"Old woman, I hope you can do it for yourself." Lu Chen said calmly. He didn't have any time to take care of this kind of incomplete flowers and willows. After that, Lu Chen took Shui Yulan and brushed it, disappearing from the place. Everyone's eyelids jumped, Lu Chen is too domineering.

This method is almost the same as teleporting. No wonder Lu Chen could easily deal with the black-clothed men and threatened the Great Elder. The two of them flew away, and no one could stop it. The loss of the Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace was not too heavy. Compared with other forces that have been destroyed, thanks to Lu Chen's timely appearance, otherwise they will not end up any better. For this, the elder is also clear.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses. The great elder understands this truth, so he did not force Shui Yulan to stay. She is considered to be benevolent. After all, Shui Yulan does not need to intercede for her, but at the critical moment, she came forward. Up.

Their Nine Heavens Xuanqing Palace is nothing more than choosing a saint, although there are some difficulties, it is not impossible.

At this time, Lu Chen and his beloved Shui Yulan were soaring into the sky. He had some emotions. He finally found Shui Yulan. Although the twists and turns are not something ordinary people can understand, how much Lu Chen has paid, Only he understood that, fortunately, God did not disappoint Lu Chen and let him find Shui Yulan at the most critical moment.

If those people in black contaminated Shui Yulan, they would not be able to offset their sins with death. Lu Chen exudes a soft aura, enveloping Shui Yulan. This is to help her heal. With his current methods , It is not difficult to treat the dark diseases that Shui Yulan left behind.

"Lu Chen, thank you, I, I thought, I'll never see you again, ooh." Shui Yulan was very aggrieved, and she was hesitant to speak. Before she knew it, she started sobbing.

Lu Chen was taken aback. He was a man upright, so he was not afraid of heaven and earth, but he was most afraid of women crying. This was undoubtedly a test for him. He gently patted Shui Yulan's Yubei, even though he was in midair, did not hinder his movements.

Lu Chen’s gentle movements soon influenced Shui Yulan. It turns out that Lu Chen also has a soft side. He has not seen Lu Chen for so long. His own changes are quite obvious. This is Shui Yulan. Can feel it.

Touching the extremely flexible body, Lu Chen was a little bit arrogant, and then his big evil hands wandered around Shui Yulan unscrupulously, "Lu Chen, don't touch it, just in case someone sees it! "

Shui Yulan snorted slightly, with some twitching. After seeing Lu Chen for a long time, his male character still hasn't changed. Shui Yulan can't bear it at all. There is a wave of irritation from those big hands with magical power. Shui Yulan enjoys the resisting warm current.

In fact, Lu Chen was not taking advantage, but helping Shui Yulan to heal, but his hands were more regular, so Shui Yulan couldn't resist it. The feeling of loss and soul immediately became exasperated.

Lu Chen was also a little confused. After all, he was a normal man. After hearing Shui Yulan's groaning and groaning, he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Okay, that's not here." Lu Chen was teased by these words. Who made Shui Yulan's words so ambiguous? Lu Chen couldn't help but be moved. He waved his hand, and the next moment, he took Shui Yulan with him. When he came to a gloomy cave and looked at the dark scene around him, Lu Chen became more and more excited.

He teased Shui Yulan slowly, and rudely blocked her small cherry mouth. The Qiongye Yulu in the unscrupulous taker, despite Shui Yulan's constant struggle, seemed to Lu Chen more like hard work. It's just that Shui Yulan's movements are very jerky, but she is trying to cooperate with Lu Chen, and she hasn't seen each other for so long, and she also knows what will happen next.

Lu Chen cried out for pleasure. He became violent and his breathing became more serious. Shui Yulan's face was flushed. She plunged her small head into Lu Chen's chest and didn't want to stretch it out at all. The man stepped forward. She saw her growth with her own eyes. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The world is fickle. She didn't hold any hope anymore.

Unexpectedly, there would be a chance to meet Lu Chen, and meet again, Lu Chen let her out of the sea of ​​suffering. The days of pursuing repairs in the Jiutian Xuanqing Palace were extremely difficult. After all, there were female disciples everywhere, and she missed Lu Chen day and night. I don't feel very well in my heart, it can be said to be suffering.

However, she understood that she would be free from the sea of ​​suffering from now on. With Lu Chen's big hand, the entrance of the mountain cave was blocked by the energy of the five elements. In this low-level space of Eden, no one can break this restriction. Lu Chen has absolute self-confidence, so he can do whatever he wants in the cave and do what he likes to do.

Inside the cave, it can be said that the garden is overwhelming. What kind of sparks can erupt from young people who have not seen each other for so long. . .

The next day, Lu Chen woke up early and looked at Shui Yulan, who was still sleeping like a kitten in her arms. Lu Chen was full of emotion and finally found Shui Yulan. He broke through many difficulties. Now his strength can also protect Shui Yulan, but Lu Chen knows that this is far from enough. After understanding the higher dimensions, he feels that he is a frog in the bottom of the well and has no advantage at all.

The people in the higher space are extremely cruel and indifferent. In their opinion, the people in the lower space in the Garden of Eden are ants and prey, and their lives are not worth money, and they don’t know if other dimensions are affected. Lu Chen can’t control that much. , As long as his beloved has no accidents, that is enough.

However, he has to continuously increase his strength to be able to protect them. After all, there are people outside the world, and there is sky outside the sky, and the high-level space to pass the sky will be his new journey.

After waiting for a while, Shui Yulan woke up. She kissed Lu Chen on the cheek, "Lanlan, you go to the Wanshenmen first with me. You will stay there for a while. I have some important things. "Lu Chen didn't hide anything, and said bluntly.

"Okay." Shui Yulan didn't ask anything. Lu Chen had his work to do. She said that she could understand it. Besides, she also understood how easy Lu Chen treated her. This was enough.

Only after understanding what happened to Lu Chen during this period, Shui Yulan lamented the impermanence of the world. She did not expect that her beloved man had grown to such a tyrannical level without knowing it.

Afterwards, Lu Chen brought Shui Yulan to the Chenxing Gate. Ru Pingdie saw her and had no idea of ​​being jealous. In this era, polygamy is normal. As long as they have absolute strength, this is nothing. !

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