However, under the guardianship of the saint’s aunt, the small village did not experience any disaster. What they did not know was that it was actually within the saint’s calculations. She created the environment to win the trust of the villagers and at the same time Hidden her identity.

But such a plan obviously failed. Under the interference of Lu Chen, the python spirit almost fell into a dead end. Only then did she understand why the wild and poisonous scorpion died in Lu Chen's hands. Except for this, she can only say that she underestimated the enemy. She had known so long ago. When Lu Chen was unprepared, she launched the strongest offensive. She did not believe that Lu Chen could survive safely.

"Young man, please, let my saint aunt." An old lady knelt down with a plop, her face full of pleading, and then stuck in Lu Chen, kowtow, dozens of voices one after another, those people spontaneously Saint Aunt intercedes.

This made Lu Chen embarrassed for a while. He secretly scolded these villagers for their irrationality. Lu Chen felt that they just didn’t know the deity of the saint’s deity so they would behave like this. Couldn’t they see it, the so-called saint, just It seems that there is no need for a big constrictor to stay.

Lu Chen didn’t know the power that caused them to intercede without hesitation. Lu Chen was at a loss for a while, “No, she will definitely die today!” Lu Chen said calmly, this python is very damning, if it weren’t for Lu Chen’s determination, then This is not the current situation. This python spirit is so harmful to others that it hits his attention. Fortunately, Lu Chen did not fall into it. What would Lu Chen feel if he did something like that with the python spirit? , I'm afraid he even has the heart to die.

"I beg you." The villagers still refuse to let go. In their view, the life of the saint is equal to the safety of the small village. Once the saint dies, the small village is not far from destruction, especially the old one. Villagers of the previous generation, they take this point more seriously.

Lu Chen closed his eyes, and when he was about to start to get rid of the python spirit in one fell swoop, a familiar soft voice came from below, "Lu Chen, help."

He fixed his eyes and saw that, as expected, the three daughters were being threatened. The middle-aged man before, with red eyes and a big knife in his hand, with a faint gleam, rested on the neck of the third woman at any time. It is possible to start.

"Boy, you are already disrespectful to Saint Aunt, now I will kill you a woman, let you try this kind of pain." The middle-aged man was still very sincere before, showing a simple and honest appearance, but this On the knotty eyes, there was a complete change of person, his face was cold and the pressure on his body was quite obvious, as if it were real, Lu Chen's eyelids jumped, this middle-aged man actually dared to threaten him, the most terrifying thing is that he has three beloved If a middle-aged man kills any of the women, it would be unbearable pain for him.

"Hold on!" Lu Chen snarled and roared. They were far apart, so for a while, Lu Chen couldn't make it. He must stop the middle-aged man's behavior, otherwise he would regret it.

His voice has a certain penetrating power. The distance of hundreds of meters was not affected at all. The middle-aged man's figure was shocked, his face was full of horror, but he calmed down immediately, "Don't come over, otherwise They will be buried with me.” Although the middle-aged man has entered a certain frenzied state, he has to admit that he has not lost his reason, even the saint’s aunt can’t deal with the young man. If he comes singled out, yes. There is no chance of winning, so if he makes good use of these three women, he has great hopes in exchange for the life of the saint, it is worth it.

"Okay, I won't go there. Don't get excited." Lu Chen waved his hand and stopped in mid-air. However, the distance between him and the middle-aged man was shortened, but the disadvantage was also revealed. Without the shackles of Lu Chen, Auntie could quickly recover from her injuries and became her original beautiful appearance.

Of course, the villagers felt that Lu Chen used some kind of domineering spell to turn the saint aunt into a boa constrictor. Otherwise, how could it be possible that the beautiful saint aunt suddenly appeared in contrast, their hatred of Lu Chen, Rose to an unprecedented level.

At this time, it depends on whether the middle-aged man can make peace with Lu Chen. They still hope that Lu Chen can get the retribution he deserves. After all, he has offended Saint Aunt and should pay a painful price.

"Huh, boy, it was your honor to let you go to see Saint Aunt. Don’t know what is wrong. We are kind enough to you. I don’t know why you offended Saint Aunt. But I tell you, you Don't want to leave this place alive, at best, we will let your beloved woman go, and the rest will not be discussed." The middle-aged man seemed to have expected Lu Chen's thoughts.

Lu Chen actually started to ask, and Lu Chen was very uncomfortable. At this moment, a cold breath filled the air. Lu Chen caught it with his keen senses. He took a deep breath. At this time, Without a chance for him to hesitate, Lu Chen appeared behind the middle-aged man with a flash of figure. The latter noticed it for the first time and slammed it severely. He wanted to kill three beautiful and beautiful women in one fell swoop. , To make Lu Chen regret it.

This guy actually dared to change his attention suddenly without negotiating conditions with them. A surging atmosphere of heaven and earth swept out of the middle-aged man. At this critical moment, Lu Chen slammed out with a punch. The goal is not nothing. Yes, but that shining sword, Lu Chen has such a force that makes the villagers dumbfounded, is he looking for death? Even if Lu Chen had some tricks, it was not three heads and six arms. Under such a bombardment with a broad sword, there would be no good end. Even if Lu Chen's arm was chopped off, the villagers couldn't help but gloat, and Lu Chen deserved it.

The saint who offended them should not have a good end. The middle-aged man was also involuntarily beaming. He felt that the winning ticket was in his grasp. The fluctuation of the atmosphere of the world was quite obvious.

Lu Chen's body is not a copper wall and an iron wall. He has already exerted his full power with this blow, except that Shenggu's face is uncertain, and he doesn't know what he is thinking. This guy may not be in a different place, even though he was in contact with Lu Chen. It’s not a long time, but what must be admitted is that Lu Chen will not do anything uncertain. This guy is so cunning that he can resist the temptation in front of her. This shows Lu Chen’s determination. It's not something that ordinary people can compare.

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