Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2571: Python spirit

After a lot of discussions, everyone pointed all their hair at Lu Chen. This kid was the culprit. If it weren't for his shots and suppression, how could Saint Aunt fall to where they are now? The hatred has risen to an unprecedented level.

"Brothers, let's go together, kill this kid, and avenge Saint Aunt." Seeing that Saint Aunt was injured, the young men became fierce. Their aura became unstable, their eyes were red, and the surrounding was barren. The aura gathered towards them, and Lu Chen was stunned. Is this the so-called mineralization? If it is to absorb, there is a certain degree of difficulty. After all, they are ordinary people, and there is no way to compare the physique and cultivators, and of course it is not impossible.

Unless these people, when they were very young, used a variety of natural materials and treasures to supplement their acquired deficiencies, and then absorbed the condensed parts of the essence, which would require a great deal of skill. If Lu Chen did not guess If it is wrong, this should be the work of the saint's aunt, and I don't know why she did it. As long as she wants to protect the safety of the small village, she can come forward on her own without making it so complicated.

There must be some hidden secret here. Lu Chen knew it well, but for a while, he couldn’t detect it. Soon, these people attacked Lu Chen with their teeth and claws, giving Lu Chen no The little oppressive force, I have to admit that they have a good replenishment the day after tomorrow, at least the saint’s aunt is willing to spend his blood to train them, besides, this kind of initiation with a prehistoric aura is extremely dangerous.

"Kill him, don't be polite!" A young man yelled and rushed forward first. The aura on his body fluctuated steadily. Despite some abilities, Lu Chen hadn't paid attention to it.

"Hmph, the moths will fight the fire and kill themselves." Lu Chen snorted coldly, waved his hand, and punched out with a fist mark. The man was stunned for a moment, then his face was full of fear. Lulu, he did not expect such a scene to happen.

Isn't this man bluffing? How come he feels unable to resist under his fist.

"Saint Aunt, save me." At the critical moment, he did not resist by himself, but asked for help from Saint Aunt, but this choice was not very wise. Saint Aunt is a mud bodhisattva who crosses the river, so he can't be protected by himself. It’s safe.

Sure enough, this fist print hit the young man in the blink of an eye, and his face was full of horror, "Ah." The villagers didn’t know Lu Chen at all, and they didn’t know why he wanted to hurt Saint Aunt. At this time, Lu Chen killed another defender who guarded the peace of the village. It was really intolerable, but they dared to be angry and didn’t dare to speak. Lu Chen's love is beyond doubt.

In fact, Lu Chen has his principles of life and life. These villagers are innocent. He is not willing to kill innocent people. It's just that if these people want to offend him, then you can't blame Lu Chen for being cruel. He has always been a man who doesn't offend me. , I am not a criminal.

After witnessing this scene, the young people did not dare to act rashly, even though their prehistoric aura was constantly being lost, it was much better than the difference between their heads, they just had red eyes, and they hadn't lost their reason. degree.

All of them have a good impression of Saint Aunt, but they dare not say it. Saint Aunt has a bad temper, especially a man, let alone a good face.

If she took the initiative to express it, she might get angry. Suddenly, she cast a wink at them, and the few people trembled. The charm of inverting sentient beings is not something they can resist.

The incomparable resentment in the eyes seemed to say, "Save me, save me. When their heads were hot, they rushed up. Although they knew that this would not have much effect, they would still do it, because Saint Aunt needed help. They didn't." I want to help.

A series of amazing murderous auras appeared from several young people, and then they each used the most powerful killer move to restrain Lu Chen as much as possible. The latter was stunned. Only at this moment, Saint Auntie caught Given the opportunity, she suffered a lot of injuries, and she had to admit that Lu Chen's attack power of the Hongmeng Sword was extremely domineering.

She was holding a squiggly long sword and poking towards Lu Chen’s eyebrows, speeding to the extreme. Taking advantage of Lu Chen’s hesitation for a moment, she wanted to reverse the situation. This guy is really hidden. She was a little more careful. At first, she hadn't taken it seriously. Who knows, the ship overturned in the gutter, and now they all reacted, it was too late.

But Saint Aunt also understands that as long as he can kill Lu Chen, everything is worth it. The other three women with the appearance of an overwhelming country, according to the leader's intention, are to stay in their wild land, and they should be useful in the future. .

If she cannot complete the task assigned by the leader, then she will suffer severe punishment. This village is indeed inhabited by ordinary people, and this python spirit had an extraordinary relationship many years ago. She fell in love with a human being. So I tried every means to impress him, but unfortunately, that person would not accept it anyway, because of her identity as a beast. For this, the python spirit was distraught.

In a fit of anger, she brought the man and his people over to the prehistoric land and established such a small village.

It just so happened that today I received an order from the leader to kill Lu Chen, and that the three women will remain in the wilderness. This kind of task actually doesn’t require sending her out, but since the leader has spoken, of course she will save face. It turned out that she had mastered a mysterious spell that could move the small village at will, so Lu Chen and others ran into the small village.

I just came to ask, everything fell into their plan without knowing it, but what Python Jing never expected was that Lu Chen possessed such a heaven-defying method, and even he sighed. Can say this guy. After going through various trainings, she has the strength not weaker than her.

"Boy, if you are obsessed with not realizing it, you will definitely die. In our wild land, it is impossible for you to escape safely!" After realizing that Lu Chen was extraordinary, the snake spirit chose to shrink back and be complacent. , I don't know if this kid will give up.

"The wild land? Haha, when have I been afraid." Lu Chen replied lightly. The cold light rushing out of his eyes caused the villagers to shudder. They rarely heard the term "the wild land." Although monsters come to attack their village from time to time.

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