Unless it’s Lu Chen’s points, no change will happen. Even if he gets more points, he will exceed the highest record afterwards. This is inevitable. It can only be said that Lu Chen is capable of perfection. Below, it was eclipsed a bit.

They can only work hard. At this moment, they don’t know which corner of the killing prison space is. The corner of Sun Jiaxing’s mouth twitches slightly. He didn’t expect it in his dreams. Lu Chen’s unexpected performance can only show that this guy has something to do. By chance encounter, he was originally satisfied with his points growth rate, but now it seems that his points growth rate is far inferior to Lu Chen, or even not comparable.

He was very curious about what chance coincidence Lu Chen had experienced. He only had jealous and madness. He didn't have a feeling in his heart. If he could run into Lu Chen, he would never be soft-hearted. This guy should be in a different place. It was really hateful. In front of so many people, Lu Chen actually defeated him. This was an unprecedented shame.

When Sun Jiaxing was in the prehistoric land, he was trained as a unique elite leader, but he was swollen in Lu Chen's hands. What a painful thing, his anger has nowhere to vent, he can only find monsters. After dealing with it, Sun Jiaxing can kill a demon beast with good strength and earn hundreds of points, but at this speed, even if he continuously kills the beast, he will not have it until the killing space is closed. The possibility surpassed Lu Chen, and it seemed that the only way to kill other high-point practitioners was.

Although the cultivators are very cunning and possess good strength, they have to admit that Sun Jiaxing has such a certainty.

After Lu Chen entered the cave, he found nothing unusual. He raised his brows. Could it be that his judgment was wrong? It was his intuition that failed this time. Lu Chen touched his nose and continued to move forward. He found that there were a lot of ice cones on top of his head. The climate here was cold, and ordinary people would not be able to resist it at all. I'm afraid I can't hold on to this level of different physique.

Therefore, his state of mind at this time is more complicated. Although the cave is very dark, Lu Chen's eyesight is different from that of ordinary cultivators. He glanced at it and probably understood that there is probably something terrifying about this cave. Exist, otherwise it won’t happen.

Lu Chen's keen senses and good judgment ability make him outstanding. He constrained his breath and refused to miss the slightest detail around him, but the danger he imagined did not come down, which made Lu Chen a little unaware. He could only fight steadily and move forward step by step. Suddenly, a faint wind caught Lu Chen's attention. The Hongmeng sword in his hand suddenly appeared. As expected, a white figure appeared not far away, Lu Chending At first sight, it turned out to be a snowman, and his condensed explosive power was revealed on his body, which made Lu Chen a little surprised. Before he could react, the snowman actually took the initiative to attack.

His pale fist struck out, with a roar of strong wind, Lu Chen was stunned, and hurriedly recovered. He understood that his behavior was wrong. If he didn't catch it, he would be headed. Somewhere.

The strength of this snowman is definitely not weak, because with the helmet, Lu Chen can see that this snowman has 30,000 points, which makes him a headache. The previous bat leader only had 15,000 points, and Lu Chen had to deal with it. With great power, I just don't know if this snowman will be so easy to deal with.

Lu Chen took his magic weapon, and did not back down. He was madly restoring the Hongmeng Sword. Those Hongmeng sword auras bloomed with brilliant light, illuminating the dark caves brightly and transparently, majestic and majestic. The mysterious breath of Xuan Ming came from the bacteria on the Hongmeng Sword, and the snowman's face was full of surprise. Obviously he did not expect that the humble Lu Chen could have such a strong explosive power, which is really incredible.

"Hoho." The Snowman was irritated by Lu Chen's behavior. When he arrived on his site, he wanted to be arrogant and domineering. It was really intolerable. The Snowman wanted to break Lu Chen's body into pieces, so he speeded up.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Lu Chen waved his hand and used his five-element energy to suppress the snowman. Originally, his bracelet was able to make the snowman’s explosive power 30%. Lu Chen was very satisfied. The guy is really generous, and he can't help thinking that if he meets that mysterious person at this time, he doesn't know what 400,000 points can be exchanged, it must be a rarer treasure.

It's just that the person came and went without a trace, so that Lu Chen couldn't find him. He could only shook his head. As the saying goes, letting the flow take place is the most important thing. The snowman exudes a cold breath, even though Lu Chen could feel it before he approached him, which was bad news for Lu Chen.

He left an eye on his mind, and his figure flashed out, choosing to fight for the front. The Hongmeng sword aura hit the snowman in a blink of an eye, but a loud and deafening sound was transmitted, Lu Chen couldn't help it. Happy, have you succeeded? It was just that he was surprised to find that this Hongmeng sword aura did not harm the snowman, or that the snowman was too abnormal, and his defense power had reached a level that was shocking.

Even Lu Chen is somewhat unacceptable. In contrast, the bat leader he met before is easier to deal with, although it is also an extremely powerful monster, but its defense is not so abnormal, at least Lu Chen can find it. The opportunity to start, it is good now, Lu Chen has no clue. After the snowman was attacked, he was very angry. He hammered his chest with a hammer, kicked his foot, and attacked Lu Chen. It contained amazing destructive power, and it was Lu Chen that was shocking.

He didn't choose to fight head-on, but the snowman was really good in defense, but his attack power was still a little bit worse. Lu Chen showed a smile. With a thought in his mind, the dragon scales of the five-element true dragon appeared on his body. The strength reached an unprecedented height, and then Lu Chen directly grabbed the Snowman's big fist. When the Snowman was slightly confused, Lu Chen squeezed it fiercely, "Crunch." The sound of broken bones was transmitted. What kind of power does Lu Chen have here? This is simply unbelievable. The Snowman made a burst of unwilling roars, wishing to tear Lu Chen in half, but he found that his strength was no match for Lu Chen.

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