"Karma." Suddenly everyone was dumbfounded. Lu Chen was still there, with a sullen smile on the corners of his mouth, which looked a bit scary, but they didn't want to look at Lu Chen, but turned to look at San. Level guardian, he was surprised to find that he took a few steps back. What kind of means did Lu Chen have? That punch contained an astonishing explosive power. Even the level three guards were repelled, and he changed to level one. Wouldn't the second-level guards of the city be embarrassed, and might even die on the spot.

"Boy, I'm a little capable, I can catch me 50% of the strength." The third-level Guardian gave Lu Chen a deep look, frowned, and said solemnly. His majesty has been provoked. This is rare. It hadn't been there for at least a few hundred years, but now Lu Chen, a stinky hairy boy, has changed this abruptly.

The boundless anger spread, but he wisely chose not to take action. As the guards of the Pantheon Gate, they were mainly responsible for the security issues in the city. Generally, practitioners who have not yet entered the city are not restricted. , If he is reported by someone, there may not be good fruit.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a superior existence, but in front of the high level of the Pantheon Gate, it is nothing, unless he reaches the coveted Super Guardian, then he has a certain right to speak.

As the saying goes, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people. Young people like Lu Chen will never know how to constrain. If they have been defiant, they will always be punished and retributed.

The Level 3 Guardian has already decided not to care about Lu Chen. In all fairness, he is looking forward to what kind of results Lu Chen can achieve in the training conference. After all, the best chance to measure a talented leader is This time the practice meeting.

He didn't know which sect Lu Chen came from. He was a little hard to believe. From Lu Chen's green robe, it only showed that Lu Chen was the leader of a large sect. How could this be possible? Then the guards found Shi Zhongtian's He forced his face so hard that he suddenly realized.

Before, Lu Chen used the weak to control the strong. This kid is indeed exceptional. Even he can only admit this.

However, the Guardian gave an appropriate explanation. He didn't go all out. Everyone nodded with their hearts. They felt that this was a matter of course. If the Guardian did his best, I am afraid that Lu Chen would have fallen.

Where can I get away with it? A cultivator of a large sect has achieved this. It is already commendable. If they look down on Lu Chen, they will look down on themselves. No one wants to do this.

So at this moment, Lu Chen received the admiration of most people, and they had already made up their minds. If unfortunately encountered a demon like Lu Chen at the training conference, they would have to give up decisively. Their heads were not stupid, no It is necessary to embarrass yourself for a time.

Lu Chen defeated Shi Zhongtian not long ago. That is an undeniable fact. Shi Zhongtian has tried his best. Perhaps there is still some ultimate move that he has not used, but that also shows that when Lu Chen was fighting head-on, Strength is better than him.

As for the trump cards and the killer's secrets, they don't know. After all, the Shi Family, as a super martial school, has the same level as the Tianleimen. For this, everyone has no doubts.

Even if Shi Zhongtian used some assassin's trump card to defeat Lu Chen, it was understandable.

But they are ordinary cultivators, and at best they have good talent potential. Only then can they participate in this training conference. If they meet Lu Chen, it can only be said that they are out of luck.

Even if they admit defeat, they are willing to do so. Don't be attacked by Lu Chen's violent storm because of a momentary impulse and recklessness. The consequences would be unimaginable. Lu Chen's purpose of provoking the third-level guards this time was achieved. Now, a fierce atmosphere of heaven and earth permeated, and everyone was surprised to find that it turned out to be Lu Chen’s five-element aura. What did he mean? Didn’t you see that the guards of the city had raised their hands high, could it be that Lu Chen refused? They were a little bit dumbfounded. Zhang Han and the brothers were extremely nervous. They were afraid that Lu Chen would make some shocking movement. They were also overjoyed that Lu Chen could have the upper hand just now. They were afraid that Lu Chen would not know how to promote.

"You used 50%? Do you know how much strength I used, it's only 30%." Lu Chen said lightly. Although the voice is not very loud, it spread to every corner of the audience accurately, quietly and deadly. They didn't expect that Lu Chen could be arrogant and domineering to this point, it would be considered a strange work.

The guard's face was a bit ugly. He never expected that he would be merciful to his men, but Lu Chen didn't plan to do so. He even clenched his teeth. This would be too arrogant.

Everyone looked at the dead with a look in their eyes, looking at Lu Chen. Perhaps they had a little admiration for him before, but at this time they all disappeared. For such a lifeless person, they have no need to admire.

Maybe it’s the same as Lu Chen’s destiny, and his head is different. Suddenly, the three-level guards swept through the body with a monstrous aura, "Boy, don’t toast or punish wine, I think you are alone. For the sake of talent, I don't want to kill you in the cradle. Who knows that you don't know how to promote, then go to death." The third-level guard guard roared angrily, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

The happiest thing is Shi Zhongtian. Although he lost his face just now, but at this time, the guards of the city guard helped him avenge him again. He didn't believe that the guards of the city guard would show mercy even in a state of rage.

Regarding what Lu Chen said just now, he naturally didn’t take anything seriously or make any jokes. If Lu Chen only used 30% of his strength, wouldn’t it be going against the sky? He thought he could be able to go all out. With the strength of 70% of the guards against the city guard, Lu Chen went all out to deal with two or three Shi Zhongtian. This humiliation to him was unprecedented.

However, an enchanting like Lu Chen won't live long. Although the Five Elements Qi is domineering, it is also weakened by the oppression of the overwhelming aura.

Lu Chen raised his brows. Although he was a bit exaggerated, he had to admit that Lu Chen did not go all out, otherwise it would hurt both sides. It would not do him any good. Lu Chen will participate in the training conference immediately. Reckless at this time, and delayed.

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