Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2751: Destructive power

Because this dark purple thunder and lightning contains extremely terrifying destructive power. If it is abrupt resistance, I am afraid that Lu Chen will be crushed to pieces. This may not be true. After all, Lu Chen has no advantage at all, and he did such a desperate thing. It's not wise.

Lu Chen's mind moved and absorbed part of the profound thunder's power, and then his body jumped, carrying countless phantoms, his speed was so fast that even Fang Zhantang couldn't keep up, and the latter looked terrified. It is not difficult to imagine that Fang Zhantang's mood is quite complicated.

He didn't hold back the slightest, because according to his guess, Lu Chen should just return to the light, and he couldn't talk about turning things around. He also didn't believe that Lu Chen could turn the tide. This was enough for his profound thunder power. Dealing with Lu Chen, let alone such a fierce bonus power, he never thought that this kid Lu Chen would stupidly anger God.

Just as Fang Zhantang was thinking, he suddenly felt something wrong. Lu Chen's red winged lotus was shot on, and a terrifying breath of mysterious thunder was swept out. This was a heavy blow to Fang Zhantang. Could it be Lu Chen absorbed Xuan Lei's power, and now he is ready to attack him without reservation?

This is naked, naked, and the way he is, he is still being treated. His expression has changed drastically, but he still bites his head and confronts Lu Chen.

"Boom." The figures of the two gradually became illusory. With Lu Chen's fascinating means, Fang Zhantang had no time to control his profound thunder aura, and he was also disturbed by his own mysterious power, which made him dizzy. Don't dare to be careless at all.

"Boy, you're so mean!" Fang Zhantang couldn't keep calm at this time. He waved his hand, and the condensed breath of heaven and earth in his body, accompanied by strange fluctuations, affected the breath of heaven and earth in all directions.

"You are righteous? I use your power to defeat you, you should feel ashamed." Lu Chen's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and they were simply not something Fang Zhantang could bear.

His mind trembled, and at this moment he forgot to resist. Looking at Lu Chen's gradually magnifying Red Celestial Lotus spear, he realized that he was wrong, so he gritted his teeth with red blood on his body. Lu Chen was taken aback. What kind of move is this.

Something abnormal, right? He kept an eye on him, and the next moment he felt a great crisis. Lu Chen did not continue to maintain the offensive of the violent storm. Instead, his face remained as usual. Only in the blink of an eye, he became a true dragon of the five elements, in Lu Chen’s Under comprehension, his magical skills and methods have reached the point of superb transformation. The most direct manifestation of this is that Lu Chen's power has doubled. This scene shocked everyone's eyes.

"It turns out to be magical skills and methods. No wonder this kid can increase his points unscrupulously." Some people have summarized Lu Chen's rapid increase in points into magical skills and methods. In fact, the factors in this are more complicated. The witty mind solved the current situation.

After the phantom exercise and magic were cast, the Fang Zhantang shot like an arrow from the string. Lu Chen had the illusion that he could not dodge, so his mind was tight and he watched the pair of small hammers hit. He felt a piercing pain in his arm, and the blood energy on Fang Zhantang's body became more obvious. The most direct manifestation was that the skin on his body showed a strange rosy, Lu Chen's face was not Looks great.

His stamina was actually consumed, just because of one of his moves, what kind of magical technique it was, Lu Chen was puzzled, but he saw that Fang Zhantang's face was also a little pale, and Lu Chen felt aura in his mind. For a flash, it suddenly became clear that this should be a way of hurting others and self.

Rather than being unscathed, he estimated that Fang Zhantang spent 30% of his physical strength, and in exchange for such a memory, it is generally beneficial to him, and Fang Zhantang still has a strong **** smell, which is a bit pungent, but Lu Chen is used to it.

He burst out and slammed a fist out. This is more vigorous than using the red lanky lotus to shoot the spear. Lu Chen's advantage is that he has a sensible headache and is good at analyzing his own in various situations. The strengths and weaknesses, Lu Chen's aggressive attack, caused the surrounding heaven and earth to turn into a vacuum.

"Huh." Fang Zhantang did not expect that even after being weakened by 50%, Lu Chen still had such a terrifying means. This only shows that Lu Chen's physique is strong and his recovery ability is beyond doubt.

Fang Pingyun's body was shining brightly, he had some unknown secret, that defensive armor was very useful, Lu Chen's punch did not harm his body, Fang Pingyun's face condensed, and he used the power of the profound thunder in mid-air again. Boom boom."

A series of dark purple thunder and lightning rushed towards Lu Chen again. This time the latter did not use the red spear to resist, but directly used the body of the five-element real dragon.

"Hiss." The people in the Fang family couldn't help taking a breath. Is this kid crazy? He doesn't seem to use the defensive spirit treasure. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Even if Lu Chen's physique was abnormal, he couldn't resist such erosion. Wang Kang was still dumbfounded. He didn't understand Lu Chen's thoughts, but seeing Lu Chen didn't seem to be a big deal. Only then did he understand that Lu Chen was deliberate. And for it.

It's just that at this moment, Lu Chen fell into an extremely dangerous situation. He convulsed all over and did not move for a long time.

After Fang Zhantang hesitated for only a moment, his whole body rushed towards Lu Chen, with the aura of heaven and earth exploding with a strong deterrent force.

He has the confidence to win. This kid is arrogant and arrogant. He wants to absorb his breath of heaven and earth. He is simply overwhelmed. So at this time, all he needs to do is to give Lu Chen a fatal blow. Believe this kid, no matter what No matter how you resist, it will be of no avail.

The overbearing power of the profound thunder was far beyond what Lu Chen could imagine. At that time, he learned the strength of the profound thunder and paid a heavy price!

Seeing that Fang Zhantang was able to attack Lu Chen, the latter's figure moved inexplicably. Fang Zhantang discovered this, but he was unwilling to give up. After so much effort, if he still lost to Lu Chen, He has no face to meet people.

"Boy, you go to die." Fang Zhantang yelled angrily, with a fierce and domineering atmosphere in his body, like a sharp sword like a broken bamboo, success or failure in one move.

"Haha, you really don't want to die in Yellow River." Lu Chen shook his head. He has recovered. Fortunately, the situation is only a moment, otherwise Lu Chen will regret it. For a while, Lu Chen will occupy With absolute advantage.

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