Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2599: Niubi Old Way

Lu Chen could only put his evil thoughts aside. The three of them soon arrived in a city. It was Lu Chenjue who wanted to continue on the road. When the three daughters were in the wilderness, they did not have a rest at ease. Need to find a place to stay.

Anyway, he had already obtained a rough map. At this speed, he could reach it in only two or three days. As a result, it took another ten days.

Lu Chen definitely first understand the customs and customs of the high-level space Tongtian realm, so that he can fit in here well, otherwise he knows nothing, even if he reaches the large door of the sky.

I am afraid that there will be a lot of troubles that will follow. Lu Chen considered more thoughtful and comprehensive, and the three women agreed. Then they entered the city, but paid some spars. Fortunately, Lu Chen’s family is rich, otherwise here. It is really difficult to move an inch in the high-level space cosmic realm.

The guard who guarded the city looked at Ru Pingdie and the others. Lu Chen had a headache, but he was not angry. This only shows that he has a good vision. No matter where he goes, the three women are a rare focus, a beautiful landscape.

This city can be seen from the outside with a long history. After entering, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling that the antique architectural style, coupled with the peculiar customs and customs, were unheard of and had never seen before.

The three girls are also looking around, obviously they are more curious. They also have a little knowledge of this high-level space, but the local customs here make them shine.

Lu Chen just noticed a little bit and looked for the specific location of the inn. Although the city was full of traffic, Lu Chen searched for a long time and there was nothing left. He was a little depressed. When he entered the city before, he found that there were not too many people. I want to come because the flow of people is not large, resulting in not setting up too many inns.

A wry smile appeared on his face, but immediately someone patted him on the shoulder. Lu Chen suddenly noticed his negligence. Although the security in the city was good, Lu Chen took it lightly, in case something tough happened. With the domineering existence, I am afraid that Lu Chen will most likely fall into an impossible situation.

He turned his head and saw that it turned out to be an old Taoist priest. Lu Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked in a puzzled way. There is no special aura fluctuations in this old guy. He should be ordinary. People, in the high-level cosmic realm, just find one, they are all tyrannical cultivators. Ordinary people like the old man are not very common. Lu Chen's face is not very good-looking, but the old Taoist priest is not surprised.

"Hey, brother, are you looking for a place to live?" Niubi said in an old way, which made Lu Chen a little surprised. Did he appear more eager? Lu Chen touched his nose and smirked, "How did you know?" Lu Chen said gloomily.

"Little brother, don't mind. I just found out that you came in from outside the city and saw what you were looking for. Isn't this easy to guess?" The old Taoist Niubi was a little scared, so he revealed the truth, Lu Chen His face was suddenly enlightened, and his face softened, "Trust you for now, I tell you, if there is any unruly attempt, don't blame me for being rude to you, since you know my needs, let’s talk about where there is accommodation. Location." Lu Chen did not think deeply about the purpose of this old Taoist priest.

They just came to the city and they were noticed without expectation. Fortunately, this old guy has no evil intentions. Lu Chen thinks he has a good ability to recognize people and things, so at this time, he didn't pursue it, just glanced at it. Old Taoist.

"Haha, little brother, if you ask me, I will ask the right person. Ask in the next package. You are not deceived. There is nothing I don’t know about in Guiyun City. Little brother, you just want to know which house has a few girls , If you have a good relationship, I can answer this kind of thing, let alone such a trivial matter." Bao asked, patted his chest, and said solemnly.

He looked quite confident. Lu Chen was taken aback and couldn't help laughing. He didn't have that habit, so he shook his head, and then took out a high-grade spar. He didn't know if this old guy didn't like it. Lu Chen didn't know anything about the quotations of the high-level universe.

"Aha." But Niubi Lao Dao's surprise flashed past his eyes. He didn't expect Lu Chen, a hairy boy, to make such a generous shot. He had found the right person.

"Over there, go quickly. There will be no place to live in late. By the way, little brother, I think you have a good foundation, and you are not stingy. I will send you a message by the way. Three days later, the big door There is also Yuwen's family. If you want to come here to select the elite, you might as well try it. Maybe you have the opportunity to join one of them. That's a promising future." Niubi Old Road is full of praise, looking up and down Lu Chen, it seems Analyzing his roots and meridians, Lu Chen was a little curious. This old guy could still see his abnormality. He didn't believe it very much. After all, Niubi Lao Dao was just an ordinary person without the legendary fiery eyes and golden eyes. How could he be so sharp. Lu Chen naturally regarded him as bragging and slapping horses, but the old Taoist told Lu Chen a useful piece of news. It turned out that a large school took the initiative to recruit people, and it was still the sky gate he needed to find. There should be no need for this old Taoist to deceive him. , If he could join the Cangqiongmen, it would save trouble, so as not to encounter a lot of trouble along the way. Lu Chen was not afraid of anything, just felt that he was wasting time, as he did not long ago.

"Thank you." Lu Chen clasped his fists and said politely. The old man gave him a good feeling inexplicably. Lu Chen didn't know why. He couldn't tell why. He glanced at him and Lu Chen turned around. The woman followed, "Lu Chen, who were you talking to just now?" Ru Pingdie asked in doubt and curiously. Lu Chen smiled heartily and pointed to the back, "It's the old-fashioned nose, he also revealed something. Message to me."

"Lu Chen, are you kidding me? Where is the old man?" Ru Pingdie shook his head and looked around. They were all passers-by, without the old ways Lu Chen said.

"It's weird. I also saw Xiang Gong talking with the old Taoist priest just now. How come that person disappeared in a blink of an eye." Shui Yulan frowned slightly, although it was a little unnatural when she called Xiang Gong Lu Chen. The small face revealed a strange rosy, but it disappeared in a flash.

Lu Chen used to belittle her in front of the second daughter, doesn't that prove that her status is slightly higher? Shui Yulan naturally had to follow the vines, so that Lu Chen could be satisfied.

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