Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2569: Visual impact

It's no wonder that the middle-aged man can be jealous, "I heard that you passed by our small village." Shenggu looked responsible, and she couldn't help but approve of Lu Chen.

"Yes, I have something. I want to ask Saint Aunt." Lu Chen is straightforward and not verbose. This Saint Aunt is very weird. He is worried that there will be branches out of the knot. As the so-called delay, there will be changes. Some things cannot be hesitated.

Saint-Aunt was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, "I know a lot, but I told you, is it good?" She winks like silk, she is definitely a superb stunner, Lu Chen's mind moved, almost unable to hold it. Now, he secretly cursed that his concentration was not good, how could this happen.

It stands to reason that there is no need for Saint Aunt to seduce him, is it true that being a Saint is born like this? Lu Chen kept an eye on it, "What benefits do you want?" Lu Chen tried his best to make his tone indifferent, but under such circumstances, it was difficult for him to do it.

Shenggu chuckled. She was not surprised by Lu Chen's answer. She pursed her lips and smiled, "Tell me, where did you come from?" Shenggu asked calmly, and then paid attention to Lu Chen's. His expression and every move are all under observation.

"I'm from..." Lu Chen said without thinking, but he paused, because he clearly saw that a smile appeared on the corner of Shenggu's mouth, "It doesn't seem to be important."

Lu Chen refused to mention it, Saint Aunt was a little depressed. Seeing that he wanted to clarify the words, but there was no such opportunity. He could only say that Lu Chen was so cunning. At this moment, he could still think of these things, which is precious to him. Yes, after all, Lu Chen was young and didn't know what happened to this guy.

"Why, I dare not say it." Shenggu glared at Lu Chen slightly provocatively, but the latter was indifferent, a wisp of purple gas filled the room, Lu Chen would not notice it for a while, so He felt that this saint must have some clues, and the saint almost knew the details.

That didn't do any good for the four of them, and Lu Chen also understood that the more critical the moment, the more calmly he had to face it.

"Hey." Unexpectedly, Lu Chen suddenly swept his figure and stretched out his hand to catch Saint Aunt. The atmosphere suddenly rose. Saint Aunt was stunned and shook his head, as if to Lu Chen. The behavior is not very optimistic, this guy dares to provoke her, isn't it seeking his own death.

"Huh, I'm looking for death." Saint Aunt shot it out with a palm. It contained the destructive power of the storm. Although it happened suddenly, Lu Chen possessed not weak confidence, so he could show his true strength when facing her. .

There was a colorful aura flowing in his hand. The saint was so knowledgeable that he could distinguish it at a glance. This is the legendary Five Elements Qi. Even in higher dimensions, the Five Elements Qi is extremely rare and someone who can learn. , Just a few of them exist, he is one of them.

"Bang." A slight noise resounded through the room, accompanied by the turbulence of the purple gas. Lu Chen's actions became slower. He surprisingly discovered that the purple gas was a kind of poison, despite Lu Chen's physique. Special, it can have a certain resistance to poisons, but it is undeniable that the purple gas has a certain psychedelic effect, which makes the scene he sees different from the real one.

Lu Chen realized the seriousness of the situation. He had to fight quickly, otherwise it would not do him any good. On the contrary, he might fall into an irreversible situation. After a fight, the saint’s aunt retreated two steps and stabilized, but Lu Chen After taking seven or eight steps in a row, his face was full of shock. This saint's ability is really not to be underestimated.

"Boy, you are responsible for this. No wonder people. If you answered their questions just now, you wouldn't have fallen into such a field. Alas, it's a pity that a generation of genius leaders will probably die today." I have to say that this saint is quite clever. She didn’t say that Lu Chen was bound to die, but rather ridiculed. The purpose was actually very simple. It was to ask Lu Chen to beg her and tell her something she wanted to know. , This is not something incomprehensible. In fact, Saint Aunt can use some kind of secret technique to deal with Lu Chen, this kid can answer all her questions without making any tricks.

But that would deplete her essence, even after she had cultivated for a long time, so Saint Aunt didn't do this. Although Lu Chen was very powerful, it exceeded her expectations, but she hadn't reached that level.

"Hehe, let's talk about it first." Although Lu Chen fell into a disadvantage, he did not shrink at all. The whole person was like a flash of light, and he came to the side of Saint Aunt. I don't know when Lu Chen's Both arms and upper body were covered with clearly visible colorful dragon scales. This was a visual shock, and Saint Aunt's eyes were filled with surprise that could not be concealed.

What Lu Chen used was not limited to the Five Elements Qi. It turned out that he was still the body of the Five Elements, so cultivating the Five Elements Qi was a multiplier with less effort. No wonder Lu Chen understood the Five Elements Qi to the extreme.

In terms of comprehension, even the saint aunt is a little bit inferior. Perhaps Lu Chen has encountered something rare in thousands of years. It only shows that Lu Chen's luck is better. Even if she is jealous, she can't help it. Up.

"Okay." Saint Aunt's beautiful eyes showed a faint glow, giving people a breathtaking deterrent. Lu Chen didn't hesitate, he threw a punch, and after turning into a five-element real dragon, Lu Chen’s power has doubled. This effect is very obvious. It can be said to be an immediate effect. If Lu Chen hadn’t predicted a mistake, his magical skill and law had successfully reached the state of Xiaocheng, moving towards the stage of Dacheng. Stepping forward, this was a brand new breakthrough for him, Lu Chen was secretly proud.

This punch was unprecedentedly powerful. The purple aura around him fluctuated irregularly, rushing towards the door. Saint Aunt’s expression was slightly ugly. These purple auras had a deceptive effect. He originally thought that it would deal with Lu. Chen used these purely wasteful behaviors.

Even though Lu Chen was talented and strength was undeniable, she still did not look at Lu Chen squarely, but at this time, she realized that she was wrong, and the wrong was very outrageous. This kid was hidden deep, this punch, with With the deterrent power that destroys the world, it seems to be able to tear through the sky.

"Boom boom." Saint Aunt took out a fan and waved it a few times. It was just because of the distance that she couldn't hurt Lu Chen at all. The latter didn't give her a chance, and the fan shook for a while, giving a feeling The feeling of fragmentation, one can imagine how strong his explosive power has reached.

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