Time passed in a hurry. Thirteen days later, many elite elites were ready to pack their things and leave the killing space. It was only two hours before the killing space was closed. After these fourteen days of constant fighting, they all got it. Some achievements, there are treasures of personal satisfaction.

However, all the elites were surprised that Lu Chen, who was the number one in the previous rankings, hadn't moved much. Although he had close to 400,000 points, after more than ten days, there was not a single trace of points. They were very strange about the change. What happened to Lu Chen's delay, so that his points did not increase at all, it was too strange.

Even though they have a lot of imagination, they don’t have a clear idea. They sighed, and after ten days of fighting, Lu Chen fell to the eighth place. The first place has 1 million points and the second place has 800,000 points. Duo Wan, he actually fell from the first place. I am afraid that this kind of blow is not something ordinary people can bear. They guessed that maybe Lu Chen was trapped in some secret realm, so that he would not be able to get out for a while. There are many secrets hidden in the prison space. Lu Chen’s character is better. His points have increased crazily before, which has caused shocks. It is undeniable that Lu Chen’s outstanding point growth rate makes all People were frightened for it, but at this moment, Lu Chen was no longer a legend, just a fellow among the best, maybe this was his fate.

When many genius leaders felt that the dust had settled, in front of the cave, Wang Kang was also worried. He had gone through all kinds of hardships and came out of the cave, but Lu Chen hadn't fallen yet, so he wanted to enter other caves. At first glance, I was afraid of something unexpected.

I can only wait outside. Seeing that the killing space is about to die, Wang Kang feels uncomfortable. There is nothing dazzling about his points, but he has obtained many treasures, so he is satisfied, but if it is him The boss can't make it, he would rather not have these achievements, after all, it was Lu Chen's guidance at the time that he had a chance to get so many treasures, this was inevitable.

As the saying goes, the grace of dripping water should be repaid by Yongquan. Before Wang Kang started to repay the favor, something happened to Lu Chen, which was something he couldn't imagine.

"Boom boom." Deafening sounds burst out from a cave, shocking Wang Kang. His complexion changed again and again. What kind of situation was this, but the next moment, his complexion eased a little, because From here, he felt some familiar auras, yes, that was Lu Chen’s Xuanming aura, but at this time, Xuanming’s aura became so powerful that even he couldn’t help but be surprised. The eldest son, there is no difference between his body and head, but just retreat in the cave, or experience some kind of chance encounter.

Sure enough, after a while, he saw a familiar stalwart body, that was his Lao Dachen.

"Boss, are you okay." Wang Kang was slightly worried, his voice trembling a little, this was obvious.

Lu Chen was stunned, and couldn't help laughing. "You see me like this, do you seem to have it?" He turned around, raising his hands and feet with boundless strength, which made Wang Kang open. Vision, worthy of his boss, no matter what the situation, Lu Chen would not have any trouble.

"Let me just say, the boss has a natural state, nothing will happen, boss, what did you do in the cave, it took so long." Obviously, Wang Kang was curious. , What happened to Lu Chen, it might not be surprising to Lu Chen.

"Hey, I'm in retreat." Lu Chen smiled and said solemnly, Wang Kang's face was quite strange, retreat? This kind of thing is not strange if it is outside, but here is the killing space. Even if you want to retreat, you have to wait for a while. As long as you leave the killing space, most cultivators will choose to retreat. Cultivation, after all, they will get some chance encounters in the killing prison space, which causes their strength to advance by leaps and bounds, and they need to use retreat to overstep, thus breaking through the current cultivation level.

Lu Chen is the exception. He actually chose to retreat in the killing prison space. Isn't this a waste of time? The vast majority of cultivators race against time to gain points. Who would think of wasting time to retreat, unless it is a last resort. According to Wang Kang's understanding, Lu Chen seems to have no signs of breaking through. In fact, Lu Chen was forced to retreat. Yes, not his own wishes. Therefore, at this time, Lu Chen did not have enough time to earn points. Wang Kang has been paying attention to the points ranking for the past two days and found that earth-shaking changes have already taken place. Chen is no longer the highest score, which is more tragic.

For just over an hour, it seemed unlikely that Lu Chen wanted to revert to the first place. Wang Kang could only sigh. In fact, this kind of thing cannot be forced, no matter where it is, the most particular thing is. It was a chance encounter. They had enough. They encountered mysterious people from the dark forest before, and went to the canyon to kill the bat army, so that Lu Chen's points can be said to soar to the sky, and other elite leaders are far away. What an earth-shattering achievement this is, as Lu Chen's younger brother, Wang Kang is also extremely excited.

"Boss is mighty." Wang Kang gave a thumbs up, indeed admiring Lu Chen very much. Now it is Lu Chen's turn to be embarrassed.

He showed a bitter smile, and he was in retreat, forgetting the time. This is not a good thing for Lu Chen. He subconsciously asked, "How long will the killing space be closed?"

"One, more than an hour." Wang Kang hesitated for a while, and told Lu Chen originally, maybe Lu Chen would be discouraged, but the 400,000 points score is not bad.

"What?" Lu Chen raised his brows. Although he knew that there might not be much time left, he didn't expect that it was only one hour. This was really imminent.

It seemed that God had deliberately embarrassed Lu Chen. The latter curled his lips and vowed to say, "It's okay, more than one hour is enough. Now the main purpose is to find those elite leaders who rank in the top and have more points."

Wang Kang was stunned, and then suddenly realized that, it seems that his old Dalu Chen has not given up on the top three, but what Lu Chen said is reasonable, as long as he can meet a cultivator with more points, then Lu Chen There is still hope.

For more than an hour, there is still a chance to deal with elite leaders, but is it so easy to find?

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