Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2411: What about spirit beasts

There was no way to fight him head-on, so I tried to find a way when Lu Chen was at his most vulnerable. In just one day, Zhang Han’s status plummeted. He was originally the first talent in Tianleimen, no one would doubt his deterrence. Li, it’s just that now, Lu Chen has successfully replaced him. There is no suspense. Zhang Han’s resentment towards Lu Chen can only be tolerated. This feeling makes him quite uncomfortable, because he used to be arrogant and defiant. All must converge, otherwise there is no way to make Lu Chen take it lightly.

According to his judgment, Lu Chen should be proud and complacent now. After meeting thousands of Green Leopard Kings, he undoubtedly confirmed this. The constant collision of Lu Chen's self-confidence did not benefit him at all.

Zhang Han is sure that Lu Chen will fall in a short time, so there is no need to fight against Lu Chen now. It is the so-called tolerate the wind and take a step back.

Zhang Han naturally understood this truth. After a while, fifty green leopard kings greeted him. If you observe carefully, you will find that they are in a certain formation. High-level spirit beasts have a certain level of intelligence, although they are not as cunning as humans. It's like that, but it's not much difference. The leather armor of high-level spirit beasts is extremely tough, and it is difficult to break through their defenses.

The fifty green-haired kings couldn't drain the water around them, it can be said that they were catching turtles in the urn. Even Zhang Han was a little confused. He began to worry whether he could escape by chance. At a critical juncture, he couldn't take care of his brother Zhang Lei.

Since this guy and Lu Chen are on the side, he can only disregard the blood relationship. In a world where the weak and the strong dominate, family affection and love are irrelevant. As long as he can save himself, he hopes to set foot on a higher level of cultivation. .

Therefore, he treated each other with cold eyes and remained silent, "Lu Chen, what should we do? Let's run away." Zhang Lei frowned, his face was full of worry, he didn't want to grow others' aspirations to destroy his own prestige, looking at the ground. With the endless green leopard corpse, his admiration for Lu Chen has risen to an unprecedented height, and this guy cannot be judged by ordinary people's eyes.

"What run? Isn't it dozens of advanced spirit beasts?" Lu Chen curled his lips and swept around. Although there were a lot of them, they were not invincible.

When his mind moved, the Hongmeng Sword appeared in Lu Chen's hands, and the spirits fluttered away one after another. Zhang Han was a little funny. He didn't expect that at this time, Lu Chen still wanted to resist. Isn't this seeking his own death?

The Hongmeng Sword Qi, with its overbearing power, quickly attacked a Green Leopard King. Because it was too dense, it was unable to avoid it. I thought it would be no problem to resist a sword Qi with its own leather armor. Who knew that the Green Leopard King made a miserable cry, Zhang Lei heard a bit of scalp numbness, and the destructive power of Hongmeng Sword Qi, although he did not fully understand it, he could still feel it far away.

He fixed his eyes and saw that the green leopard king was forcibly broken by a sword, but the blood flowing out was green. Originally, this kind of leopard was the king on the grassland, and they could come to the enemy quietly. Next to it, and then killed easily, one can imagine how many practitioners fell into the hands of Green Leopard.

The reason why the three of Lu Chen and the others did not fall so easily was because there was Lu Chen who was a keen observer, and he distinguished it from a long distance away. The peculiarity of the Green Leopard King lies in its concealment skills.

After this little exposure, it shocked the other green leopard kings, and the remaining forty or fifty green leopard kings stopped. The huge animal face stared at Lu Chen with hatred. The latter turned a blind eye and took a deep breath. It was a great sword spirit swept out, with a strong and domineering destructive power, as if it could tear the space, the green leopard kings roared in unwilling anger.

Lu Chen killed so many of them. Although most of them were insignificant subordinates, he completely angered them. This great sword aura struck, and many Green Leopard Kings hurriedly avoided. They are not stupid. Stay, they will definitely be in a different place.

It is better to try to evade, so their formation suddenly changed and disrupted, so that the impeccable blockade formation was ruined.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. This was the scene he hoped to see. Although these high-level spirit beasts were tyrannical, they were not irresistible. He took an excellent quality panacea and quickly restored his breath of heaven and earth. , Although his five elements aura is different from ordinary heaven and earth aura, but with Lu Chen maintaining a high level of balance, not only will there be no confusion, but he will also be able to reach a higher level.

Lu Chen's fighting spirit reached an unprecedented height. He felt that his body was filled with the energy of the five elements, and he wielded ten great sword auras with lightning speed. Although some of them could not hit the target, most of them failed. problem.

Those Green Leopard Kings who were hit undoubtedly fell into the footsteps and fell on the spot. Zhang Han's expression was a little ugly. Lu Chen was a pervert, and it seemed easy to deal with the Green Leopard King.

Why is the advanced spirit beast in front of him so useless? Zhang Han tried to deal with a green leopard king, but found that it was quite difficult. It was not as easy as he thought. In a flash, more than twenty green leopard kings fell apart. Their huge animal faces were filled with unbelievable shock. Even if they were dead, they were like lanterns with eyes open, and Lu Chen, who seemed to be weak and windy, had such means.

Zhang Lei was slightly stunned. The surprise came too suddenly. He didn't expect it at all. He didn't need to shoot himself at all. Thousands of green leopards seemed to be able to form a destructive force that could not be underestimated, but Lu Chen chose to defeat them individually. It's much easier.

Feeling the energy of the five elements in his body, he was almost consumed. Lu Chen took another high-quality panacea. Fortunately, he had brought some. If he was able to hold it up, he was afraid that there was no panacea to support him at the critical moment. Something is difficult.

He went all out to join the Hongmeng Sword Qi of the Law of Heaven and Earth, and the consumption was shocking. When he was an ordinary cultivator, it was impossible to display it once after all his life. Lu Chen used it more than a dozen times before getting close to the muscles. The state of exhaustion is something to be proud of.

Zhang Han's face was uncertain. If this goes on, he has no advantage. After witnessing Lu Chen's methods, he is already sighing at himself, so he wants to seize an opportunity to counterattack. He gritted his teeth and his eyes flashed sharply. But when Lu Chen offended him, don't think about living a stable life.

Zhang Han approached Lu Chen calmly, and the aura on his body was hidden. With his intentional restraint, it was quite difficult for Lu Chen to find out. Of course, this was just Zhang Han's own opinion.

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