Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2524: Normal man

There are some concerns in Yuan Dao Zhenren. Lu Chen can’t solve them quickly. There are obstacles that cannot be ignored for the implementation of their plan. The Wang family leader elder also nodded. Obviously, his thoughts are the same as Yuan Dao Zhenren, although they It is high above, but there are also difficulties. As the saying goes, there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside. The medium space is an awkward position. It ranks above the low space, but it is firmly suppressed by the high space, so it can only be obedient. It is an indisputable fact that even a large school of the Tongtian realm in the higher space has the right to control them.

Lu Chen also understands this truth, "A few days will be enough, can you start the ancient teleportation array? Or give me some top-quality spar." Lu Chen thought for a while, if he takes the time to collect the best-quality spar, or It was relatively delayed. It should be easy to ask these two old guys directly. As expected, after hearing Lu Chen's request, the two of them opened their brows. They understood what Lu Chen meant, and they wanted to go back and have a look. For a strong man like Lu Chen, he has not yet reached the strength to cross space at will. Perhaps when Lu Chen just merged with the Five Elements Spiritual Imprint, he was at that level, but after his strength degraded, he would not be so strong. God.

It is excusable to start the ancient teleportation formation with the help of the best spar. Once the real Taoist turned his hand, hundreds of best spars were listed and floated in the air. Lu Chen's eyes suddenly brightened, yes, these It was the top-grade spar he needed, and he didn't expect that Yuan Dao Zhenren had collected so many, which was really incredible.

However, it’s not surprising that Zhenren Yuan Dao has lived for so many years to collect so many rare top-grade crystal stones. This thing is also of great help for cultivators. It can increase the cultivation speed, let alone hundreds of them.

Although there are some rare things, as far as Yuan Dao is concerned, it is not a big deal, and Lu Chen accepts it disrespectfully. After all, he needs these things to quickly reach the low-level Eden. Only when things in the Eden are completely settled. Only Lu Chen can go to the illusory and ethereal realm with peace of mind. He always feels that this name is a little weird, but the scenes in high-level spaces are unimaginable for him. Most of them have hidden secrets. Lu Chen didn't take it seriously. The always coming, he has no way to escape.

As the saying goes, soldiers come to cover the water and soil. This is the truth. Lu Chen touched his nose and told Wang Xinya about the probable reason. In exchange for Wang Xinya’s exclamation, Lu Chen was founded in just a few seconds. Belonging to his own school, this is enough to show his courage. After she and Lu Chen were separated, Lu Chen started to establish his own school.

Moreover, the Chenxing Gate was rising at a speed that could not cover the ears, leaving the other schools in the Garden of Eden beyond the reach of the dust. This was absolutely shocking to hear, but Lu Chen achieved this with his own efforts.

After that, Lu Chen helped Zhang Lei and the two brothers apply for a while, and took them back to Tianleimen. Everyone from Tianleimen came out to greet him. This was only natural. After all, at the training conference held by Wanshenmen, Lu Chen By overwhelming the crowd, he achieved good results in the first place. This has become a good story in the Wanshenmen. Because of Lu Chen's transformation, the Tianleimen has obtained many benefits, such as the treasure of the Wanshenmen. There are also a variety of miraculous medicines and magic weapons, so the Tianleimen has grown at an extremely terrifying speed and has become a genuine super school.

None of Tianleimen’s senior officials could have imagined that Lu Chen, who had been squeezed out at the beginning, could lead Tianleimen to glory. The rise of the whole school was inseparable from him. Originally, they were grateful to Lu Chen for their ideas, and even Sending Leng Yingying Zhang Lao to Lu Chen's face was clearly implying something, but Lu Chen didn't do anything excessive. Although this elder had a good talent and potential, he and Lu Chen were never in the same world. , No further contact is necessary.

Before you know it, Lu Chen's mood has quietly changed. What I have to admit is that Lu Chen has lost the situation at the time, and has become more calm. This is the influence of the outside world on Lu Chen. Leng Yingying is very It was disappointment. Looking at Lu Chen's resolute appearance, her heart was cut. She knew that this was the case. She should have lowered her status and took the initiative to get closer to Lu Chen. It is a pity that time is rushing and never returns, "Lu Chen, you Are you really leaving?" Leng Yingying felt like a world away. She had a hazy affection for Lu Chen at the time, but she was unwilling to express it, but now Lu Chen is no longer Wu Xia Amen. He The achievement is obvious to all.

At this time, she became an ugly duckling, not good enough for Lu Chen. Leng Yingying, who had suffered an unprecedented blow, did not know how to speak, but she also understood that if she did not speak, Lu Chen might never come back. After all, she didn't know whether she had a chance to see Lu Chen.

"Well, there is something to be done." Lu Chen replied coldly. He was full of emotions. I think that when he first joined Tianleimen, Leng Yingying was still unattainable, but Today, his status has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Leng Yingying is just a passer-by on his journey of cultivation.

"Okay, will you come back again?" Leng Yingying asked softly, her expression is very complicated, her pain is indescribable, looking at Lu Chen's appearance, it seems that she doesn't plan to come back, is she and Is Lu Chen really destined?

"It's possible. It depends on the situation." Lu Chen hesitated. Seeing Leng Yingying's appearance, Lu Chen couldn't bear it. There was nothing strange about it. As a normal man, Lu Chen knew how to pity Xiangxiyu. The reason for this kind of sentiment can only be said to be excusable.

He tried hard to restrain himself, and could not overflow with sympathy. Sometimes, feelings still had to go with the flow. Before Leng Yingying, he didn't have much to do with him, but Leng Yingying was as beautiful as an immortal, and there was no cannibalism. The holiness of the fireworks makes many men feel uncontrollable and startled. Lu Chen is actually no exception, but he understands that feelings cannot be forced. He doesn’t feel like Leng Yingying at the beginning. No need to pursue anything.

Leng Yingying's face faded suddenly, she was extremely reluctant, but there was no way, she had some shaky trends, Lu Chen waved his hand, a gentle atmosphere of heaven and earth swept out, he did not have to do it himself, Leng Yingying took a deep breath With a sigh of relief, she seemed to understand the relationship between herself and Lu Chen, and she nodded solemnly, becoming a lot more free and easy.

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