Although it is impossible for Lu Chen to fight a dog, he still has to think about the powerful background of the Ten Thousand Gods. This name is not unreasonable. The total number of top masters in the Ten Thousand Gods is more than 10,000. To solve the super martial art of Tianleimen, it is not easy to catch.

So many people think that Lu Chen is reckless, and even Zhang Lei and others think that there is no benefit for Lu Chen to do so.

The guard's face became cold, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot. Everyone shuddered. Shi Zhongtian was a little gloating. He secretly looked at Lu Chen. Originally, he was afraid that there was no valid reason. Who knew Lu Chen? This kid didn't know whether he was dead or alive. It is estimated that under the hands of the third-level guards, Lu Chen would not survive three moves. Although he was confident that his strength was good, he was a thousand miles away from Lu Chen.

A fierce and domineering atmosphere of heaven and earth swept out from the body of the guards of the city, as if they were visible to the naked eye. They couldn't help but be surprised. They are truly top powerhouses. Compared with such people, they It's trivial.

However, they are still able to stand out at a young age. After all, every peerless powerhouse can be successfully honed after thousands of trials.

They also had no doubt that Lu Chen had any little-known secrets, otherwise he would definitely not have such a means. They secretly envy and envy, this kid has experienced a shocking opportunity, and it can only be said that the heavens favored him.

But Wu Luchen had no hope of going to the end, because of his recklessness and ignorance, no matter who it was, there was no need to confront the guardian at this point.

That majestic oppression spread all over Lu Chen's body. Unexpectedly, under the oppression here, Lu Chen just frowned, without any special performance. If he were an ordinary cultivator, He knelt on the ground a long time ago, and even fell on the spot, because the pressure, at least tens of thousands of catties, was enough to crush a person into minced meat.

Even Shi Zhongtian, he asked himself, he couldn't do this. Lu Chen was a little peculiar, and this alone was enough for him to surpass most talented leaders.

In fact, Lu Chen’s purpose is very simple. It is to deter, so as not to get the time to play, the points are divided. He has to play a lot of games. Lu Chen thinks that is more troublesome. It is better to take this opportunity to take advantage of the game before it starts. Show some of your strength, instead of hiding it, it's better to show it openly, and the effect will be better.

Because Lu Chen mastered the great formation of heaven and earth in Tianleimen, he trained with a pair of fiery eyes. The approximate strength of these people can be basically seen by him as long as he glances at it. As long as it is not more powerful than his ignore.

Among the thousands of people onlookers, there were a handful of ruthless characters. Lu Chen remembered them all. He knew that these talents were his last opponents, so he kept a glance.

He also knew that when he was contending with the third-level city guards, these people secretly weighed the gap between them and Lu Chen, and the city guards had an obvious surprise in their eyes, and they could resist Lu Chen. He was a little surprised by his coercion. After all, he knew his own oppression quite well.

"Take a punch from me and see." The guard of the city guard was flashing like lightning, and blasted out with a punch, with the destructive power of destroying the world. Lu Chen hesitated for a while, and it was clear that he was there. Consider whether or not to shake the blow head-on.

"Lu Chen, don't be impulsive." Zhang Lei hurriedly reminded him that he was worried that Lu Chen would be out of control, so he wanted to meet the enemy. The strength of these three-level city guards is absolutely unfathomable. The genius present. The leader, maybe dozens of them are good, and they may not be able to compete with him. This is an unshakable authority.

However, Lu Chen actually had to challenge the third-level city guards. This was an unwise choice. After all, the third-level city guards were a lot higher than the second-level guards. Lu Chen’s eyes were full of breathtaking light. It was a bit unexpected, because the person in front of him was definitely a strong enemy, and Lu Chen couldn't capture where he was. It was conceivable how fast the level three guards had reached.

At this critical moment, Lu Chen did not dodge, but smashed it out with a punch. In the blink of an eye, his fists were covered with dragon scales, just colorful. This scene made many people exclaimed, "Transfiguration Gongfa."

Most people still have some eyesight, and they directly judged that the technique used by Lu Chen, but what Lu Chen transformed into was not an ordinary spirit beast, but a supreme beast. This guy is too fierce. After all, the beast is not that way. Easily transfigured, it requires extremely high attainments, as well as the physical fitness that can be matched, and the five-element real dragon in front of him is definitely one of a kind.

I don’t know where this kid has such good luck. He even possesses the body of the five elements. It only exists in the legend. Even the guards of the city gave a deep look at Lu Chen. He had to admit that he was a must. The talented genius who got so much just offended him and was destined to have no good end.

Although Lu Chen turned into a true dragon with five elements, his own destructive power reached an unprecedented level, but the three-level guards did not take it seriously, anyhow they must be worthy of his master demeanor. The stinky hairy boy, even if he is a rare elite in a thousand years, will not be his opponent.

Just when everyone was guessing, a dragon fist collided with a fist, "boom boom." A loud and deafening sound was passed. Those slightly weaker cultivators involuntarily used the aura of heaven and earth to protect the whole body. , But still cannot avoid being hurt by the aftermath.

Their scalp was numb, their blood was tumbling, and they couldn't help but spout out a mouthful of blood. The scene was strange and a bit spectacular for a while. Of course, the initiators of all this were Lu Chen and the third-level guards.

The turbulence caused by the two of them fighting against Shi Zhongtian was not worse than when they fought against Shi Zhongtian before. Everyone's perception of Lu Chen has undergone a subtle change. That is, his methods are enough to make everyone admire. Lu Chen is making peace. After Shi Zhongtian fought, he came to fight the three-level guards again, which was undoubtedly a wheel tactic.

Even if he was so strong that he was abnormal, he definitely couldn't do this. It was only after a piece of flying sand and walking stones dispersed that everyone could see clearly the situation of Lu Chen and the third-level city guard.

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