Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2532: The ice that lasts forever

Obviously, these people are better than the people in black they met before. If there is nothing wrong on the map, this place should be a genuine super family. Perhaps in the eyes of people in the higher-level space, Chen Xing The door has not been taken seriously.

After all, the Chenxing Gate hasn't been established for long. Most of these big names are measured by time. The ten men in black are a little strange. Why didn't Lu Chen take precautions? Do you think they are weak? They couldn't help but sneer.

Is this kid too arrogant? Maybe Lu Chen has a good position in this low-level space Eden, but looking at their high-level space, it’s nothing. There are many talents from them, and one is more vigorous. With Lu Chen's talent and potential, they can't make it to the stage at all, so they are not afraid of Lu Chen. As long as they face Lu Chen with a normal heart, there may be a certain degree of hope. This is beyond doubt.

They have worked together for many years, and a tacit understanding is inevitable. They looked at Lu Chen obscurely, like a jackal, tiger and leopard, as if Lu Chen had become their prey. Just now they killed countless people. Would you care about one more Lu Chen? Since this kid came to the door and wanted to die, they would never be merciless.

With such a prey, they should be able to achieve good results in this hunting competition. This is where they prove their dominance. They are originally trained to kill machines, no matter where they are, that kind of nature. They will not change.

The eyes of a dozen people in black were blood red, and the atmosphere in the court was drawn up, but Lu Chen was indifferent. He was a little bit dumbfounded. These people really feel good about themselves. He doesn't know how to ridicule them, so use absolute strength. Prove it all.

Lu Chen chose to take preemptive action. As the saying goes, he is the first to strike first, and then he suffers. His figure is like electricity, with a roaring wind, he appeared behind a man in black in a flash, and he smashed out with a simple and unpretentious punch. , This fist contained an explosive power that was earth-shattering, and several other men in black hurriedly reacted. Lu Chen was really hidden. They were caught off guard. The next moment, the man in black was hit, and then he It was like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down, vomiting blood in the air, it is not difficult to imagine his pain.

Immediately, the man fell to the ground, his head tilted, and the other people in black were frightened. He was too strong. Lu Chen's thunder and thunder was too powerful to cover his ears. They were clearly powerless and watched. As their companions die, they don't feel well in their hearts and can't give this kid a chance.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't want to waste time, so he settled the battle quickly. After seeing the fate of this hidden power, he had no idea whether the Nine Heavens Profound Qing Palace could escape the disaster.

He couldn't delay too much time. Those black clothed men blocked and locked Lu Chen's retreat from all angles. They didn't know that this was an unnecessary act. After all, Lu Chen had no intention to escape, and they seemed to unite. Chicken ribs, a powerful and terrifying aura of heaven and earth, emanating from those black-clothed men, the earth-shaking aura ripped apart the space of the Garden of Eden, and shady scenes appeared, which looked a bit frightening. Lu Chen frowned slightly and waved his hand. Although he said that the space rupture had nothing to do with him, he had to admit that he did not want to see the space in the Garden of Eden destroyed. Such unscrupulous display of his skills would be useless for the Garden of Eden. How long will it take to become fragmented, and at that time it may endure the disaster of destruction.

He was a member of the Garden of Eden anyway, and he couldn't just watch that scene happen, so he used the most direct force to kill the man in black before. Although there was no help from the atmosphere of heaven and earth, he had to admit that Lu Chen's strength reached the extreme, and he could easily kill a person.

Because not every cultivator, like Lu Chen, has honed his physical strength to the extreme. Now he can basically be invulnerable, as long as it is not a gem of extremely special quality, he will not be harmed.

Lu Chen was not satisfied. His efforts and gains were directly proportional. Most cultivators only saw the glorious achievements of Lu Chen, and did not notice his dedication and sadness, but Lu Chen’s luck was better than ordinary cultivators. It's better, he has his current status.

Lu Chen had some emotions. He thought that when he was in the Garden of Eden, he was still an obscure little boy. Now he does not take the Garden of Eden into his heart. This is excusable. Lu Chen's vision is constantly changing. In a low-level space, there is nothing worthy of his nostalgia. Lu Chen knows this well. He must find Shui Yulan when he comes back this time. He owes her too much. Taking this opportunity, he wants Make good compensation for Shui Yulan, the cold light in Lu Chen's eyes rushed out, and the aura all over his body was quite cold, like ice that lasted forever, those black-clothed men couldn't help being cold. Trembling, they had some regrets and chose to outflank Lu Chen. Could this be a wrong choice?

At the next moment, a series of Magnificent Sword Qi swept across, Lu Chen didn’t know when, an extra sharp sword appeared in Lu Chen’s hands. The ten men in black did not expect that Lu Chen could actually be very short. Within time, it was an incredible thing to use this special method to solve them, but the oncoming Hongmeng sword energy was not something they could resist. After a few muffled noises, the court restored calmness. , Lu Chen showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

These people deserve it. They treat everyone in the Garden of Eden as prey, but they don’t know that they have become prey in Lu Chen’s eyes. This is an extremely tragic thing, but there is no doubt that they are. Strength, you can't protect yourself in front of Lu Chen, which also determines Lu Chen's fate.

Lu Chen's mind moved, and the next moment, he appeared a hundred miles away.

At this time, Jiutian Xuanqing Palace,

"You, don't come here." A woman with a beautiful face and a beautiful face, with crystal tears in her eyes, she was filled with a holy breath, but at this time she seemed a little embarrassed, and the corpses of the woman beside her made the scene extremely cold and desolate. , All the members of the Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace are women. I don't know why today. A group of people in black have been killed. Their strength is unfathomable. Even the high-ranking sects can't stop them.

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