In the next moment, a trace of determination flashed across the snowman’s huge eyes. He slammed his head against Lu Chen’s head. Obviously, he wanted to die, but the snowman had absolute confidence. Lu Chen just A cultivator, even if his physique is unusual, will not be stronger than him. This is the trump card of the Yeti's unbridled head-on confrontation.

Lu Chen's expression changed drastically. Of course he did not collide with Snowman. He only has one head after all. If he loses to Snowman, he will be eliminated in all probability. How could Lu Chen accept such a thing? For a while, Lu Chen fell into the wind and seemed quite passive. His other dragon fist did not sit idle, resisting the snowman's violent approach.

"You big guy, don't want to do such a stupid thing as Wang wanted." Lu Chen shouted angrily, and the Five Elements Qi reached its limit. After so long of gestation and exploration, Lu Chen's understanding of the Five Elements Qi reached a point. At an unprecedented height, it is undeniable that the destructive power of the Five Elements Qi is quite powerful.

But Lu Chen always felt that the Five Elements Qi had reached a bottleneck state, which was a kind of restraint for him. At this time, Lu Chen suddenly realized that if he had not inferred wrong, the current situation of the Five Elements Qi should be illusory. Gong and law are inextricably linked. His magical skills are not like other skills, methods. After all, they are the transformation of the dragon clan. Lu Chen didn't force it. Only gradual progress would be the best.

"Hehe." There was a smile on Lu Chen's face. At this moment, the snowman opened his big mouth and exhaled some white gas. Lu Chen's face condensed, and the white breath dropped the surrounding temperature to absolute zero. , Lu Chen was frozen by the ice just for a moment of hesitation.

He didn't pause at all, using the power of the nine suns in his body, he knew well that this snowman had been cultivating for many years before he has achieved what he is now. He can't take it lightly. Since he is frozen, he can only Can use the ability to restrain the ice attribute.

Lu Chen couldn't help but frowned. The power of Nine Suns True Fire was very domineering, but in an instant, the ice melted and Lu Chen was able to move freely. The Snowman was still immersed in joy, in his opinion , To be able to freeze Lu Chen, that is a sure thing.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen can still use the power of the Nine Suns True Fire. That is a very strange thing. There are many secrets in this kid. Not only can he transform into a five-element true dragon, but he also uses the Nine Suns True Fire superbly. That's his. Nemesis.

Therefore, the Snowman hurriedly backed away for fear that Lu Chen would attack him with Nine Suns Real Fire, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Lu Chen had no such thoughts. However, after Lu Chen discovered the Snowman's abnormality, he smiled sternly , The figure flashed, and a punch came out, containing the overwhelming true fire of nine suns.

Only then did he understand that this is the Snowman’s weakness. After Lu Chen grasped this weakness, he could definitely defeat the Snowman easily. Sure enough, after seeing the Jiuyang True Fire, the Snowman fled around without any hesitation. .

"Boom." Lu Chen didn't attack personally either, worried about something. Two fire dragons rushed out of his fist, and the snowman was shocked. He stomped his feet suddenly and disappeared from Lu Chen's sight. , The latter's face is uncertain, which is not a good thing.

He felt the snowman's location, but he didn't have the slightest clue. Where would this snowman go? Wouldn't he escape? Lu Chen looked miserable. Although the snowman escaped, he was not in any danger, but he had to say that after the snowman left, Lu Chen also had no points. After all, it was 30,000 points, plus his point orb function, that was With 60,000 points, Lu Chen didn't want to watch the points lose in vain.

Although he has 400,000 points now, it is not too few, but people are greedy, Lu Chen shook his head, no matter he left, no one interfered with him to explore the secret of the cave.

Lu Chen continued to move forward, and he faintly found out that there seemed to be something here, calling him.

The elite leaders in the killing prison space began to hunt down monsters in an orderly manner. For them, it was a training and an opportunity to improve themselves. Some cultivators got some chance encounters, and they got bored. Great fortune will not be shared with other elite leaders, this is undoubtedly a matter.

Miracles are possible everywhere, but there are also a lot of dangers. With the passage of time, more and more elite geniuses are eliminated. From the previous hundreds to dozens, this number is still decreasing. On the ranking list, the top ten are constantly changing. The competition is very fierce. Even the second place has time to change hands, but it didn't take long before the competition came back.

But there is only one person whose name is always on the top, and that is Lu Chen. With his supreme score, he stays in the first place. What is strange is that Lu Chen’s points have not increased, and have always been close to 400,000 points. Some elite leaders think he has been affected, so it takes a day or two to adjust.

This conclusion was recognized by most people. They continued to observe for a day or two and found that Lu Chen's points had not changed. This caused more doubts. Could it be that Lu Chen was trapped?

In fact, Lu Chen was in the cave at this time and came across an iron box. Although he was cautiously, he was still caught in the trap. He found a wave of majestic energy surging into Lu Chen's body. Being an ordinary cultivator would definitely explode and die instantly, but Lu Chen was not so inferior. After all, his physique was quite tyrannical, this was beyond doubt.

Lu Chen's face was uncertain. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Lu Chen could only respond positively.

Relying on his powerful absorption ability, he turned all that energy into his own use at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears. What Lu Chen knew was that only in this way could he easily face it. Otherwise, at this time, there would be any surprises. If he appeared, Lu Chen would definitely die.

Lu Chen took a deep breath. The energy is very powerful. Lu Chen takes a while to absorb it. This is not a good thing. If it is outside, Lu Chen is not in a hurry. He can absorb it in an orderly manner, and then transform the energy into himself. What he used, although Lu Chen was a little anxious, he also understood the truth that he couldn't eat hot tofu, so Lu Chen didn't take it too quickly, otherwise that would affect his foundation.

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