So their two daughters got along very harmoniously for a short time, which made Lu Chen very pleased, so that he would not have a headache again. After staying at Chenxingmen for a while, Lu Chen thought of Jubao Pavilion again, which helped him at the beginning. Many forces, when Lu Chen was still weak, needed all kinds of resources for cultivation. Huang Zhongzheng, a senior member of the Jubao Pavilion, helped him resolutely despite the opposition of others, even though they were separated from Lu Chen at the moment of death. Relationship, but still secretly helped.

Originally, as a neutral force, Jubao Pavilion should not be too prominent, otherwise it would be affected. There is no doubt that Lu Chen could understand the difficulties of Jubao Pavilion, so he did not blame Jubao Pavilion. This also helped him at that time. Constantly growing, if Lu Chen had a strong backing, he would naturally feel confident. In this way, it would not be good for his growth. I don't know if Lu Chen can achieve today's achievements.

He understands that being a man should be a kind of dripping water and repaying by the spring, but because of the rush of things, he only took care of the Chenxing Gate. After all, from the center of Xuanyin Land, he didn't know the specific things. The old man only said that disasters would come The Garden of Eden in the low-level space didn't say an exact time. Lu Chen couldn't let it go for no reason. Otherwise, he would laugh and be generous. Others thought it was alarmist, so Chen Xingmen delayed until his return.

Although for the people in black, these defensive restrictions are all in vain, because with Lu Chen's vision at the time, there are many shortcomings in the great array of heaven and earth, which is undoubtedly not discouraged. , Since those people in black come from the higher-level space Tongtian realm and have the same dress, it can indicate a problem.

They came from the same school, Lu Chen couldn't guess it for the time being, but he knew that as long as he reached the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm, all of this would surface. He didn't insist on anything. Some things were about letting go.

After discussing with the old man, Lu Chen went to the location of Jubao Pavilion alone. Since the Chenxing Gate was within the range of the City of Eden, it didn’t take long to reach the location of Jubao Pavilion with the speed of Lu Chen. He was a little surprised that when he looked around, there were no casualties in Jubao Pavilion. This is an incredible thing. After all, even the genuine hidden powers are not intact. Jubao Pavilion is in such troubled times. In, survived, could it be that Pantheon has any secrets? Lu Chen thought of this possibility for the first time, and the stern and domineering spirit of the five elements on his body also reduced a little.

Soon, Lu Chen saw a familiar figure, that is Yan Dong. When he saw him again, Lu Chen felt a lot of emotion. At the beginning, this guy wanted to be his opponent. At this time, the two were already far apart. Although Severe Winter's strength has made obvious progress, it is not as good as Lu Chen's rapid and rapid growth of the enchanting evildoer. This is not surprising, after all, the environment he is in illustrates the problem.

Yan Dong has always been in the Treasure Judging Pavilion, facing very limited opponents, which determines that he does not have much sense of crisis, while Lu Chen is different. Even if he went to the medium-sized pantheon, he did not change his mentality, on the contrary. He became more alert, so that Lu Chen did not spend much time in the Pantheon and achieved dazzling and brilliant achievements.

With Lu Chen's departure, the relationship between Jubao Pavilion and Chenxing Gate became much more estranged. This is excusable. The old man specifically cared about the internal worries of Chenxing Gate, not the development outside, but Lu Chen did not blame the old man. After all, nothing can be perfect. Now that Lu Chen returned to the Garden of Eden, he tried to save this lukewarm situation as much as possible. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his mind moved, he appeared behind Yan Dong, and he took a picture. He patted Yan Dong on the shoulder, "Severe winter, long time no see, don't be unharmed." Lu Chen said lightly, but his tone was quite kind, and Yan Dong was startled. This sound sounds familiar to him, but he feels very familiar. Unfamiliar, perhaps because I haven't heard of it for a long time.

Therefore, at this time, Yan Dong’s expression of confusion on his face makes sense. He was slightly frightened. With his current strength, someone could actually appear behind him without knowing it. This is a bit weird. Yes, but he has to admit that this person is much stronger than him, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do this. Severe winter has not had him panic. What he knows is that if this person is going to be against him If he was wronged, he would have been murdered and would never say hello to him.

This severe winter can still be considered. After all, this is in the space of Jubao Pavilion. He doesn't need to be too afraid of anything. He turned around subconsciously, a familiar face greeted his eyes, Yan Dong's body trembled, and he didn't want to. Believe that his eyes, how could it be Lu Chen, originally he thought he would never see Lu Chen again.

Because Lu Chen did not come back with the dart transporter in Jubao Pavilion at the beginning, according to the dictation they provided, it was because Lu Chen went to the Wang’s house alone, and did not hear about Lu Chen at the Wang’s house. These dart transporters had to come back first. In this way, the chance of Lu Chen coming back is much smaller. It is not so easy to get some top-grade spar. This is very clear in the severe winter.

With the passage of time, Lu Chen did not come back. Yan Dong felt that something was wrong. It was not that he underestimated Lu Chen, but the medium-sized pantheon, which contained many unknown crises. Although Lu Chen was powerful, I have to admit that if he is alone there, it can be said to be bad luck. The longer the time, the less vitality of Lu Chen is. Until recently, he had completely lost hope.

Lu Chen appeared. How could this make him not excited? At that time, he treated Lu Chen as a brother. He didn't expect that one day Lu Chen would return to the Garden of Eden and come to take the initiative to normalize him. Severe winter was moved. Time still plans. If Lu Chen comes back, he will challenge him, but now that kind of thinking is gone. Intuition tells him that Lu Chen possesses strength that he can't imagine now.

"Lu Chen, it's you?!" Yan Dong's figure trembled a little, apparently due to excessive excitement. He couldn't resist this joy, as if he had seen a good friend for many years.

Lu Chen’s performance in Severe Winter is not surprising. His face is full of smiles. Although Lu Chen’s mood has reached the point where he is not happy with things or sad for himself, his feelings are as if facing such a reunion of brothers. The sea that bursts its banks.

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