Therefore, Lu Chen felt that he had some fluke elements, and this was also due to the help of the real person of Yuan Dao. Not long ago, he merged with the spiritual imprint of the Five Elements real person, and some extremely terrifying pictures appeared in his mind, as if some disaster was about to happen. At the time, he only felt that he had a headache and was unable to think about problems normally. Therefore, Lu Chen didn’t write down much of the massive amount of information. He vaguely felt that this true man should be very curious about Lu Chen’s inheritance. Is there a clue to the matter of spiritual imprinting?

He glanced at the Wang family leader, this old guy was present, he couldn't ask questions unscrupulously, so he planned to tell Lu Chen first about what he and Wang Xinya had to face.

It’s not that simple to hug a beautiful woman. The elder of the wind and clouds took a deep look at Lu Chen and said without rush, “Lu Chen, do you know why our Wanshenmen and Wang’s family hold a family invitation conference?”

This question caught Lu Chen off guard. He was taken aback, and replied, "Pick a qualified genius leader."

He replied frankly, making the two old men a little bit dumbfounded. Isn't that enough, but they weren't angry. Lu Chen, this kid, deserves their efforts.

"Yes, you only know one of them and don't know the other. Although my Wanshenmen and Wang's family are hidden forces, they also have some unknown difficulties. Now that you have successfully become this unique talented leader, then we too I should tell you." Zhenren Yuan Dao said solemnly. He glanced at the elder of the Wang family. The latter nodded, apparently agreeing to him. This matter should be told to Lu Chen sooner or later, since Lu Chen has chosen it. , Then he has no turning back. No matter what Lu Chen's reaction is, he can't refuse it. This is a mission.

"Oh, but Wen Qixiang." Lu Chen said slowly, and the two old men pondered for a while before speaking slowly; "According to the regulations, you two will go to a space called Tongtianjing, which is a real high class. Space, compared to my Pantheon, is many times stronger, so I hope you two will have a psychological preparation. I will not confuse you. It is definitely a situation of nine deaths. I hope you can understand this point." said this It was Wang's elder, although he was speaking to Lu Chen and Wang Xinya, but it was more like speaking to Lu Chen alone, because Wang Xinya had known the news before.

She came to the Pantheon Gate only to choose a wishful Langjun. As for whether there would be danger in the Tongtian Realm, it is not something she can consider. The reason why Pantheon Gate chooses an absolutely powerful genius leader is the reason. Here, if the person is not strong enough, it will only affect Wang Xinya, it is better for Wang Xinya to go alone, the purpose is to protect Wang Xinya.

So after Lu Chen's strength was recognized, there was really no need to hold a promo conference. That would be a bit of a taste. After hearing this, Lu Chen couldn't help but suddenly realized. Finally, when he heard the advanced space, he didn't think of himself. He was about to go to a strange high-level space so soon. He hadn't reached the height of the pantheon. He rushed to a more powerful space. There were a lot of dangers and inconveniences. Unfortunately, Lu Chen had nothing to do. What to avoid.

So he quickly turned in his mind, thinking about what they were doing when they went to Tongtian Realm. Looking at the appearance of the two old men, it should not be a bad thing. Otherwise, a look of grief and anger is inevitable, but it is not like this at present, so Lu Chen's heart Dading, he wanted to see what was going on.

"Hey, let's not lie to you. In the millennium, our Pantheon and a large force in the Tongtian realm have made an appointment to send two elite elites to their sects to practice. No matter what brilliant achievements they have achieved, they must stay Among their sects, so this is both a challenge and an opportunity." Zhenren Yuan Dao sighed. Although Lu Chen is a dazzling elite leader, he has to admit that he will probably not return. Here comes, such an enchanting character with such talent and potential, even if he is there, he is also brilliant.

Therefore, in all fairness, Yuan Dao Zhenren is reluctant to leave Lu Chen, but there is no way, as the so-called promise, not to mention, if their Pantheon does not comply with the agreement, they will only be exchanged for revenge from the violent storm of the sect, which the sect recently urged It's very urgent, it seems that something big is about to happen.

Although he didn't know, he was able to estimate some clues. It is one thing for Lu Chen and Wang Xinya to reach the Sky-Sky Realm. Whether they can successfully join the school is another matter.

"Oh, no, I can't go for the time being." Lu Chen bluntly refused, what he remembered, his purpose of coming to the Pantheon was basically completed, let's take a look at Wang Xinya, now he is considered successful, consider Whether he wants to return to his hometown, after all, he is a person from the lower space Eden. This is the key. Before returning to the Garden of Eden, he must go to an illusory higher space, which is not a good thing for him.

"Why?" Zhenren Yuan Dao's expression was a little ugly, Lu Chen suddenly objected, it seemed a bit strange, and the atmosphere became a lot more tense. Wang Xinya frowned, as if she understood Lu Chen's mind, and then looked at him. .

The leader of the Wang family was obviously not happy, but it didn't show up.

"I still have to go back to a place, you have to give me some time, otherwise I can't go to the Heavenly Transcendent Realm." Lu Chen has a hunch that the lower-level Eden Garden is now experiencing some kind of disaster, and it is a terrible disaster. I'm afraid that if he doesn't go back and take a look, his martial art, Chenxingmen, is gone.

Then Lu Chen has no chance to regret. As the helm of the Chenxing Gate, Lu Chen cannot forget his responsibility. If the school encounters any danger, Lu Chen must be the first to step forward. This is his life. the rules.

After listening to Lu Chen’s explanation, Zhenren Yuan Dao’s expression eased a little. He thought that Lu Chen had learned the secret and was ready to go away. What he did then was completely provoking his majesty, so Yuan Dao let him go. Heart comes.

In a few days, they still had a way to slow down. As for what Lu Chen had to do, he didn't have the leisurely intervention. A smile appeared on the corner of Zhenren Yuan Dao's mouth. He waved his hand, "Okay, If you have anything, please do it. I don’t know if the old man can help."

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