Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2605: Chain gate

He was uncomfortable. "You guys are still stunned by what to do and don’t make a move!" Zhang Yunfei didn’t fight, so he yelled at the fellow practitioners, who were a bit innocent, they had nothing. Zhang Yunfei was hated by Zhang Yunfei, but they didn't care. Zhang Yunfei's position was not something they could shake.

"Boy, you die." Zhang Yunfei screamed, and a fierce and terrifying aura of heaven and earth swept through his body. Although his efforts would not have much effect, he still had to show it to Zhang Jiwen, otherwise Zhang Jiwen would be like this. It's not justified to help him hard.

Lu Chen shrugged, but didn't take it to heart. There was a terrifying aura of heaven and earth in his body, locked in the several people of the Zhang family. Their expressions were exceptionally wonderful. It seemed that Zhang Jiwen was defeated, and it was not without reason.

"Bang Bang." With a few unusual noises, several practitioners of the Zhang family flew upside down like kites with a broken wire. This was still under the circumstances of Lu Chen's mercy. He didn't want to be in Guiyun City. Killing, that would affect his participation in the elite selection conference held by the Cangqiangmen the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Yunfei was frightened, he did not rush forward, but helped Zhang Jiwen and fled in embarrassment.

"Let's go." Zhang Yunfei glared at Lu Chen fiercely. Although he hated Lu Chen deeply and wished to cut him a thousand times, he must admit that he does not have that ability at this stage, so don't offend Lu Chen. Chen's good.

The eyes of those onlookers shining brightly, this kid, is simply a blockbuster, an elite from outside, who has such confidence to challenge the Zhang family, they can't imagine the courage of Lu Chen.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe it. Most cultivators are satisfied. Even though they just wait and see, they have also learned a lot. At least for them, they have benefited a lot.

"Little brother is superb, brave and invincible." The shopkeeper's face changed, showing some smiles, and suddenly his brows danced. The situation he wanted to see did not appear. Lu Chen's method of turning the tide made him frightened.

If Lu Chen had noticed it, how angry he would be with his disrespectful thoughts not long ago, one can imagine that Zhang Family and Lu Chen are now completely enmity.

This kid is a hot potato. He just wants to stay in his inn. If Zhang's family does anything harmful to the world, it is possible to tear down his inn directly, then the gain is not worth the loss, and he has not taken any of it. It's cheap, and it's in such a dilemma.

In the eyes of others, Lu Chen has good abilities. It is an honor for the shopkeeper to live in the inn. His position has not risen with the tide, but there is no doubt that the shopkeeper’s mood is extremely complicated, and no one can understand it. .

"Congratulations, treasurer Cheng, there is such a young talent who lives in your inn, which can be said to be brilliant." Everyone praised, there was no false element, and treasurer Cheng smiled bitterly, why didn't he know.

It's just that there is a contradiction and estrangement between Lu Chen and Lu Chen. It is not a matter of a day and a half to resolve it. Shopkeeper Cheng nodded.

Lu Chen didn't have time to take care of these people. He turned around and went into the inn. Although the noise outside was earth-shattering, none of the three women was affected at all, thanks to Lu Chen's prohibition.

Yu Bo, who fought against each other, was extremely powerful. Fortunately, the buildings in the high-level space Tongtian realm were made of special heavenly materials and earth treasures, so they were not affected much. The guards who defended the city did not take action. After learning about the situation, there was an uproar for a while. They didn't believe it at all, but after getting confirmation from more and more people, they realized that this is not a rumor, but a real thing.

A little-known hairy boy caused quite a stir in Guiyun City. This is definitely a manifestation of Lu Chen's ability. They admired Lu Chen and had many associations. Everyone felt that Lu Chen came to Guiyun City. , It is very likely to participate in the acquired elite selection conference. Of course, some people think that Lu Chen simply does not bother to participate in this kind of conference. The genius of the large-scale Cangqiangmen is not necessarily Lu Chen's opponent.

This is because they didn’t understand the background of the big school. Someone made a mistake and guessed it. Lu Chen didn’t care about it. As long as he and his beloved woman didn’t suffer any harm, that would be enough. Lu Chen was still better. Magnanimous.

In the next two days, the Zhang family was extremely calm. They did not respond positively to the comments made by ordinary people. Some people felt that the Zhang family was disdainful to answer. This was excusable. The loss of an elite genius to Lu Chen did not mean that the Zhang family would Fear of Lu Chen.

They are probably brewing conspiracies and tricks. Lu Chen, this kid, is doomed to escape. If he does not lose his mind, he should choose a suitable opportunity and abscond overnight, instead of staying in Guiyun City without fear.

Many people are secretly observing Lu Chen, and relying on their own strength, what kind of genius and enchanting is it that wants to challenge the Zhang family.

However, as the saying goes, some people are happy and some are worried. The Zhang family is covered by dark clouds, while the middle-sized sect of Tie Suomen, the entire sect is happy, they are opposed to the Zhang family. This is no secret in Guiyun City. The Zhang Family received a big blow. They didn't even make a move. The result was really gratifying. They hoped to see that the conflict between Lu Chen and Zhang Family could increase.

Although Lu Chen could not deal with the entire Zhang family, they can choose the right time to help Lu Chen by the iron chain gate. When they come forward, they will be grateful for Lu Chen, joining them with the iron chain gate. Elite geniuses, if they use the best cultivation resources, over time, they can achieve limitless achievements.

Even the genius leader of the Tiesuomen was a bit envious and jealous of Lu Chen. This kid became a sweet pastry for a while. When they joined the Tiesuomen, they did not receive such treatment. After all, the top of the Tiesuomen specially discussed it. What should be done so that Lu Chen won't be disgusted, and willingly, join the chain gate.

The person involved, Lu Chen, still had nothing unusual, but was leisurely with the three women.

Time is hurried, and soon came the day when the large-scale Cangqiangmen held an elite selection conference. Guiyun City was immersed in a festive atmosphere. Every time the Cangqiangmen came, it represented their cultivation civilization and reached a brand new one. The height, and there are several elite evildoers, can join the Cangqiang Gate, which is very important to them, as long as they join the Cangqiang Gate, the future is definitely boundless.

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