Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2531: Very weird

Lu Chen was about to turn around and leave. Suddenly he thought of something. With a move, there was a crystal clear green pill in his hand. Suddenly, a strange fragrance appeared in the house. The old man was stunned, and he was overjoyed. He was originally a fifth-rank alchemist. Although Lu Chen didn't have the energy to take it to the next level during the time he was away, his vision was definitely not low. He recognized that this was a 9th-rank pill. What concept was that? No one knew better than him. Under normal circumstances, the entire Garden of Eden would not be able to get the 9th-Rank panacea, and he had no idea how Lu Chen got it.

Moreover, the effect of this pill is obvious, that is, it is to enhance the strength of the cultivator. The elixir of such high quality basically has no side effects. Lu Chen took it out, and his intentions were ready to come out. How could the old man remain calm? He was peaceful, Lu Chen clearly wanted to compensate him. As an alchemist, the old man had to manage the Chenxing Gate. He did not have time to practice, so that his cultivation level fell behind. As a result, his authority would fluctuate. It is also understandable. In case any other school has enmity with Chen Xing Sect, it can be used secretly to kill the old man at the helm of Chen Xing Sect.

The Chenxing Gate has naturally become a dish of loose sand. It will not be so difficult to invade the Chenxing Gate at that time, but the old man has taken some measures. He has sent a few powerful fighters to protect his safety. In this way, nothing has happened. problem.

"Grandpa, I'll take this for you, hurry up. Eden hasn't been peaceful recently. You must improve some examples to protect yourself." Lu Chen said bluntly, and he believed that the old man could understand what he meant.

The old man hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and took this pill over. There was a warm feeling in his hand. This was a bit strange, but for a moment, he thought that the pill was a ninth grade. Not surprising.

There is no doubt that the nine-grade pill is scarce. Jingu’s does not have much effect on Lu Chen, but it definitely relieves the old man’s urgency, "Grandpa, I have some things. Don’t worry, in a short time, I will not He will leave the Garden of Eden." Lu Chen saw the old man's eager eyes, so he comforted, and the old man nodded, then he was secretly relieved. As long as Lu Chen does not leave the Garden of Eden, there will be no surprises.

He waved his hand, "Go, remember to go and come back quickly." The old man was not sure, whether there were any accomplices for the black-clothed men before. Once their accomplices come back, the consequences will not be difficult to take pictures, because Lu Chen is not there. At Chenxingmen, basically no one can resist them.

Lu Chen nodded, he also understood this, but according to his guess, no other people in black would come in a short time. After all, every force only sent a wave of people in black. In the practice of higher space, most of the winning tickets are in the hands and the chest is in the chest, and the Chenxing gate can be saved, and it is Lu Chen who rushed back in time.

After that, Lu Chen greeted Ru Pingdie and left the Chenxing Gate quietly. He passed by several forces and found that there were corpses all over the field. As expected, the higher-level space was carrying out a shocking hunt. Killing the game, their people in the Garden of Eden have become ants and prey, and there is no room for resistance.

This was an unprecedented disaster. Lu Chen's face was full of gloom. It happened that he encountered a group of people in black who had just uprooted a large family.

"Brother, the little lady tasted good just now, tusk, if the brother hadn't tossed her to death, I would be able to enjoy it, hey." A man in black said with a bit of dismay.

The man in black next to him curled his lips, "It's okay, you can get it now, and there is some body temperature." He looked unsatisfied.

"I don't have such a heavy taste..." When they were talking about it, they didn't notice a young man behind them, "Hehe, I don't know what you are talking about?" Lu Chenfeng asked lightly, although he I restrained my anger as much as possible, but unfortunately, the monstrous anger couldn't hide.

Lu Chen's gloomy voice was like ice that hasn't melted for thousands of years. The black-clothed men were taken aback for a moment, and then lost their color in shock. How could there be someone behind them? They are not fools. According to common sense, they It’s not difficult to capture a person because of their strength. It’s a pity that Lu Chen still approached them quietly. That can only show one problem. Lu Chen’s strength is above them. How much is this? Shocking things.

If you meet someone who is stronger than them in a high-level space, it is not strange, because the high-level space is strong like a cloud, but this is just a low-level space. How could there be someone who is stronger than them? They are shocked , It is conceivable.

Who is this person? They have this question in their hearts. If Lu Chen wants to kill them, it will not be easy. They forcefully calm down. This kid is very strong. They instantly accepted this, "Boy, you Who is it? Follow what we do.” The black-clothed man's tone was still polite, but he was obviously a bit unhappy. Is it possible that what they did just now, Lu Chen sees it all?

They had some tweaking, which is also excusable. A few of them were frightened and suddenly thought of their large numbers. Although Lu Chen had good strength, it was not that difficult for them to unite to deal with Lu Chen.

At least there is still a glimmer of life, there is no need to be afraid of Lu Chen, this kid is very weird, and I don't know where it came from, can a low-level space have such a powerful person?

They couldn't figure it out, but at this point of time, they were not in the mood to think so much. If Lu Chen wanted to kill them all, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lu Chen did not answer the question of the man in black. He glanced at them and put a lot of pressure on them. Although Lu Chen did not take action, the deterrence caused was beyond doubt.

A few people in black, as if they were facing a big enemy, saw that the person who came was unkind. They winked at each other and immediately surrounded Lu Chen quietly, so that their advantage would be even more obvious. Tyranny is not necessarily their opponent, after all, they have not been underestimated for many years.

Lu Chen watched the small movements of these people, but didn't take it to heart. He didn't care about the cooperation of these people in black at all, but wanted to see their strength.

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