Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2761: Place to appreciate

In just a moment, these little bats suffered countless deaths and injuries. Wang Kang couldn't help but take a shot and earn some points. He observed Lu Chen's expression and found that there was nothing unusual about him before he was secretly relieved. The boss is tolerant and doesn't care about anything. This is what he admires most.

When ordinary cultivators reach a certain level of cultivation level, their own mood will also undergo earth-shaking changes. Lu Chen has achieved such dazzling achievements at a young age. Ordinary cultivators may have long been despised, but he has not done so. Up.

Through constant fighting, Wang Kang has also gained some experience. Although these bats have some mental attacks, after Wang Kang has that defensive armor, his own lethality has also increased a lot.

He showed an aura of giving up to me. Even Lu Chen couldn’t help but praise him again and again. It seemed that Wang Kang’s growth was quite obvious. Lu Chen gave a thumbs up, and after a while, these bats were all After the army was wiped out, Lu Chen also relaxed a little.

He took a look at his points, and as expected, it had grown to nearly 400,000. This was quite a shocking thing. I am afraid that it won’t take long for this news to spread throughout the entire killing prison space. After all, those cultivators are paying attention to this point. The ranking list is just that they are jealous and crazy, and at the same time guessing where Lu Chen is and what chance encounters he got are all worth pondering. No one can calm down at such a fast point growth rate, because Lu Chen It only took more than a day to enter the killing prison space. After this calculation, Lu Chen will definitely have a few million points in the end. Therefore, for him, the first place is the winning ticket, and Lu Chen does not need to be a time. thing.

And how hard they are working hard has nothing to do with the first place. Those mediocre elite leaders are okay. Even if they don’t get such a place, they won’t be impatient, and those elite evildoers in the top ranks , It’s crazy. Seeing that Lu Chen’s points continue to rise, they have nothing to stop. The best way is to speed up the point increase, but even if they fight continuously all day long, it will not be enough for Lu Chen for a moment. The accumulation of the clock is really damaging to people. There is nothing wrong with the saying that people are more angry than people.

"Let's go, this time is considered complete." Lu Chen was still quite satisfied, shrugged, Wang Kang was very excited, nodded, at this moment, he was moved in his heart, before Lu Chen shot one after another. He was given a lot of help, not only that, when he dealt with the little bat, Lu Chen didn't have any strange emotions, and it seemed that he didn't care.

In other words, he wants to train him. This is the most important thing. Of course, Wang Kang understands that all cultivators are selfish, and there are few who can be selfless like Lu Chen.

"Well, boss, you have now become the focus of discussion among many cultivators." Wang Kang felt that it was a rare thing to be able to practice with Lu Chen and earn points, and those elite elites were arrogant. He had witnessed the speculation, which was undoubtedly an honor.

"It's okay." Lu Chen was modest, and Feng Qingyun said calmly. He was not overwhelmed. He had already looked down on things like points. Lu Chen didn't fall into despair in the previous collapse. , If this happened to other cultivators, I'm afraid they won't have the slightest hope.

So when Lu Chen topped the list again, he could face it calmly.

After walking for a while, Lu Chen found several caves. He didn't move on, but stayed on the spot, thinking about which cave to choose. His instinct told him that there was a cave in here.

"Boss, are you planning to go in?" Wang Kang is a little suspicion of knowingly asking, but he thinks that Lu Chen's idea is a little weird. This cave gives people a gloomy feeling, and ordinary cultivators will choose to avoid it. , After all, no one would have predicted whether there was any mysterious danger in it, because some changes had taken place in the aura of the world around him, but Lu Chen’s thoughts were always different, and he thought of those in the dark. When the mysterious person appeared in the forest, he shook his head and denied the idea.

"Well, you can also choose one. I will help you refer to it. There should be some treasures here." Lu Chen said in an analogous tone. Wang Kang was taken aback for a moment, and he was overjoyed. Of course he understood that Lu What Chen said that there are some treasures. It cannot be denied that Lu Chen's vision is quite correct. Since he said that there are some treasures, nothing can go wrong.

Moreover, from Lu Chen's eyes, they were all treasures, so he didn't doubt it at all.

"Okay." Wang Kang was extremely excited. Now that he had Lu Chen as a reference, he didn't have to worry about anything. After all, Lu Chen had an incalculable method for ordinary people, and he knew something.

"This is it." Wang Kang didn't hesitate all the time, pointing to a cave that looked more pleasing to the eye, and said slightly nervously.

Lu Chen pondered for a moment, then nodded, "Alright, you can go into this cave. I will find you then."

He was a little mysterious, which made Wang Kang puzzled, but in any case, Lu Chen would not harm him, so there was no need to worry about it. So he said goodbye to Lu Chen, and strode the meteor to get in. The corner of Lu Chen's mouth appeared. With a smile, Wang Kang also needed to experience it. There shouldn't be any fatal danger in that cave. Moreover, Lu Chen vaguely felt that his choice and destiny were not wrong.

So Lu Chen strode in toward the cave he had identified before.

At the same time, the elite leaders who paid attention to Lu Chen before were surprised to find that Lu Chen's points had stabilized, but it had grown to a height that stunned them, but there was absolutely no opportunity. After all, the second place now is only More than 20,000 points, although it is not a small amount, compared with Lu Chen, there is a difference of tens of thousands of miles. These people can't help but feel frustrated.

After all, Lu Chen didn’t know how to get points, and couldn’t stop at all. When they were almost desperate, they saw that Lu Chen’s points had stabilized. They breathed a sigh of relief, at least to prove that they There is still a little hope. It is a pity that Lu Chen is close to 400,000 points, which is beyond their imagination. In this way, it may take them ten days and a half to catch up with Lu Chen. Is the most troublesome thing.

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