"En, then you go." Leng Yingying waved her hand, not looking at Lu Chen, but watching him leave.

Lu Chen did not have Zhang Lei’s two brothers to say hello. He told the two brothers before that he would return to the Wanshenmen as soon as possible in a few days. The two readily agreed. Lu Chen helped them win the opportunity to return to the Tianleimen. It was extremely valuable. They I also understand that if I change to another elite leader, I don't have this treatment and opportunity at all.

They joined the Pantheon Gate thanks to Lu Chen. Now that Lu Chen has repeatedly helped, he will naturally obey Lu Chen's orders unconditionally. After that, Lu Chen went to the previous ancient teleportation formation and came to this place again, Lu Chen There were a lot of emotions, and it didn’t take long for his achievements to be beyond doubt. In retrospect, when he first came to the Pantheon of Medium Space, he was an extremely weak cultivator, and he had no status in the Pantheon. , Even an ordinary behemoth can defeat him. Now, although he has not stood at the supreme peak of the Pantheon, at least he has some ability to protect himself.

Lu Chen had seen a scene where people from the Jubao Pavilion opened the ancient teleportation array before, so it didn’t seem strange. He opened the ancient teleportation array in a light car and then entered the light curtain. What happened to his Star Gate, in case the Garden of Eden suffered any harm, then he would not have a headache.

Lu Chen was in the center of the land of Xuan Yin and had accepted the ancient inheritance. The old man told him that there would be a disaster in the Garden of Eden, so Lu Chen made many countermeasures before leaving the Garden of Eden. He knew it well. Yes, if there is a disaster, the Garden of Eden will be messed up.

All the major forces are selfish. It is basically impossible to unite them. All he can do is to continuously improve his sect level, so that he can protect himself in the troubled times and be the scene in front of him. When the change happened again, he had already reached the Garden of Eden. Lu Chen seemed to feel the power of space in that space tunnel. If he could figure it out thoroughly, he would be able to cross the space easily without needing to Realm, this point is beyond doubt.

The power of space and the power of the law of heaven and earth have the same effect. It only takes an opportunity for Lu Chen to comprehend the profoundness and profoundness of it. Therefore, he did his best to comprehend it in the tunnel of space, although only a short time. It was enough for Lu Chen to explore.

His comprehension is far beyond what people can compare. Although he didn't fully comprehend the power of space in a short period of time, he still had some clues. Lu Chen just had some things he didn't understand. He needed a chance to make him suddenly open up. When the time comes, Lu Chen will be able to cross the space at will. In this way, there is no need to be so complicated. Although he can't cross to a higher level than the medium space, there is still no problem in walking between the Pantheon and the Garden of Eden. .

He learned something from the original Dao Zhenren. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a cultivator to traverse as he pleases, unless he has visited a place. This is a restriction, in order to protect those who are low-strength powerful who traverse the space.

When Lu Chen's mind moved, he came thousands of miles away without the slightest sound of wind. This is absolutely an incredible thing. Even Lu Chen was amazed. The space in the Garden of Eden is extremely fragile and cannot stand Lu Chen. Toss, but he has excellent control over the power and cannot destroy the structure of the space, so it produces such an amazing effect. Otherwise, a person with an extremely strong cultivation level in the general realm will destroy the composition of the space if he is not careful. Spatial cracks are inevitable. The one that can be retracted and retracted like Lu Chen is definitely one of the best. Now he can use the energy of the five elements to explore the situation in the Garden of Eden for thousands of miles. Even a bug cannot escape Lu. Chen's capture.

Obviously, in the Pantheon of medium space, there is no such effect. Due to the different spatial levels, the strength of the restraint is also different. Of course, Lu Chen understands this. Perhaps in the emptiness and ethereal high-space Tongtian realm, this restraint will be unprecedented. At that time, Lu Chen's senses in all aspects would be weakened a bit, which would not do him any good.

However, Lu Chen himself is a strong man in the realm of Earth Sage, but there are certain restrictions that prevent him from showing his strength with all his strength, but with Lu Chen's continuous efforts, he gradually lifted his own seal, but Lu Chen could feel it, At present, the ability he displayed was only the tip of the iceberg of the Earth Saint Realm. He was very puzzled about what kind of magical realm it was, and he could only take one step.

After all, Lu Chen has faced strong people from outside the Nine Heavens. They are in the same realm as his own, but the deterrence he exerts is much stronger than him. This is because they have been practicing for a long time, and Lu Chen did not blame the heavens and others. , As long as he summarizes those things to his own resistance, with his continuous efforts, everything will be solved.

After arriving in the Garden of Eden, Lu Chen could perceive with his keen senses that there was a faint smell of blood in the air, which was enough to show that what happened in the Garden of Eden, he couldn't help but be cautious, even though he was now in the Garden of Eden. There are almost no people who can threaten his life, but he also has to prevent some accidents from happening. If things really follow what the old man said, if there is an irresistible disaster that is about to come to the Garden of Eden, then he can do it. Yes, it can only stop this disaster.

I don’t know his ability and if there is any way to save it. Lu Chen’s first thought was his own Chenxing Gate. Although there was a vast array of heaven and earth in the land of Xuanyin, it could be said to be solid, but he was panicked. , Jiu has an inseparable relationship with his Chenxingmen

Before Lu Chen was in the Pantheon of Medium Space, he could not perceive this oppressive force. Lu Chen, who was back to his heart, speeded up even more. He didn't see a few cultivators along the way. Instead, he was facing the devilish energy. The more intense, Lu Chen left an eye on his mind, his figure resembling electricity, just a dozen moments before he came to the edge of the land of Xuan Yin.

At this moment, in the land of Xuanyin, the old man had a solemn expression. Not far from him, there were a few people in black. They didn't leak a trace of their breath. This proved their strength. The old man's heart was as gray and short. In a short period of half a day, Chen Xingmen killed and injured 20% of the disciples. Moreover, the killing of these men in black did not stop. He did not understand the origin of the men in black. He only learned through the messages from other sects that not only Only Chenxingmen encountered such a crisis, and other forces were not much better.

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