Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2783: Aura of glory

"Boy, when you enter the mysterious island later, pay attention. Don't fall into a place where you can't recover because of your carelessness. That opportunity will be lost." Yin Yang Banxian said with great interest, for Lu Chen like this A talented genius, he also marveled again and again. Compared with his many disciples, Lu Chen is not different. It is conceivable that the yin and yang half immortal envy and jealousy. If Lu Chen is his disciple, that would be great. He brought Lu Chen. Chen came to the mysterious island, and the master and apprentice worked hard together, and maybe they could get some extra chance.

For thousands of years on this mysterious island, all kinds of treasures have flowed out, and each one is a rare boutique. Lu Chen smirked, a little embarrassed, what he had concealed was good enough, at least he was like that. I thought, but unexpectedly, Yin Yang Banxian still noticed Lu Chen's abnormality.

"Okay, thank you senior for your prompt." Lu Chen hugged his fist and was quite polite. He had a slight affection for this yin and yang half immortal. This old guy didn't know if he had a ghost in his heart. Chen is still good.

He thought he had a good ability to recognize people and things, and he didn't continue to chat with Lu Chen. The other people were not lukewarm to him.

Lu Chen was also happy to be free, he was a little bit emotional, he was very weak when he first came to the high-level cosmic realm. After his constant efforts, he has reached today's gambling, which is absolutely commendable.

Being able to go to the mysterious island with these tycoon-level figures is itself a kind of glory and aura, but Lu Chen has not been dazzled by the victory. This is only temporary. If he takes it lightly, I am afraid that he has not reached the mysterious island yet. It may be framed by others.

These people, the lives on their hands, are definitely innumerable by Lu Chen. After all, the thoughts that they have lived for so long are cruel and cruel. As the so-called human heart is separated from the belly, Lu Chen will not show himself without reservation. , That would only affect his comprehensive interests.

Lu Chen was a little depressed when he thought of the three daughters far away at the Cangqimen Gate and whether he was still looking for her own closed moon. Didn't closed moon have any affection for him? It was his wishful thinking, Lu Chen wouldn't think so, or what happened at this time is really inseparable.

Lu Chen was quite confident about his own charm. Although the heroes who saved the beauty at the beginning were old-fashioned, the brilliance that shone in the beautiful eyes of the closed moon was clearly visible to Lu Chen.

He didn’t know what the identity of this little Nizi was. He was a little curious. He had forgotten to ask the Palace Master of Qingtang before. Otherwise, there were no clues. Even if Lu Chen wanted to find her, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky. So vast.

After a while, Lu Chen followed Yinyang Banxian and others into the mysterious island. He couldn't help but be amazed. The aura of heaven and earth here was far stronger than he had imagined. It seemed that he had not come here in vain, if he could. Lu Chen could hardly imagine the benefits of practicing on the mysterious island for a year or a half.

His strength will undergo an earth-shaking change, which is almost inevitable, but Lu Chen currently does not have this opportunity. He firmly believes that he can get some unexpected treasures on the mysterious island. Lu Chen's eyes sparkle with breathtaking brilliance. .

"Haha, welcome you to the mysterious island." Just as Lu Chen was thinking about it, a male voice came from a thunderbolt, with unparalleled courage, Lu Chen was a little jealous. He felt that the breath was a bit familiar, but it was a far cry. , He provoked the incarnation of the Dapeng Demon King when he was in the wild before. They were connected with each other. Therefore, after Lu Chen arrived on the mysterious island, it was very likely that he would encounter his deity. Lu Chen stayed. One mind.

How did you know that this happened just after entering the mysterious island. Lu Chen took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. Maybe the Dapeng Demon King didn't know that he was here.

After all, Lu Chen did nothing but dripping water. Sure enough, a vicissitudes of life and handsome middle-aged man appeared in Lu Chen's sight from far to near, but his face remained unchanged.

"Oh, Dapeng, it's really not easy for you to come to meet us in person this time." Yin and Yang Banxian didn't have any changes in expression, or he was a master of art, and had been friends with the Dapeng Demon King for many years. Bit also followed the greeting.

"I haven't seen you for many years, Dapeng, your strength has improved by leaps and bounds, hey, it can't be compared." Great King Xuan Long sighed and said helplessly.

"Yeah, Dapeng occupies such a treasured geomantic place, it is really enviable." Even the Nether Flame Dog couldn't hide the exclamation.

That’s right, the Dapeng Demon King has some special means to stay on the mysterious island for a long time, taking the cultivation resources here as his own, plus the rich atmosphere of heaven and earth here, how can he Can improve strength.

If they stay on the mysterious island like the Dapeng Demon King for more than a month, they will be eroded by the catastrophe of heaven. Even if their strength is unusual, they have no ability to resist. They are not willing For this kind of benefit, he has given up all his hard work.

"Haha, where, aren't you the same?" Even though the Dapeng Demon King said so, the pride that appeared in his words was unconcealed.

"Hey. I'm afraid it won't be long before you have the opportunity to hit the final bottleneck. I don't know if you can tell us your experience and experience when you leave the mysterious island. It can be regarded as a kind of friendship, at least Don’t waste cultivation resources, don’t you think?” The Yin and Yang half immortal said in a hurry, and the few people next to him suddenly lit up. The Yin and Yang half immortal really thought of them everywhere. Yes, they also looked forward to it. The Demon King was able to contribute, the reason why he could stay in the secret of the mysterious island for a long time, so that they could also speed up their pace to go to that mysterious place.

This is especially important to them. Lu Chen listened to the audience and it was thrilling. Is it true that, as he thought, the high-level cosmic realm is not the limit of cultivators? He couldn't help but throbbed. Lu Chen was wondering before that the years of existence of higher-level dimensions cannot be counted, but where those old monsters who have been practicing for many years have gone.

At this time, he had his own conjecture, most of it was in an unknown place, now with their reminder, Lu Chen can be said to have realized it suddenly, he also faintly anticipated it, if after his own continuous efforts, it should be the same. Lu Chen's expression revealed extremely determined confidence.

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