Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2752: Reappearance of the mysterious man

He waved his hand at random, and the crazy offensive that Fang Zhantang was so proud of disappeared. Fang Zhantang was like a frosted eggplant. It is undeniable that he felt the horror of Lu Chen after he absorbed the power of Xuan Lei. Simply ignore his profound thunder power.

Now he didn't have the slightest advantage at all, "Don't, stop!" Fang Zhantang realized that after hitting the rock with a pebble, he didn't fight Lu Chen head-on, but directly asked for mercy.

This was also excusable. Lu Chen waved his hand without stopping, and solved Fang Zhantang. The latter's face was desperate and disappeared.

Lu Chen hadn't done anything too extreme yet. He just used ordinary methods to defeat Fang Zhantang and did not destroy him. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then, he turned his eyes to several other people in the Fang family. , They trembled with fright. After Lu Chen had achieved dazzling achievements, they had no idea of ​​resisting. This kid is simply a pervert, such a powerful elite as Fang Zhantang, in his eyes. Nothing more.

They even defeated Fang Zhantang. They all had no idea of ​​resistance, "Senior, don't kill me, I just go by myself." It is not easy for them to follow up, so they don't want to be eliminated like this, as long as they stay in the killing. In the prison space, they have hope. Although they are not ranked among the best, they can at least get some benefits. The monsters here are full of treasures. If they get some out, they can also make a relationship, or the Fang family's high-level officials will blame it. They have no countermeasures.

It's a pity that Lu Chen didn't take their begging for mercy at all. "You don't need to keep it. Go and accompany him." Lu Chen still has principles in his life. He understands that the people of this family are heart-warming. Vicious, none of them can stay, otherwise, he will be in trouble.

As the saying goes, cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows up again. After experiencing all kinds of things, Lu Chen also understood this truth. His face was uncertain, and he recovered in a flash, because he killed these people. In the exhibition hall on the plus side, he also won a total of more than 3,000 points, and Lu Chen was quite satisfied.

With the Point Orb, his advantage is even more obvious. As long as someone hits his attention, Lu Chen will never tolerate the traitor.

Wang Kang's view of Lu Chen has changed after seeing this extraordinary battle. Before he treated Lu Chen as the boss, now Lu Chen has become a veritable idol.

"Hey, boss, you are too good." Wang Kang didn't recover from the shock for a long time, his eyes flashed with hot light.

If there is half of Lu Chen, it is not right, even if it is a small half, he can be brazen and domineering. Unfortunately, he has not achieved such an achievement. It can only be said that Lu Chen itself is a rare alien.

The elite elite who has been rare for thousands of years, Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, and waved his hand, "Okay, don't flatter me, let's go."

Lu Chen didn't stay here. He vaguely realized that there are many secrets in this killing prison space. He must use his own efforts to gradually explore and dig them, and then use them.

Although his current strength is fairly good, Lu Chen doesn't have the slightest advantage when facing real powerhouses. This is something that cannot be denied. He also has some self-knowledge.

Therefore, the purpose at this stage is to increase strength crazily. This killing space is an opportunity, and it is also a rare springboard. Lu Chen may have been able to obtain some accurate information from the many heartfelt dialogues of the Qingtang Hall Master. , Perhaps in the near future, the high-level space Tongtian realm will not be so peaceful.

Wang Kang nodded quickly, thinking of what Lu Chen had said before, his blood boiled involuntarily. Indeed, he was mixed with Lu Chen, and he must be delicious and spicy.

After a while, the two of them walked into a dark forest. Although Wang Kang suggested not to go this way, Lu Chen shook his head. He has good senses now. If he hadn't inferred wrong, there is something different here. Secret.

So Lu Chen entered this gloomy forest without hesitation. Maybe it was a death forest. After all, it seemed dangerous. The average cultivator would take a detour. The opportunity to come to the killing space was hard-won. They were quite The preciousness, they will still be more cautious if they can not take risks.

Not long after, Lu Chen saw a dwarf figure, who had to walk over with a stride. This person gave him a very mysterious feeling, but it also carried a certain danger.

Wang Kang didn't hesitate and followed Lu Chen. Now that the boss had given instructions, he naturally had no hesitation.

"Hello, sir, I don't know what you are doing in this dark forest?" Lu Chen was still quite polite. He cleared his throat and carefully looked at the mysterious man, only to see that he was wearing a round hat, covering Holds his face.

Lu Chen did not deliberately observe, worrying that this mysterious person would be dissatisfied.

"Well, I'm waiting for someone." Unexpectedly, the mysterious person quickly answered Lu Chen. He couldn't help but beaming, "Who are you waiting for?" asked almost without thinking.

Wang Kang was a little nervous, this mysterious person wouldn't be fooling them, how could he wait for someone in such a weird place, but he suppressed the fear in his heart and was relatively calm.

After staying with Lu Chen for a long time, he has also cultivated a good mood. This is a very precious thing. After Wang Kang found out, he couldn't help but feel complacent. Lu Chen gave him this.

"Waiting for someone with a lot of points." The mysterious person also replies fluently and glanced at Lu Chen. At this moment, Lu Chen felt a sense of being seen through. A huge wave was set off in his heart. What is this mysterious person like? The existence of it seemed that he could decide his life or death at any time, and Lu Chen was unwilling to face this.

But this feeling was quite strong, so Lu Chen became more respectful, "Tsk tsk, good kid, you have ten thousand points, very fast."

What's more frightening is that the mysterious man broke Lu Chen's current points in a single word. He is a little strange. Could it be that this mysterious man also holds the points ranking? In fact, this number was not a secret to other cultivators, but Lu Chen could perceive it. It was the mysterious person who saw it, not the news.

"That's right." Lu Chen nodded, revealing a gentle smile. He was basically sure that this mysterious person had no malice, or he would have already defeated him.

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