Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2600: Teleport spell

I have to say that when Lu Chen heard this name, he was stunned, and a smile appeared on his face. He was also a little puzzled, how did the old guy disappear? Could it be that the old guy did not use magic such as teleport? This should not be possible.

Lu Chen believed that in his own eyes, the old guy should be an ordinary person, but the situation at this time was completely inconsistent. Lu Chen was puzzled. Could it be that he had taken his eyes off and made a mistake in his judgment?

No wonder he had a hunch that the Niubi Old Taoist was not an idle person, so why did he show a more happy side when he saw Lu Chen take out a high-grade spar? Is it disguised?

Lu Chen thinks that his expression skills are better, but he pales in comparison with the old guy. In any case, the old guy must have hidden something. Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not offend the old man, otherwise. I don't know what will happen.

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out and didn't think about it, shook his head, and let go for the time being, "Let’s stay here first, let’s talk about it. Three days later, Cangqiangmen will choose elite leaders in Guiyun City. I happen to be able to participate. If you are selected, you don’t have to That's troublesome." Lu Chenfeng said lightly, his confident look made the three women shine. Indeed, with Lu Chen's method, it is not difficult to defeat the elite geniuses here.

"Okay, let you go and participate." Wang Xinya couldn't help but beaming, she was also confident.

Lu Chen was embraced by three beautiful and beautiful women, which in exchange for many envy and jealous eyes, there is no doubt that Lu Chen's femininity made them jealous, but they thought about Guiyun City. He didn't act rashly about the public order, but many people paid attention to Lu Chen secretly. Lu Chen also noticed this, but he didn't say anything.

He entered an inn, and the business here was still relatively deserted. The shopkeeper was drowsy. There was no surprise when he saw Lu Chen come in, but when he saw a few women behind Lu Chen, his eyes suddenly brightened. , Cheered up, and hurriedly greeted him, and said respectfully, "Little brother, how many of you live in a store? We have a few good rooms." The shopkeeper's eyes were straight, almost drooling, so Over the years, he has also seen a lot of beautiful women, but he has never seen someone as beautiful as Wang Xinya and others.

The filthy light of Yin from the shopkeeper's eyes flashed by, and the corners of Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. He considered for a moment, and temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart, "Well, just open a room for me. It should be more spacious?" Lu Chen asked intentionally or unintentionally, in fact, he was reminding the shopkeeper not to have any crooked thoughts, otherwise Lu Chen would never tolerate the traitor.

He couldn't let the three women suffer a little bit of grievance, "Eh? Spacious, of course spacious!" The shopkeeper nodded, what did Lu Chen's words mean, do the four of them only need one room to go to? It seemed that the three women came with Lu Chen.

He was a little depressed and sighed secretly. Didn't he have a chance? The shopkeeper swallowed, "Do you only need one room above?" He still asked, although he didn't know Lu Chen's plan, he had to consider the wishes of the three women.

Strangely, the three daughters appeared to be obedient, his face was gloomy, and he took a deep breath, "Okay."

He absently found an upper room, and ordered the buddy to take Lu Chen and the others there. The shopkeeper was not dozing off, but greeted him and left the inn.

After entering the upper room, Lu Chen looked around, and this place was really good, especially the big bed, which made Lu Chen feel excited, just what he needed.

"Hey, three ladies, I have been working hard for you all this time, sir, let me take care of you." Lu Chen's face was filled with Yin's filthy smile, and the three girls were stunned, their pretty faces flushed, of course they understood Lu Chen had a bad thought.

There is no doubt about it. After all, Lu Chen is a normal man, and it is excusable to have that kind of thought, but they are a little unwilling to let go. They thought of it when Lu Chen talked about opening a room before. Things like sleeping together will happen.

Although there is no estrangement between the three women, the three women are more reserved, but this is nothing in front of Lu Chen. He believes in his own ability to turn the three women into slutty young women.

Lu Chen quickly helped them undress and undress them. The spring inside the house was very sultry.

The sky gradually dimmed, and Lu Chen went to get some food. After all, the three girls were a little tired after Yushuizhihuan. He checked it specially and there was no problem with the food before letting them eat slowly.

Regarding Lu Chen’s gentle and considerate behavior, the three women were all touched and confused. There was no secret between them. Lu Chen’s ability was so powerful and domineering that the three of them took turns taking turns. Can't fully satisfy Lu Chen. Fortunately, the three women are together. Otherwise, if they are one of them, they will not be able to withstand Lu Chen's love.

There was no doubt about it. Then Lu Chen closed his eyes and got up. The night was getting deeper, and the slight chirping outside made Lu Chen extraordinarily leisurely and fighting all day long. He had a headache. He enjoyed this rare time. , But wisps of breath floated in from the crack of the door, attracting Lu Chen's attention.

Although he closed his eyes, Lu Chen's senses have reached a terrifying level. The breath is colorless and tasteless. Captured by Lu Chen's five elements, it can be said to have nowhere to hide.

Lu Chen raised his brows and waved his hand to block those breaths. If he was not wrong in his judgment, it should be Mixiang, but only a high-level Mixiang. This high-level space is in the sky-reaching realm. There is such a thing. Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded, but he immediately realized that someone wanted to harm them.

Lu Chen remained silent and held his breath. He used a trace of mental power that people outside couldn't notice unless the mental power was stronger than Lu Chen.

It took a long time for that breath to be worn away by Lu Chen’s five-element aura. Lu Chen sighed a little bit of relief. If he changed to an ordinary cultivator, he would have fainted a long time ago, but what happened was Lu Chen is an alien.

Even if Lu Chen inhaled the fragrance, he would not be affected too much. After all, his physique was not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. Lu Chen secretly rejoiced that he used to practice hard and it was really effective.

There was no movement in the house, presumably those people who had misconducted would show up. After a while, the door was gently pushed open, and a thief-eyed person walked in gently. Although they were all caught in the fragrance, just to be on the safe side, It's better to be quieter.

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