Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2570: Enchantress

The saint's face gradually became solemn, and the previous anger could not be added. I don't know what method this kid used to cultivate, transforming the exercises, and using the Fa to become superb. Isn't he human?

The saint had more thoughts, but immediately denied it.

"Zizizi." The saint's fan made a weird sound. Before she could react, it fell apart. This is a bit shocking.

This is a genuine weapon of a magic weapon, not a mystery, but if so, the fan was destroyed, and a big hole appeared on it, which looked very strange. Lu Chen's mouth passed a joking smile, underlining it. He said, "Well, try it to be great. I advise you not to have any excessive thoughts, otherwise you don't blame me for ruining flowers. I can't bear such a beautiful woman." Lu Chen sighed. With a sigh of relief, she put on a look of pity and cherishment, and the saint aunt secretly scolded her despicable.

This guy is obviously mocking, but it is quite true, "Heh, little guy, I didn't expect you to be quite good, but I don't know, what is your ability in that area, are you also so good?"

The saint was even more charming. She twisted her waist like a water snake to attract Lu Chen's eyes. The latter's eyes were involuntarily focused. He looked at it and looked a little surprised. This saint should not be an ordinary woman, although This can be easily judged.

But from her, Lu Chen vaguely saw the shadow of some kind of wild beast. His eyes were filled with fierce light. As expected, because of Lu Chen's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, he had reached a point where he could reach the highest point. All he needed was Time to settle.

His eyes have the essence of penetrating everything, and Lu Chen can predict that as his strength continues to grow, he can observe even more.

At this time, she saw not the enchanting and beautiful saint, but a big python dancing in front of him, which made Lu Chen indescribably cold and courageous, but a cold sweat appeared on his back. Fortunately, he didn't act rashly just now. If he was too close to the saint-aunt, he would be poisoned.

This boa constrictor hides too deeply. Or, when she turned into an adult, she didn’t have any demonic energy. This was a rare thing. He almost concealed Lu Chen’s golden eyes. He took a deep breath. He squeezed the dragon fist tightly, taking advantage of the time for the macro to transform the magic, Lu Chen absolutely couldn't shrink back.

Instead, we must seize the opportunity. A wave of majestic and domineering righteousness suddenly spread from Lu Chen. It turned out that the Hongmeng Sword appeared in his hand, and then the Five Elements Qi reached its extreme, covering the Hongmeng Sword. Lu Chen Shen With a shout, Na Hongmeng's sword aura grew a bit stronger, but he didn't fly out.

"Yeah." Shenggu was surprised again and again. She didn't expect Lu Chen to behave like this. It was too sudden. Could this guy find any doubts?

Saint Aunt could not imagine, but the shock in her heart was conceivable. Faced with the domineering Hongmeng sword aura, Saint Aunt did not choose to fight hard, but backed back again and again. With a movement, she appeared in the manor. Outside, in the next moment, a series of loud noises were transmitted. It turned out to be the saint’s manor. In an instant, it collapsed. The shock was something the villagers had never thought of. They quickly heard According to the news, after all, Saint Gu's status in the small village is quite high.

When they saw Saint Aunt’s manor turned into a ruin, they looked at each other. They were obviously quite shocked. Isn’t Saint Aunt omnipotent? Could it be that you have encountered some powerful enemy?

The villagers could not even keep their houses. These villagers wondered, but they did not doubt the saints. After all, the ancestor's legacy has been circulating since thousands of years ago. No matter when it was, the saints arrived in their village.

Even though they disappeared from time to time, they would feel that the saint was looking for a better environment for them to live and live. This is particularly important to them. When they talked, the two of them rose to the sky. , Face Lu Chen and the saint aunt they admire.

"Where is the demon, who dares to offend Saint Aunt, and do something to Saint Aunt, don't you want to live?" Dissatisfied voices soon sounded from below. They sneered at Lu Chen's behavior. Most people felt that Lu Chen Chen is seeking a dead end.

But they immediately realized that something was wrong. If Lu Chen was incapable, how could he destroy Saint Aunt’s house? That entire manor, they didn’t have to work hard, and it was done. This is Saint Aunt’s use of various miracles. But now they were destroyed by Lu Chen. Their contempt and hatred of Lu Chen was unprecedented. They all wondered what the reason was that caused Lu Chen and Saint Aunt to have an inextricable contradiction.

"Yes, he is seeking his own way. Saint Aunt can completely solve this guy in two or three strokes. He deserves it too. It is not good to offend anyone, but Saint Aunt is offended."

"Haha, you really have dim eyes. Open your eyes and take a good look. She is a human or a demon." Lu Chen said loudly. The voice spread to everyone's ears. Their faces were shocked. may.

Lu Chen, this kid is a confession, how could Saint Aunt be a demon? There are hundreds of villagers living with Saint Aunt, and they are all in peace. If Saint Aunt is a demon, then they will be in danger soon. ?

"Boy, you're so nonsense, if you're obsessed, don't blame us for being polite, and we'll deal with you together." There are a few protectors in this small village, most of them are young people. The strength is not weak, although not as good as the middle-aged man, but they have to admit that they did not put Lu Chen in their eyes, as long as they enter a frenzied state, they are confident that they can deal with Lu Chen.

"Ah." The sharp female voice resounded through the air, and with a little bit of pain, everyone looked at it. It turned out that it was Lu Chen's Hongmeng Sword, which had hurt Saint Aunt's ankle. Under the awe-inspiring righteousness, Saint Auntie fundamentally There is no ability to escape.

"Monster, just show your true shape, and when will you conceal them." Lu Chen said solemnly, his eyes were burning, everyone paused, they suppressed the anger in their hearts, and after careful observation, the saint aunt returned It really turned into a big python of more than ten meters, and it looked thrilling.

"How is this possible?" Many people don't believe what they saw, but as the saying goes, seeing is believing, what is in front of them, they seem to have to believe, but they still don't believe that the saint is a demon. Could it be that Lu Chen used a certain spell to turn the saint aunt into a witch?

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