Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2417: Talent potential

Everyone looked at Lu Chen with a strange look. They thought that Lu Chen was no different from a private person at this time. The invisible aura rushed to Lu Chen like a broken bamboo, and with an overwhelming aura, it seemed as if it was pervasive. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen didn't move at all, and there was no tendency to dodge. This scene made many people a little regretful, and they wanted to see it.

How Lu Chen fought with Shi Zhongtian, who knew that Lu Chen had no power to fight back under Shi Zhongtian's suppression, and he could not even try to avoid it. This is not a sad reminder.

Lu Chen curled his mouth, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Many people had misunderstood it. It was obviously a disdainful smile. Was Lu Chen frightened stupid? How come this time? How come this time? He could still laugh, they really couldn't figure it out, they could only attribute the reason to the problem in Lu Chen's head.

Zhang Lei and Zhang Han looked a little weird. They weren’t panicking or escaping. Everyone discovered their peculiarities. They were a little bit incomprehensible. They came to the Ten Thousand Gods Cultivation Conference with Lu Chen. There is no tendency to stop it at all. Do you know that your strength is too weak, even if you shoot, it will not have any effect?

Everyone suddenly felt that it was possible. In the next instant, Lu Chen raised his hand and slammed his punch out, with incomparable destructive power and a roaring wind.

Although in terms of momentum, Lu Chen could not catch up with Shi Zhongtian, but I don't know why, everyone felt that Lu Chen's fist might be able to create some earth-shattering miracle, which is a bit weird. Could it be that they had predicted it wrong?

It should be possible, but when they thought that Lu Chen was just a cultivator of a large school, they dispelled the idea. Lu Chen could not fight Shi Zhongtian. Even if Lu Chen performed supernormally, the result would not change.

After all, the gap between the large sect and the super family is not a little bit, and in a flash, Lu Chen hit the two air currents, "boom." The loud and deafening noises filled, Lu Chen was still in place, that The airflow was broken up by him.

Not at all, everyone was stunned. Lu Chen had such a method and the power of the cyclone. To be fair, they had no chance to survive if they were themselves.

Even Shi Zhongtian, the person who released this horrible cyclone, was dumbfounded. On the contrary, it was the two talented leaders who came with Lu Chen. There was no overwhelming look of surprise, because not long ago, Lu Chen and the super martial school Dongling The leader of the door fought, and successfully killed him.

Even though Shi Zhongtian's talent potential is not weak, compared with that person, at best, it is not equal, so they are not worried about Lu Chen's safety, but whether Lu Chen will kill Shi Zhongtian and Lu Chen's character is definitely possible.

"Boy, who are you?" Shi Zhongtian's eyes were filled with cold light, with an unbelievable look on his face. There was a gap between Lu Chen and his strength that was difficult to fill. How could Lu Chen break his strength after the fight? What about the cyclone.

"Can you manage this?" Lu Chen didn't have to make enemies around, so he replied lukewarm, Shi Zhongtian was slightly startled, and immediately furious, "Boy, do you really think I'm afraid of you? No? Is it just a little bit of strength? Tell you, I only used 30% of my strength just now, so you will definitely die today. I originally wanted you to join my Shi family, but now I don’t have this opportunity." Shi Zhongtian said righteously. The dark clouds between the eyebrows are obvious.

Everyone suddenly realized that they really thought that Shi Zhongtian was afraid of Lu Chen, but when they thought about it, this possibility was not too great. After all, Shi Zhongtian was just two cyclones, which were completely incommensurate with the background of his Shi family. To deal with Lu Chen, as long as you go all out, are you worried that there is no chance?

So at this time, they were not optimistic about Lu Chen, but they were more sympathetic to him. They all said that Tian was jealous of talents. As a practitioner of a large sect, being able to participate in this training conference is enough to show Lu Chen's talent potential. .

On this basis, Lu Chen should also have a little self-knowledge, otherwise he will fall sooner or later. Everyone can't help but wonder. Shi Zhongtian still hoped that Lu Chen could join the Shi family, but this is not a strange thing, after all. Lu Chen's aptitude was witnessed by everyone.

Even with Shi Zhongtian's 30% strength, the people who can follow are rare and rare, so they are envious of Lu Chen.

Most of this guy will not live long. Who wants him to anger Shi Zhongtian, the latter's figure swept away, turned into a flash of lightning, and hit Lu Chen, without any fluctuations in the atmosphere of heaven and earth around, this inexplicable scene, To everyone's surprise, it seemed that Shi Zhongtian was really moving.

Shi Zhongtian likes to bully the weak. He thinks that with his strength, there are not a few young leaders that can be compared. Nowadays, an unknown large-scale sect cultivator can fight against him. Such a shame. , Is unprecedented.

So Shi Zhongtian had to get it back with interest, otherwise it would not be in line with his style.

Shi Zhongtian suddenly appeared behind Lu Chen. I don't know when, an extra dagger appeared in his hands with primitive patterns all over it. It is not difficult to imagine the quality of this sword.

If Lu Chen reacted a little slower, he would surely be pierced by an arrow. When that happens, he will inevitably be in a different place, which indicates that this unfair fight will end.

But the next moment, Lu Chen quickly turned around, twisting at a tricky and strange angle, and then the Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hand, a sword pierced out, with invincible power.

Shi Zhongtian was involuntarily shocked. It turned out that Lu Chen still had hidden strength. This was somewhat different from what he had judged, but what had to be made was that the Hongmeng sword in Lu Chen's hand was compared to his ancestral sword. There was no difference, and he didn't know how Lu Chen got such a treasure.

He was a little jealous and mad. Before he thought about it too much, the two swords collided, "Tengteng." The sound of gold and iron intertwined was passed, and Lu Chen's Hongmeng sword released unparalleled destructive power. His sword was obvious. Can't stand it anymore, although it hasn't broken, but it gives people a feeling of being broken at any time.

He took a deep breath, and a sharp look flashed across his eyes. Lu Chen's strength was a bit unexpected. He could only use the exercises. He didn't believe it. As their Shi family super family, there was no way to fight against one. The big sect boy, the majestic atmosphere of heaven and earth rushed away, as if it were substance, everyone was shocked, and he deserves to be Shi Zhongtian. This is the strong person in their imagination. In contrast, Lu Chen is inferior. Some.

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