"Participate in the Great King Xuanlong." The Qingtang hall master is a sleek man. He made a compilation and moved in midair. The strong aura disappeared a little bit. Although the Cangqiangmen is now famous because of the kid Lu Chen. , But I have to say that these old guys have the ability to destroy the sky door, and they are completely incomparable.

"Well, don't be so polite, anyhow you brought out such an excellent young man, no." King Xuan Long said slowly, his aggressive aura could not be concealed, and the Hall Master Qingtang nodded solemnly.

This is obviously a polite remark, but he didn't put a face on his nose. If he flaunts his might in front of King Xuanlong, he is definitely seeking his own death.

Then, King Xuanlong waited silently. He seemed unwilling to speak more. Lu Chen looked at his hideous face with a little rush. Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to come to three more people. They came together.

"Finally it's all here." King Xuan Long waved his hand and took the initiative to speak. The three of them looked ordinary, but their eyes were wise and profound, which made Lu Chen surprised, and most of them also had something to tell. Secret.

Although he didn't know it in detail, there was a person who showed a rough aura, which made the surrounding air become extremely anxious. Lu Chen couldn't help his eyes light up. If he hadn't guessed wrong, it should be the ghost of Nanping. It’s a dog. According to legend, the best alchemy furnace used by the strong man in ancient times to refine the pill was lost in Nanping, but was found by a hunting dog. After thousands of years of practice, the hunting dog gradually grew. Metamorphosis, taking that top-grade alchemy furnace as his own, naturally became the overlord of Nanping.

This is the Nether Flame Dog in front of him. Lu Chen still admires him quite a bit. This guy didn't have the talent potential at the beginning. He was just an ordinary hound. How many people have gone through and what hardships they have tried. Not many people can Imagine, besides, he is still quite low-key now.

It’s just that Lu Chen couldn’t control his aura freely, which made Lu Chen a little confused, but he didn’t ask either. With King Xuanlong’s urging, Yin and Yang could not be calm anymore, he nodded, and a piece appeared in his hand. The gossip picture, "After the opened account dies, I hope you can help me."

Although Yin and Yang Banxian has the ability to open the passage of this mysterious island by himself, he is unwilling to expend such majestic energy. It will not benefit him at all for his subsequent performance. This time they enter the island and they are looking for what they need. Benefits, when they reach their cultivation realm, their vision is no longer what ordinary cultivators can imagine.

Lu Chen could probably guess that he only hoped that what they were looking for should not be the same as himself, otherwise he would be in a dilemma.

"Okay." The three ordinary-looking people responded and sent some pure energy to the Eight Diagrams map. This is a weapon of yin and yang. Lu Chen can feel it. There is something on it. What an amazing amount of energy, even his Xuanming breath, it is not much comparable.

As the saying goes, Jiang is still hot. Lu Chen understood the true meaning of this sentence more deeply at this time. Lu Chen didn't make a move. He was just a junior. In the eyes of these people, he couldn't make it to the stage, but, Every time a mysterious island is opened, there is a rule that the elite leader in the killing space must go to it. As for why, no one can say clearly.

But many speculations have spread. Some people say that the number one in the killing space is the supreme elite leader and will be selected by the Dapeng Demon King. What a glorious thing it is to be his own disciple is unimaginable. , And Lu Chen's calmness at this time was inconsistent with his age. All these people glanced, this time the elite leader seemed to be higher than the last time.

"Open." Yin and Yang Banxian felt that the heat was almost over, and he gave a deep sigh. Lu Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He was surprised to find that there was an avenue connecting the sky with clouds, even charming, and Lu Chen was amazed for a while Repeatedly, if it was him, he definitely had no such ability.

This is to create a huge teleportation array, and it is completed in a short period of time. It does not require any other heavenly materials, but uses the most basic and pure energy of the cultivator. Therefore, this kind of work, Dharma is very rare.

Because of normal circumstances, the cultivator will not be too slow to fly on the road. Lu Chen knows this well. He has read a lot of ancient books and accumulated some common sense, which can lead to different mysterious islands. This mysterious island If you fly in an ordinary way, you will definitely not find a specific location. After all, the mysterious island can be seen in the distance, but the real close-up search is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Many cultivators have heard that there are countless training resources on the mysterious island. They searched in the sea everywhere, but they all ended in failure. Moreover, in the end, most of the elite geniuses were killed by powerful sea beasts. Swallowed, the consequences will be quite miserable.

With the protection of these few big-time figures, Lu Chen didn't need to be taboo. He followed the footsteps of Yin and Yang, and cast a look at his Master Qingtang Hall Master, indicating that he was relieved.

On the way, Lu Chen gradually grew up and experienced many hardships, but there was no one who could make Lu Chen fall. He also believed that this time was an opportunity and even more a challenge.

He couldn't shrink back the slightest, Lu Chen revealed a decisive aura, which caused him to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The Lord of the Qingtang Hall looked at Lu Chen's distant back and could only sigh softly. There was no way. He didn't want anything to happen to Lu Chen, but the world was fickle and could only pray silently for Lu Chen.

After entering Tongtian Avenue, Lu Chen's eyes flashed by astonishment. He discovered that through this Tongtian Avenue, he could actually see the creatures in the sea below, even those sea beasts that hide extremely well, reveal them without reservation. Up.

Lu Chen was a little bit dumbfounded, but secretly marveled that the profound and profound nature of Tongtian Avenue was similar to his power of the laws of heaven and earth. Although Lu Chen's eyes could see through the essence of many things, they weren't as powerful as that.

He also noticed that there are many things that are worth learning. Lu Chen carefully observed it, and a smile appeared at the corner of Yin Yang Half Immortal’s mouth. It was obvious that he knew Lu Chen’s mind, which combined with his gossip diagram and used it. How could the Tongtian Avenue be an ordinary thing.

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