Therefore, for these few places, Guiyun City's elite leaders are all eager to try, and they will use their strength to stand out in front of the angels of the sky gate.

There was no need to register for this game. It was only temporarily held. Lu Chen asked the shopkeeper a little bit and came to the arena in Guiyun City. This place was rather special.

Along the way, all kinds of hot eyes looked at Lu Chen. In the past two days, he has become a figure in Guiyun City, and everyone discusses it to an unprecedented height. After all, Lu Chen is just a young man from outside, who can actually defeat him. Zhang Jiwen also dealt a heavy blow to the Zhang Family. What is even more strange is that the Zhang Family did not show a posture of counterattack. Two days passed in a hurry, so that everyone was discussing the conflict between Lu Chen and Zhang Family. When it will break out completely, I did not expect that this time when the large-scale Cangqiangmen selected elites, Lu Chen would also actively respond. For a while, passers-by were talking, "Big brother, I said that the number of Cangqiangmen selected this time is more than in previous years Some." A young man looked eagerly, his meaning was self-evident.

The man next to him just glanced at him, "Even if it increases tenfold, it is unlikely that you want to join the Sky Gate, so you should die." His outspoken words are undoubtedly one thing. This kind of blow made the man's face a lot gloomy. He sighed and said depressed, "Big brother, can you please stop strangling my self-motivated heart? Join the sky gate, that is the supreme glory and my life. Isn’t it good that people always have a goal?"

The man who had spoken before was startled slightly and couldn't help laughing. He patted the young man on the shoulder and said with an angry smile, "You won't see that kid named Lu Chen. After he emerges, he has such a plan."

"Aha, don't tell me, eldest brother, what you said, I did see Lu Chen's performance that made me motivated. He is my idol." The young man looked admiring, but There were also many people who echoed.

"Yes, he is also my idol, haha, let's compare and see whose cultivation level progresses faster." For a while, Lu Chen's name spread all around.

"Xiang Gong, did you hear that? They are talking about you." Wang Xinya covered her mouth and chuckled slightly, somewhat proud. Although she was praising Lu Chen, she was very proud of Lu Chen as a woman, Shui Yu Lan and Ru Pingdie also had the same expression.

Lu Chen smirked, scratched his head, and said in a hurry. "Don't praise me."

"Bah, who praises you, you are really not narcissistic." Shui Yulan glared at Lu Chen charmingly. The latter's heart was lost, and she deserves to be a superb stunner. The charm that goes deep into her bones cannot be changed in a day or two. , But this kind of temperament was only shown when facing Lu Chen. Although Lu Chen had been happy many times in the past two days, the three women were still alive and kicking. This is the effect of Lu Chen's five elements, nourishing the three women. Lu Chen knew this well, and as he continued to practice, the Five Elements Qi had also undergone subtle changes.

He was able to face tough enemies calmly and calmly. It can be said that the spirit of the five elements gave him confidence. After the three girls were in a group, Lu Chen was still very happy. At least through his efforts, the three girls had no contradiction. Place.

They immediately entered the arena of Guiyun City. There is no doubt that the number of people in the arena of today is the most in a year, because the annual elite selection conference will be held here, and Lu Chen enters the gladiator. After the game, the eyes of attention increased again. He was the dark horse of this elite selection meeting, and everyone was more optimistic about him.

And the official of Guiyun City Arena has also started. In order to promote development, there are various bargaining chips. Therefore, those who can enter this time will not charge fees such as tickets, but they can bet at will on themselves. If you are optimistic about the talented leader, you can bet, and there is no upper limit.

Although one person bet, the arena officials will not take it to heart, but the accumulation of less will make more, they just value this point, and as the personnel are almost there, the arena officials have made an orderly arrangement.

The atmosphere in the venue was extremely active. Although there was no noise or noisy, there were so many people. Under the whispering, there was a tendency to overwhelm the mountains. A dull but loud voice came like a bolt from the blue sky, "Ahem, Now that everyone is here, let's be quiet and prepare for the next elite selection conference. "Unexpectedly, everyone felt that this voice had an extremely good impression, and even though they interrupted their words, no one was upset.

According to the previous practice, the messenger of the large-scale Cangqiangmen came forward. As expected, an old man with a crane hair and a childlike face appeared in the sight of everyone. The temperament of the fairy style and the bone gave people a sense of intimacy. The color of fear, the strength of this old man is quite powerful and profound.

Even Lu Chen couldn't see the depth. He condensed his breath. He always felt that the old guy was paying attention to him intentionally or unintentionally. This caused Lu Chen to be unable to let go of his hands and feet. He curled his lips and released the Five Elements Qi to resist that. A strong oppressive force,

"Huh." The old man obviously didn't expect that Lu Chen had the ability to resist his coercion. The other elite evildoers all bowed their heads involuntarily, except for Lu Chen. He gave Lu Chen a deep look. In order not to attract the attention of others, he turned his head and did not do anything surprised.

"The old man first introduce himself. The old man's name is Qiu Shaohua. He is the deacon of the Cangqiangmen. I think you should be familiar with it. This time I came to Guiyun City. The purpose is very simple. It is to select elite talents. The door will definitely not be missed." Qiu Shaohua said loudly, his voice was loud and thunderous, and everyone below was thrilling. This old guy was filled with the aura of a superior person, not what they could covet, as expected. The cultivators of large sects are fundamentally different from them.

Even Lu Chen couldn't help but look at Qiu Shaohua high, which also made Lu Chen curious about the large schools. The Tongtian realm name is domineering enough. Joining the Cangqiangmen this time, he is bound to win, no matter what he encounters. Lu Chen's enemy, Lu Chen will not retreat in the slightest.

"The so-called elite selection conference is actually very simple. As long as the strength is strong and the roots are good, you will have the opportunity to enter the door of my sky. Moreover, let me tell you the good news. This year, the quota will be doubled, so the opportunity is still relatively large. Yes, everyone work hard," Qiu Shaohua smiled slightly.

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