprises.

After all, the road is far away, and no one knows what dangers are hidden on the road. A careless person may fall into a place where no one can recover. Even a genius leader of the school may fall together.

"Shut up." Lu Chen yelled. The irresistible tone made Zhang Han's face blue. This guy was so arrogant and domineering, he could not wait to break Lu Chen into pieces, but he was not so sure.

So I chose to wait and see the changes, as long as Lu Chen was in a disadvantage when he faced the fifty Green Leopard Kings, that was when he shot, after all, Lu Chen's talent potential is beyond doubt.

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