Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2418: look forward to

It is estimated that it is impossible for this kid to beat Shi Zhongtian, but there are also many people who are faintly looking forward to it. Most of them are people of large and medium sects, because Lu Chen's provocative behavior can help them win a sigh of relief. After all, it’s well known that for a long time, members of the super sect family have always looked down on their large and medium-sized forces, and constantly suppressed them. If they are worried about what happened after the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, I am afraid that there is no medium-sized or large-sized pantheon. The existence of sect forces.

Only with the restriction of the top hermit family, this situation did not happen, because the hermit family hopes to maintain a trend of big fish eating small fish and small fish eating shrimps. Only in this way can it be in line with the development between heaven and earth. law.

"The Shi Family Sword Technique." As Shi Zhongtian danced the sword continuously, everyone gradually understood his thoughts. They did not expect that Shi Zhongtian was not sure about it. Without using other techniques, he would subdue Lu Chen. , This kid is not three-headed and six-armed, how can he have the ability to make Shi Zhongtian fearful.

They glanced at the Hongmeng Sword, it is very likely that this sword is of good quality, but the premise is that Lu Chen, a sword-using person, can do this only if he has a certain strength. After all, let them use this sword. It's impossible to confront Shi Zhongtian head-on.

Maybe they won’t be in a different place after two strokes, but Lu Chen is different. He persisted for hundreds of rounds, and he didn’t fall into a disadvantage. Instead, he was defeated by the stone in the sky. , Shi Zhongtian was enough to make them feel terrified. Before this training conference started, there was an enchantment like Lu Chen. Isn't it possible for them to emerge at all?

Then they could only comfort themselves. Perverts like Lu Chen are a minority after all. If they appear frequently, aren't they all rubbish?

At the thought of this, everyone sighed and shook their heads. They only hope that Shi Zhongtian can defeat Lu Chen. Maybe Tianleimen has done everything possible to train Lu Chen to achieve such an achievement, otherwise it would be too shocking.

An aura of fierceness permeated, and the deterrence of Shi Family's swordsmanship was beyond doubt. It was said that Shi Zhongtian's talent and potential were different from ordinary people, and everyone had finally witnessed it with their own eyes today.

The faint shadows kept changing, and everyone couldn't come over at all, but Lu Chen didn't resist. At the most critical moment, Lu Chen made another decision that surprised everyone.

He slowly closed his eyes, he was not affected by the destructive power of the violent storm at all, "Huh." A cold snort came out, it turned out to be the right one, but from all directions, it made people distinguish clearly. No matter which direction he was in, an unprecedented sense of crisis surged in his mind.

Suddenly, Lu Chen opened his eyes, he pointed in a direction, and the Hongmeng sword aura suddenly went away. The power that could destroy the sky and the earth caused everyone to frown. What the hell, what can Lu Chen do? Can't the accuser's killer move?

This Shi Zhongzheng's strength was unfathomable, and Lu Chen was even more against the sky than him. The strength of that Hongmeng sword aura shocked everyone. Their hearts were shocked, and their perception of Lu Chen changed dramatically again.

This is a bit shocking to hear. Although the Shi Family's swordsmanship is overbearing and strong, it is a bit worse than Hongmeng's sword aura. The most important thing is that Lu Chen can accurately capture Shi Zhongtian's position.

As outsiders, although they could not see exactly where Shi Zhongtian was, the determination in Lu Chen's eyes was obvious. With this, Lu Chen was able to stand proudly above many talented leaders.

"Susu. The Hongmeng Sword Qi is composed of colorful rays of light, faster than lightning, and immediately hit Shi Zhongtian's sword. He was a little surprised, not knowing how he was seen through.

At his speed, even if Lu Chen reacted quickly, it would be impossible to find where he was, but in the scene before him, he had to approve of Lu Chen, and the previous contempt and disdain disappeared.

Instead, he was shocked, but he didn't have time to think about other things. Originally, he didn't want to resist the Hongmeng sword aura. After all, he had already felt it. The explosion contained in the Hongmeng sword aura was no longer capable of that day. To describe it as rich, it is simply terrifying.

As for how Lu Chen did this, he doesn’t know. Even if he has an ancestral sword technique, he still sighs inferiority. In front of everyone, if he dodges and flinches, it’s not losing him. A man's face is gone.

It is the face of the entire Shi Family. When he can return to the Shi Family safely, he will be blamed and infinitely stigmatized. After all, as the eldest master of the Shi Family, he can overpower the disciples of large forces in all aspects. If he loses, Your status may not be preserved.

The cultivator at the back was staring at him, how could he not know it? What's more, if he dodges, even if he succeeds, it will have a certain influence on his mood, and it will probably not be eliminated for a long time.

Because Lu Chen's great sword aura greatly exceeded his imagination and the scope of his tolerance, only confronting Lu Chen head-on can ensure his continuous improvement in cultivation.

Therefore, Shi Zhongtian bit his scalp and faced the difficulties. He wanted to see what was peculiar about Lu Chen. His sword aura was also forced out, and his aura was weaker. Swordsmanship has absolute confidence.

"Boom boom." The earth-shaking loud noise spread, accompanied by a fierce aftermath. The weaker cultivators are all blood spurting out, and they can't stop it.

It will take at least a few days to recover. As for the shadows will not affect their performance in the training conference, it is unknown, but there are some people with good strength. This Yu Bo has no excessive influence on them, but everyone is a little strange. , Why are there two sounds,

They fixed their eyes and saw that the stone Zhongtian flew upside down like a kite with a broken line. Many people wondered if the eyes were blurred, but after rubbing it, the situation was still the same.

There was a huge wave in Shi Zhongtian's heart. Who is Lu Chen? The great sword aura just smashed his ancestral sword directly, which made him feel uncomfortable. He said that Lu Chen was extraordinary. , Can no longer be described.

The blood in his body was churning and he couldn't stand it. He almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. It was just that Shi Zhongtian was a face-saving person. He swallowed abruptly and moved his throat. As the saying goes, he broke his teeth and pushed his stomach. Liyan.

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